

FelixZDR · Horror
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Chapter 4-Conclusion

March 1939

A few years after David had reached the age of 20, he also met a woman named Diana. They haven't given up on the search yet, The killer is no longer active as there are no murders happening. One day, when David and Diana were watching the news, it was reported that another couple had gone missing. They were introduced as Robbie and Fiona Fargovar. David was confused, the couples didn't have the same initials, he thought that this was a different case from the one where his parents got involved, he forgets about this news for awhile.

June 1939

It was summer in the country, everyone was having a good time. David and Diana decided to travel to Barcelona, Spain for vacation. While they were outside the country, they learned that their country was involved in a war, and no citizen could go in and out of the country during this horrific event. The couple decided to move into an apartment in the city. Their apartment had an extra room, so they decided to make this into a library for the research they are doing about the murders of his parents and the other victims. They have concluded that every victim has the same initials, but when it comes to Robbie and Fiona Fargovar's they become confused. Until Diana pointed out their surname, The first and last letter of their surname has the same letters as the initials of Robbie and Fiona. They have agreed that the one who murdered the Fargovar's is the same person who killed his parents and the other victims.

July 1939

A month has passed and still, David and Diana have no leads, they're losing hopes to ever find out who and why this person did this. David and Diana tried to find more information about the victims, they learned that the Hergens lived in southern Norway in a small town called Jurvav, and the Beieve lives in eastern Germany in a town called Ernogh. They were gaining hope again, not until they tried to research information about the Jones. They couldn't find any information that links to the death of the couple. David and Diana decided to get some rest as they did a lot of work and were exhausted.

To be continued…