
"System, I Don't Want to Have Babies!"

Evil MC John got hit by a truck & died, but when he opened his eyes he was reincarnated into another world—as a beautiful, white-haired woman. John, now living comfortably with wealthy mortal parents, soon discovers that this world is not an ordinary one. It's a world of cultivation, and there’s a way for John to become male again—by becoming a high-level cultivator & acquire treasure to change gender. With this goal in mind, John patiently waited for the spiritual root testing ceremony, which anyone can participate at the age of 12. On the day of the ceremony, with hope and determination in John's heart, John steps forward for the test. But as John prepares to take the test, a message appears in his mind. Your spiritual root has been devoured.... Dark | Unique System | R18 DAILY 1 chapter between 10;00 - 10;30 AM

Feebas · Eastern
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62 Chs

CH32; 2Months later.

2 months later,

Although the population is still small compared to the past, the destroyed city has now been fully restored, and Zhang Lian has finally taken her rightful place as the city's queen, with her magnificent palace standing in the center.

Zhang Lian demonstrated her status with her new royal palace.

Her room area was large, and the high ceilings were decorated with sculptures of powerful symbols and mythological animals.

The walls were painted in blue color. She covered the windows with heavy silk curtains, to block out the early morning light. The polished marble flooring felt cold and silky.

She has a large, soft white bed with soft white cushions. Even though Zhang Lian slept by herself, there was enough room in the bed for several people.

Zhang Lian woke up from her sleep as the rays of morning light came through the curtains. She wore nightwear worthy of a queen: a long, flowing silk gown of light blue color, that covered her body without being heavy.

The outfit was as simple as she wanted it to be, with long, loose sleeves that fluttered gently with her motions. She had long white hair that fell beautifully down her back, which was somewhat disheveled from sleep.

The loose strands flowed over her shoulders as she sat up. She raised one hand to brush the hair out of her eyes.

Zhang Lian approached the corner of her bed and a tiny bell resting on the table next to the bed. The bell's surface was carved with patterns and it was constructed of bronze. Zhang Lian reached up, took the bell in her hand, and began to shake it, making the bell ring.

The door of her room opened in a few moments, and two maids walked in. Bia, the first maid, had long black hair that flowed nicely and was tied back with a silk ribbon. Her eyes were a brown color. She held a bowl full of fresh water and wore a simple but lovely robe of yellow color. She had a lovely ass, nice boobs, and white skin.

Lan, the second maid, had a green-colored hair pulled back into a bun. Her eyes were green as well. She had a fluffy white towel over her arm and was dressed in a similar robe of yellow color. She was slightly of a dark color and had larger breasts and an ass.

Bai and Lan, the two maids, walked up to Zhang Lian and bowed respectfully. They said, "Good morning, Your Highness," in unison.

Zhang Lian nooded and approached the table where bai had set down the bowl of water. The water inside was clear and cool.

Zhnag Lian dipped her hands into the bowl, the coolness of the water refreshing her warm white skin. Slowly, she cupped her hands, lifting the water gently to her face. She closed her blue eyes and pressed her hands against her cheeks, feeling the cool liquid on her skin, washing away the remnants of sleep.

She repeated the process a few more times. The soft splashes of water were the only sounds in the room, the maids standing silently by, their gazes respectfully lowered as they waited.

Once she felt fully refreshed, Zhang Lian reached for the towel Lan offered. She brought it up to her face, patting her skin to dry.

When she was done, Zhang Lian lowered the towel and handed it back to Lan. The maids remained silent, their hands now folded in front of them, waiting patiently for their next task.

The cat on Zhang Lian's bed shifted and stretched as it straightened up. "Nya, when are we going to find you a man?" It posed a lighthearted question.

Zhang Lian said, "Today," in a low English voice so the maids wouldn't understand. "After the cultivators depart, I will declare my intention to choose concubines and a husband from the commoners. It will support the new policies too."

The maids were now accustomed to hearing Zhang Lian talk to herself in random word's, so they didn't respond; they were too preoccupied with their work.

Zhang Lian had taught the cat English specifically so they could talk privately without others understanding them. It was a clever way to keep their discussions secret, especially when she realized that people around her might overhear and understand their conversations if they used the common language.

This way, even as the maids or others were present, Zhang Lian and the cat could discuss matters freely without fear of being overheard. Whether it was planning strategies, discussing sensitive topics, or even something as personal as her future husband, they could communicate without worry.

Satisfied with her plans, Zhang Lian turned to the maids and said, "Thank you, you may go now." The maids bowed and quietly left the room, taking away the bowl and towel with them and leaving Zhang Lian alone with her thoughts and the cat.

To fill the population of the city, the cultivator brought in new residents from nearby cities, including wealthy nobles and their children.

The nobles believed their former status would earn them special treatment, but the cultivator and Zhang Lian were indifferent.

Zhang Lian announced that everyone had to pass a test to gain the noble status, a challenge most nobles failed.

Initially, the nobles relied on their money, but as their funds went down and their requests to leave were ignored by cultivator's, some tried to boss the cultivator around, only to be executed.

To travel back, they needed to cross a dangerous forest filled with demonic beasts. While the cultivator initially transported them for free in storage bags, when the nobles requested a return back, they were told it would cost spiritual stones—something they, being mortals, did not possess.

Eventually, even those who had followed the nobles left, robbing their remaining money and seeking their own fortunes.

As Zhang Lian had announced that anyone with talent had a chance to become noble, offering an opportunity for those who were willing to prove themselves.


