
"Scarlet Pouch Alliance in the Tri-Realms"

"SPATR" unfolds against a mystical backdrop, blending elements from heaven, earth, and the human realm. An intricate red envelope takes center stage, symbolizing the heart of the story. Vibrant colors and celestial symbols convey the diversity of the Three Realms, while subtle images of gods, historical figures, and mythical creatures add depth to this captivating tale.

Da_Ai_Douban · Eastern
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18 Chs

Chapter 5 : "Fortune's Twist in the City Center"

Chen Xiaobei couldn't contain his excitement as he swiftly clicked to snatch the red envelope from Marshal Tianbao, earning himself a small treasure chest. Grinning, he leaped onto the bed, covered himself with a quilt, and eagerly opened the chest.

Inside, he found ten small gold ingots and some gold and jade jewelry. While not overly extravagant, the contents were a significant windfall for Chen Xiaobei, a rural boy unaccustomed to such wealth. Overwhelmed with joy, he couldn't help but exclaim, "I'm striking it rich! This is Little Master turning a poor peasant into a wealthy man! Wow!"

The next morning, he took a bus to the city center, still checking the Three Realms Red Envelopes along the way. However, the discussions were unrelated to red envelopes, and he found none to snatch.

Upon reaching the city center, he spotted Dafeng Jewelry, the largest jewelry store in Aoto City, situated in the most prosperous area. Eager to exchange his newfound wealth, Chen Xiaobei was halted by a security guard.

"Why can't I enter?" Chen Xiaobei asked, suspecting that his shabby appearance was the cause.

"You can't enter because the store is receiving a very important person, and no one is allowed in until she leaves," the security guard explained.

Undeterred, Chen Xiaobei decided to check another store but was unexpectedly confronted by Shi Mingwei and Yao Bingbing, who were visiting the jewelry store.

"Xiao Sansan! Why are you here? Get away from me! Don't bring bad luck into my shop!" Shi Mingwei disdainfully remarked.

Chen Xiaobei was surprised by the coincidence but stood his ground, refusing to be intimidated. Yao Bingbing, however, was quick to provoke, urging the security guard to kick him out.

Ignoring their taunts, Chen Xiaobei engaged in a verbal sparring match with Shi Mingwei, revealing embarrassing details about the two, leaving them speechless.

Just as the confrontation escalated, Shi Dafeng, the owner of Dafeng Jewelry, intervened with a stern warning to the troublemakers. Despite being Shi Mingwei's father, Shi Dafeng was disappointed in his son's behavior.

In the midst of the chaos, a VIP emerged from the store, surprised to see Chen Xiaobei.

"Why are you here?"