
"The Billionaire's Bite".

In the heart of the city’s affluent district, a towering mansion looms, shrouded in mystery and rumors. Behind its wrought-iron gates dwells Ethan Drake, a billionaire mogul whose mysterious family history has captured the curiosity of the masses. Enter Lily Blackwood, a struggling journalist determined to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic billionaire. Her relentless pursuit of the truth leads her to unravel a web of secrets that will forever alter her perception of reality. As the pale moonlight casts its eerie glow, Lily bears witness to a shocking transformation: Ethan is a werewolf. Torn between fear and an inexplicable attraction, Lily finds herself drawn into Ethan’s world, a realm where wealth and power intertwine with primal instincts and ancient legends. As their worlds collide, an undeniable passion ignites, defying the constraints of societal norms and challenging the very fabric of their beliefs. Caught in a whirlwind of desire and danger, Lily and Ethan must navigate treacherous waters, facing not only the prejudices of the human world but also the impending threats of a rival pack vying for dominance. With each moon cycle, their bond deepens, In this tantalizing tale of forbidden love and supernatural secrets, Lily and Ethan must confront their darkest fears and embrace their truest selves, for only by embracing their destinies can they hope to find the ultimate acceptance and redemption they both so desperately crave.

Eszadidi · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The green from Carter

Lily's phone vibrated against the polished oak of her father's antique desk, the sharp trill shattering the silence that had descended upon her childhood bedroom. She had been poring over the stack of weathered tomes and documents she'd gathered from the library, desperately seeking any shred of tangible evidence to corroborate the wild rumors surrounding Drake Manor and its enigmatic master. 

A sliver of trepidation snaked through her as she reached for the device, her journalistic instincts already steeling herself for the possibility that this tantalizing lead might ultimately unravel into nothing more than fanciful folklore. She couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at the thought – this story represented her last, best hope at reclaiming the passion that had once burned so fiercely within her. 

Brushing aside her doubts, she accepted the call, her voice purposefully nonchalant. "Blackwood."

"Well, well, look who's trying to sound all professional," Carter Wilkins' gravelly timbre crackled through the speaker, the undercurrent of good-natured ribbing immediately putting Lily at ease. "You'd almost think you were an honest-to-God reporter again."

Despite the gentle jab, his words carried a warmth and familiarity that harked back to their days working together at Metropolitan Magazine. Carter had been more than just her editor; he had been a mentor, a confidant, and one of the few unwavering champions of her journalistic ambitions. Even after her dreams had unraveled amid a maelstrom of professional disappointments and personal heartbreak, he had never lost faith in her abilities. 

"You know me," she quipped, "always striving to maintain at least a veneer of credibility.

Carter's rumbling laughter filled the line, a genuine belly laugh that hinted at the mischievous spirit hidden beneath his gruff exterior. "That's my girl," he chuckled. "Never take anything too seriously."

There was a brief pause, and Lily could practically envision him puffing contemplatively on the stubby cigar that seemed perpetually clenched between his teeth. "Listen, kiddo, I've got some news for you—the good kind."

She felt her pulse quicken, her grip tightening around the phone as she willed him to continue. This was it—the make-or-break moment that could reignite the smoldering embers of her passion.

"I ran your pitch past the bigwigs here at Enigma Weekly," Carter went on, his tone taking on a conspiratorial air. "And you'll never believe it, but those stodgy old coots are actually intrigued.

A giddy thrill coursed through Lily's veins as the weight of his words sank in. Enigma Weekly, despite its reputation for delving into the bizarre and unexplained, was still a reputable national publication – the kind of platform that could catapult her back into journalistic relevance.


"They're giving us the green light to pursue this thing," Carter continued, his enthusiasm building. "Said a story about a billionaire werewolf tycoon is just the kind of deliciously salacious tale their readers can't get enough of."

Lily's heart thundered in her ears, her cheeks flushing with a heady mixture of exhilaration and trepidation. This was her chance – her opportunity to shed the shackles of mediocrity and reclaim her status as a force to be reckoned with in the cutthroat world of investigative reporting.

"But," Carter's voice took on a stern edge, snapping her back to attention, "They want to see some serious legwork on this one before they'll commit to anything concrete."

Of course, Lily inwardly chided herself. No self-respecting publication would hitch their wagon to such an outlandish premise without substantial evidence to back it up. This was her chance to prove her mettle, to showcase the tenacity and nose for the truth that had once made her such a rising star. 

"You know me, Carter," she replied, her voice hardening with renewed determination. "I'll turn over every rock, follow every lead until I uncover something concrete." "That's what I like to hear," Carter's approval was palpable. "Now, from what you've told me, it seems like most of the rumors and speculation surrounding this Drake character stem from his family's shady history, right?"

Lily nodded, despite her mentor's inability to see the gesture. "Right. There are all sorts of legends and folktales woven throughout their lineage – stuff about curses, unholy rituals, and ties to the occult. You name it, they've been accused of it."

"Well, then that's where you'll need to start digging," Carter declared matter-of-factly. "We need to establish a concrete link between this billionaire and the supernatural shenanigans his ancestors were supposedly mixed up in."

Her mind was already whirring, plotting out potential avenues of investigation. "I could try tracking down any living relatives, and see if they'll shed some light on the family's past," she mused aloud. "Or maybe there are some firsthand accounts from people who crossed paths with them over the years."

"Bingo!" Carter's enthusiasm was infectious. "You've always had a knack for sniffing out the juicy details, kiddo. Just make sure you've got all your ducks in a row before you start putting pen to paper. I don't want this to turn into another of your half-baked conspiracy theories."

Lily couldn't help but wince at the none-too-subtle jab. She knew all too well how her penchant for chasing wild yarns had contributed to her professional undoing. But this time was different—she could feel it in her bones. This story was the real deal, and she would pursue it with every ounce of her journalistic vigor.

"Don't worry, Carter," she assured him, her tone resolute. "By the time I'm done, we'll have ourselves an airtight exposé – one that'll have those hoity-toity editors at Enigma Weekly eating out of the palm of our hands."

His responding guffaw was one of unbridled confidence. "That's my girl! I knew there was still a fire burning in that scrappy little spirit of yours." His voice took on a softer timbre as he added, "I'm proud of you, kiddo. Now get out there and remind the world why they should never underestimate Lily Blackwood."

As the call ended, Lily found herself awash in a heady mixture of exhilaration and trepidation. The gauntlet had been thrown, the challenge laid bare – to unearth the truth behind the shadowy legacy of the Drake clan, no matter how deeply buried or unsettling it might be.

Her gaze swept over the cluttered expanse of her makeshift workspace, piled high with the scattered breadcrumbs of secrets and conspiracies. This motley collection of mysteries and rumors would be the key, she was certain of it. Somewhere, hidden among the faded pages and hushed whispers, lay the thread that would unravel everything.

With more fire burning in her chest than ever, Lily reached for her well-worn notebook, its pages brimming with scribbled theories and half-formed ideas. This time, she vowed, those pages would give way to facts – indisputable evidence that would blow the lid off one of the world's most carefully guarded histories.

The hunt was officially on, and Lily Blackwood would stop at nothing to uncover the truth that slithered through the shadows of Drake Manor.