
"SOULBOND : A Heroine's Odyssey to a New World of Power and Redemption

soul exchange , death , fight , love , comedy , romance , family , emotions , friendship ,magic , fate , ghost .

Arinsia_123 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 5: Conversations by the Riverside

The room was bathed in the soft glow of the evening sun as Kriya sat at her desk, the weight of memories and emotions bearing down on her. Her diary lay open before her, its blank pages waiting to capture the essence of her thoughts. Her fingers danced over the keyboard of her laptop as she scrolled through her social media, but her mind was far away.

kriya was cuddling her pillow . loudly speaking to god that why me ! why suffer a lot in this life what is fault of mine !' did i do something wrong even i never hunt a single mosquito then why you treating me like this god ' ,why me ?

Then, the intrusive sound of her phone reminded her of the approaching day. Tomorrow marked the anniversary of her best friend Ram's passing. Her heart ached at the thought, and her mind was flooded with memories of him.

A year ago, she had lost her one and only friend, the person who had stood by her during her darkest days of depression. Ram had been her anchor, the reason she had found her way back to the light. But in a cruel twist of fate, he had been taken from her in an accident, leaving a void that could never be filled.

With a heavy heart, Kriya began to write a letter to her departed friend. The words flowed from her heart, each sentence a tribute to the beautiful friendship they had shared and the pain of his absence. She told him how much she missed him, how she longed to hear his laughter and see his warm smile.

As she finished the letter, tears stained the paper. She sealed it in an envelope and placed it beside a photograph of Ram that sat on her desk. Tomorrow, she would visit his favorite spot by the riverside and release the letter into the water, a final farewell to her dearest friend.

The next morning, Kriya awoke early and dressed in traditional attire. She knew that Ram had a deep appreciation for their culture, and wearing traditional clothes was her way of honoring his memory. Holding the letter close to her heart, she left her room and made her way to the familiar riverside area they had frequented when he was alive.

She descended the stone stairs, each step a reminder of the countless hours they had spent together, talking, laughing, and finding solace in each other's company. She reached the lowest stair, her feet dipping into the cool water as she smiled, recalling the shared moments of happiness with her friend.

Kriya watched the water flow gently by, her thoughts consumed by the beautiful memories she had shared with Ram. She imagined his presence beside her, his laughter mingling with the rustling leaves and the soothing sound of the river. She spoke to him as if he were there, sharing her hopes, her dreams, and her regrets.

"I wish I could hold your hand again, Ram," she whispered to the wind. "I wish that day of the accident had never happened. But I want you to know that you will always hold a special place in my heart."

As the morning sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, Kriya felt a sense of closure wash over her. It was as if Ram had heard her words, as if his soul had joined her by the riverside for one last conversation. She knew that he would always be a part of her, a guiding presence in her life, even though he was no longer physically there.

With a deep breath, she released the letter into the water, watching it float away with the current. It was a farewell to her dear friend, a final act of love and remembrance. As the letter disappeared from view, Kriya felt a sense of peace settle within her.

She knew that the pain of losing Ram would never fully fade, but she also understood that his memory would continue to inspire her, guiding her towards a life filled with love, resilience, and cherished memories.

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i want to do you known the next part of the story any idea !

btw thanku guys for reading my storie it was a powerful journey of kriya and i want to you to be part of my soulbond family .




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