Zhang Lian came out of bed and stretched her arms over her head, her white feet stepping on the cool floor. She moved silently toward the restroom, her nightgown trailing behind her. The bathroom was spacious and decorated, with smooth stone floors and lotus flower and mythological creature carvings on the walls. A pleasant sandalwood aroma spread in the large space.

She made her way to the basin and went about her morning business there. Zhang Lian used a willow tree twig to brush her teeth.

She went to the private restroom after washing her mouth with cool water. The bathroom was a spacious, well-ventilated room.

Zhang Lian took her time as she relieved herself and appreciated her new life as queen, so she took her time relaxing in the toilet. After using the water to clean her pink vagina & ass, she used soft cloth to dry out the water. Next, She cleaned her hands in a different basin that held warm water.

After leaving the restroom, she returned to the location of the bell and, after picking it up, rang it. A few moments after two maids came in. To keep things clean, one of the maids, Lan, hurried into the bathroom to clean up Zhang Lian 's thing's. Bai, the other maid, bowed respectfully as she approached Zhang Lian. Mei pointed to the spacious bathroom and told her, "Your Highness, your bath is ready."

With a nodding gesture, Zhang Lian followed behind Bai to the bathhouse, a place. The bathing chamber's walls were decorated with mythical characters and quiet and peaceful surroundings. A large pool of hot water filled the center of the room as rose petals drifted to the top.

Bai moved behind Zhang Lian, gently undoing her nightdress. With a soft whisper of fabric, the dress slipped off Zhang Lian's shoulders, showing her white naked body.

Standing completely nude, Zhang Lian stepped away from the fallen dress and approached the pool.

She tested the water's temperature by dipping her toes in before going all the way in. She moved deeper into the pool, the warm water surrounding her body and relieving her muscles.

The scent of the rose petals stick to her skin. Zhang Lian sighed happily as she closed her eyes and allowed the warmth to permeate into her bones. She whispered, "This is life."

Zhang Lian said, it's time to leave. She emerged from the pool showing her white boobs with pink cherries on top.

Bai arrived, with a big, soft towel and put over Zhnag Liang's shoulders. With long, careful movements, Bai rubbed her dry before taking the towel away.

The maids had already prepared her clothing for the day, laying out her undergarments and royal dress on a nearby stand.

Zhang Lian raised her arms, signaling to Bai and Lan to begin dressing her. The maids moved efficiently, first helping her into her undergarments—soft white undergarments were quickly put on Zhang Lian's body.

They slid the fabric up her legs, gently securing it around her waist and chest, ensuring that it fit perfectly.

Subsequently, they assisted her in putting on her dress, a beautiful, deep blue silk gown and tied it with a belt around her waist. Both were filled with silver embroidery that shines in the sunlight.

The maids took great care to remove any wrinkles. They put on her jewelry, which consisted of tiny silver pieces that went well with her gown, once the outfit was in place. Bai put a necklace around her neck, and Lan slid rings onto her fingers and put bracelets around her wrists.

Finally, the maids fix her hair. They brushed it out until it became plain, then made it up into an elegant style, securing it with silver hairpins.

After arranging everything, Zhang Lian gave one last look at her appearance as she reflected in a polished bronze mirror. She gave the maids a nod, satisfied with how she looked.

Zhang Lian came out of her bathhouse and wore her white shoes and then went out of her room.

Two guards stood just outside, alert waiting for her. The first was Gou Liang, a well-known figure who had supported her from the beginning of her rule.

Gou Liang wore a dark blue uniform with silver details and a sturdy leather belt. His sword hung at his side, with a black leather-wrapped handle.

Wei Jun, slightly taller and leaner, wore a similar dark blue uniform with silver details. He carried a spear and a few strands of his blue hair framed on his calm face.

As Zhang Lian approached, both guards straightened and bowed. "Your Highness," they greeted in unison, their voices respectful.

With a nod, Zhang Lian moved toward the council room, with the two guards following closely after. Every now and then a servant would bow deeply to the queen.

Walking for five minutes, they eventually reached the council chamber, a spacious place where the ministers were seated around waiting for the queen.

The room was large and Every minister was seated in a luxurious chair around a large circular table in the middle, waiting for Zhang Lian to arrive.

Zhang Lian approached her seat at the head of the table, a finely crafted chair and that signified her status. As she sat down, the ministers all rose and bowed in union, showing their respect for their queen.

"So, are the cultivators gone?" Zhang Lian asked, her voice calm as she surveyed the room.

An elderly guy with graying hair and one of the ministers, moved forward and bowed once again. "Yes, your highness. The cultivator's have left.

Zhang Lian gave a slight smile as she nodded. "All right. Then put the policies we have discussed before into effect." "And also, to promote these policies, make it known that tomorrow I will be selecting concubines & anyone can apply for it."

The ministers were surprised, exchanging glances. After observing their responses, Zhang Lian said, "filter down the candidates."

"Select only the gorgeous men, the ones with the almost feminine, delicate features and I will later make my own selection from them."

As the ministers processed the queen's word's, there was a brief pause in conversation.

The first to answer, the senior minister who had spoken before, bowed slightly. He answered calmly, "As you command, Your Highness,"

In Spite of the strange request. Without much delay, the other ministers bowed their heads in agreement.

Gou Liang and Wei Jun, standing beside Zhang Lian, exchanged a quick glance but remained silent.

"Nya, you finally did it!" The cat danced around Zhnag Lian.

Zhang Lian gave the cat a slight smile before returning her focus to the ministers. "Let us proceed with these arrangements. Much work still needs to be done.

The ministers then started talking about how to put the policies into practice and be ready for the selection process.