

Having only her younger brother to trust in her " Family" she moved to another COUNTRY they thought she could be easily bullied. they Never expected her to be so RUTHLESS .

ShortGyal_Steph · Urban
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23 Chs


Once we were finished eating I said can I have your hands please I checked his pulse and found that he had been poison and he have been poison for a long time I was about to ask but I decided to put my fortune -telling to work and saw that his wife was poisoning him because she wanted to sell the business, his wife wasn't penny mother in fact penny didn't use to live here with him but when he got sick his wife took there money from the bank and left she called penny and told her that Mr James was sick and she better get money to treat him

I asked if they wanted to know why he was sick they said they did I told him I also told him he couldn't have someone like that around him because she could do it again he asked me if I could do him another favor I said once I can help I will

He said if I could gave him a receipt for my treatment and make it for $50,000 I smile and said ok I even to him I will pay him after he had taken care of his wife I told them that I plan to renovate the place and I'll pay for a place for them to stay if they didn't have one

Penny said : thanks because she lived in TOBAGO and she didn't want to leave her dad I told them that I had a way to get rid of the poison but before that I wanted them to go to the hospital and do a check up after I'll cure him they agree I told them to look for a place because I wasn't from here I told penny to come with me tomorrow morning and I'll gave some money to rent an apartment.