
"Super Stock Trader"

"Trader Chen Wei stumbled upon an extraordinary system, starting his legendary trading career."

sckyh · Urban
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149 Chs

Chapter 38 Self-retained House

After hearing Chen Wei's suggestion, Lian Yingying nodded continuously.

She sincerely exclaimed, "I didn't expect you to understand business management so well!"

"I studied some during college, and because of work requirements, I often read internal materials of listed companies. I understand a little, but I'm just talking on paper. I have no practical experience and just chatted with you casually."

Chen Wei chuckled.

Chen Wei read pre-market news every day, including some internal personnel changes of listed companies, and had seen many cases of companies collapsing due to poor management. Combined with his keen sense in these areas, he gradually understood many things.

Lian Yingying seemed to be hesitating about something as she looked at Chen Wei.

After a while, she said, "Chen Wei, how about coming to my company? I really need help now!"

Chen Wei was taken aback at first, then smiled, "You're not joking, are you?"

"I'm serious! Although we haven't known each other for long, I can tell that you're someone with breadth of mind and courage. You're also calm and rational. And from what you just said, it's clear you understand a lot about company management! I need someone like you!"

Lian Yingying said, her eyes filled with eagerness.

Chen Wei shook his head and said, "I know my limitations. I'm not suitable for this job. Besides, I'm a trader. I enjoy trading."

Seeing Chen Wei's firm attitude, Lian Yingying felt a bit disappointed and sighed.

Chen Wei smiled again and said, "Are you that disappointed? I'm not Zhuge Kongming. Am I really worth your eagerness? Besides, we're friends. Even if I don't work for you, I can still help you with any difficulties you encounter, although I might not be of much help."

"Okay, let's leave it at that. If I need anything in the future, you can't find me annoying, alright?"

Lian Yingying said.

"It's my honor if a beauty like you seeks me out. How could I find that annoying?"

Chen Wei teased.


Lian Yingying said coquettishly.

As they were chatting, a woman in her thirties hurried over, panting but with a smile, "President Lian, why didn't you tell me you were coming? I've been meeting clients outside all day and didn't know you were here. I made you wait for so long."

Upon hearing this, Chen Wei understood that she must be Yang, the general manager.

Chen Wei carefully assessed Yang, who had shoulder-length hair, a professional suit, and exuded a sense of shrewdness, as well as a hint of disdain and indifference deep in her eyes.

She was a capable and worldly-wise strong woman.

Chen Wei quickly made a rough judgment about this Yang.

Although Chen Wei noticed her when he came in earlier, she and the other sales staff didn't pay much attention to him, as he didn't come by car but likely by bus. Moreover, he was dressed plainly, so they didn't bother to greet him.

Unexpectedly, Chen Wei turned out to be Lian Yingying's friend, and apparently, not an ordinary one.

At this moment, all that was on Yang's mind was: appearances can be deceiving!

With Lian Yingying's instructions and Chen Wei's kindness earlier, Yang now treated Chen Wei with great enthusiasm, answering all his questions and requests.

After asking a few caring questions, Chen Wei went to see the self-retained houses Lian Yingying mentioned.

There were a total of ten self-retained houses, ranging from two to six floors, with an area of over 120 square meters. They were all fully decorated.

The quality of the decoration was top-notch, far superior to the model houses of City Garden.

These houses were originally intended to be given to the company's partners, but for some reason, they weren't taken and remained unsold until now.

Seeing Chen Wei's interest, Little Ru explained, "These houses are the best in the entire community! It seems your relationship with President Lian is extraordinary if she's willing to sell these houses to you."

Little Ru was surprised and admiring.

Upon Chen Wei's arrival, they had noticed he didn't come by car but likely by bus. They usually paid more attention to customers who came by car. Moreover, Chen Wei was dressed plainly, so they didn't bother to greet him.

Now, seeing that Chen Wei was Lian Yingying's friend, Little Ru was very enthusiastic and willing to help with anything.

After asking a few questions, Chen Wei set his eyes on a 138-square-meter house on the first floor with a private courtyard of nearly 40 square meters, which seemed quite nice.

When asking about the price, Little Ru said she wasn't sure about the specific price of these self-retained houses, but similar houses in Phase Two were around 20,000 per square meter. Considering the high-standard decoration, the price would be a few thousand higher, she estimated.