
"Returning to the United States to Engage in Entertainment"

In 1998, it was the worst of times, with six major companies monopolizing Hollywood; it was the best of times, with the internet continuously challenging traditional models. Ronan aimed to climb to the pinnacle of this entertainment era, overlooking countless forests below.

sckyh · Urban
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137 Chs

Chapter 44: Film Screening Meeting

The Louis Theatre is located on 17th Street in Burbank, a two-story community theater. This afternoon, the theater is temporarily closed to accommodate the screening of "The Purge" organized by the lessee, Sandsea Entertainment.

Hundreds of recruited movie fans were the first to enter the theater.

Events like these, similar to screenings or previews, are very common in Los Angeles, and many movie fans are eager to participate in these free screening events, making recruiting test viewers relatively easy.

However, Ronan added a twist to this one.

"How's everything going?" He stood in the theater lobby and asked Robert, "Has everyone arrived?"

Robert nodded gently. "Don't worry, we've rehearsed at least thirty times, and we've prepared for many unexpected situations. It should be fine."

Ronan let out a sigh of relief, his slightly impatient mood gradually easing. "If things don't go well, we'll have to go to the film festival or find those small companies for distribution."

Robert knew about the agreement Ronan made with the Arabs. This movie was definitely going to be released in North America, not just on videotapes.

"Any progress on acquiring a distribution company?" Robert asked quietly.

Ronan roughly explained, "George provided some lists. Acquiring companies with broad distribution channels is difficult, and it's pointless to buy small companies with limited distribution channels."

Robert agreed, "Instead of acquiring small companies, we might as well recruit people to establish a distribution department ourselves."

After some thought, Ronan said, "Acquisition is still our first choice. If there are no suitable acquisition targets, then we'll consider building a distribution company."

It definitely wouldn't be establishing another distribution department within Sandsea Entertainment, but an independent distribution company separate from Sandsea Entertainment.

James Huang walked over at this point, and Ronan and Robert stopped discussing company matters, greeting James in turn.

"How many distribution companies are coming today?" Although James was most interested in the upcoming "Death Comes," he was also very concerned about whether the first movie would make it to theaters. "Do we have a rough estimate?"

As soon as he said this, he realized he had asked a somewhat silly question. If there were specific targets, there wouldn't be a screening event.

Ronan, however, replied, "We'll see how it goes. I estimate representatives from seven or eight companies will come, but it also depends on specific conditions."

Distribution is necessary, but on top of that, they also need to strive for favorable bargaining chips.

With over forty minutes until the screening begins, there were still no representatives from distribution companies arriving. Robert started to feel anxious, frequently looking towards the theater entrance.

Ronan was also feeling anxious. After all, this was his first movie in Hollywood, directly related to his future development.

If the film can be successfully released in North America and achieve a decent box office, the overseas distribution rights could be sold for a good price, which would surely please Abu Dhabi, making it easier to attract investments.

Getting investments is often the hardest the first time. With a successful precedent, there's a good foundation for future collaborations.

As for facing inexplicable accusations and investigations in the future due to collaborating with Arabs, there's really no need to worry too much. There are countless companies and individuals across America who have business dealings and financial transactions with Arabs.

Abu Dhabi belongs to the UAE, which is much less risky compared to countries like Saudi Arabia. With so many companies in the U.S. having business dealings with Arabs, as long as they don't cross a certain line, who would pay attention to a small company in a non-critical industry?

Moreover, Ronan wouldn't be foolish enough to tie himself too closely to the Arabs.

What he values most is always the money in the Arabs' pockets, and his gaze is also shifting towards India.

After waiting for a while, Ronan checked his watch. With just over thirty minutes left, still no one had arrived. He had meticulously planned the script, but what's the use if the target audience doesn't show up?

James Huang was also feeling anxious, frequently checking his watch.

For him, if this movie can make it to theaters, the distribution of his next movie would be much smoother.

"They're still not here," Robert frowned.

Ronan remained calm. "Stay composed." He raised an eyebrow slightly. "They're here."

A black Lexus stopped at the theater entrance, and a middle-aged man got out of the car and entered the theater. Ronan hurried forward to greet him, extending his right hand first. "Welcome, Mr. Chris."

The man called Chris shook his hand, smiling. "Traffic was a bit congested, luckily I'm not too late."

Ronan smiled. "It's our great honor that you could make it."

Everyone likes compliments, and there's no harm in saying a few more kind words. After exchanging a few words with Chris from Sony Distribution, Ronan had Robert escort him to the private box on the second floor.

Shortly after, Warner Bros.'s Brian Miller also arrived.

One after another, representatives or film experts from four or five distribution companies arrived at the theater.

Of course, these people in their respective companies are considered to have some authority but are not too high-ranking. Their main daily work is to search for and review films suitable for theatrical release.

In other words, coming here is also part of their daily work.

In the private box on the second floor, Chris was a little curious to see Brian Miller coming up and greeted him, asking, "Why are you here?"

"If you can come, so can I," Brian Miller chuckled.

Chris asked tentatively, "Is Warner Bros. interested in this indie production?"

"A three-million-dollar horror film, directed by someone who also directed 'The X-Files,' sounds interesting," Brian Miller said half-jokingly. "But mainly, it's because this young man, Ronan Anderson, is impressive. He's passionate and sincere, and I couldn't refuse his invitation."

Suddenly, he asked, "What about you, Chris?"

Chris recalled his conversations with Ronan a few times and said, "There aren't many young people like Mr. Anderson, very genuine." After a moment of thought, he added, "To be honest, I'm here not because of the film's budget or the director, but because Mr. Anderson impressed me."

At the theater entrance, due to the crowded parking, later cars could only park further away.

Gray Enric from Lionsgate got out of the car and walked towards the theater. He ran into an acquaintance halfway there, who greeted him, "Good afternoon, Gray."

"Afternoon, Delon." Gray Enric recognized this colleague from New Line Cinema, pointed towards the theater, and asked tentatively, "Is New Line Cinema interested in 'The Purge'?"

Delon shrugged. "I don't have any other jobs at the moment, just came to try my luck."

Gray Enric caught the implication, "You don't seem very optimistic about this film?"

Delon said as they walked, "Ronan Anderson's last film lost a lot of money, he clearly doesn't understand how theatrical movies work. It hasn't been long, and he's made another film. I think..."

He didn't continue, but shook his head. "It's just because I'm not busy, otherwise I wouldn't have come."

Gray Enric could tell that Delon seemed to think this way.

It's not hard to understand. New Line Cinema distributed Sandsea Entertainment's last film, and basically didn't make any money.

For distribution companies, not making money essentially means losing money.

The two entered the theater together, greeted Ronan one after another, and Gray Enric could see it very clearly; Delon seemed to look down on that young man, and his words and demeanor carried a hint of arrogance.

Ronan Anderson left a good impression on him, especially when they last talked about horror movies, the insights he shared didn't sound like those of an amateur.

Lionsgate was just getting started, and the company's main target was low-budget horror films.

With his intuition, films invested and produced by someone like Ronan Anderson should be relatively reliable, at the very least not absurd.

"If this fails again this time," Delon was talking to him, "the company that old Anderson worked so hard to develop will be ruined in his son's hands."

Gray Enric smiled but didn't respond to Delon's words.

The two then entered the private room on the second floor, where many colleagues were already seated.

Gray Enric greeted them, took his seat, and when he looked forward, he faintly heard a "pop" sound.

Delon heard it too and looked towards the source of the sound. It turned out that in the seats on the first floor directly facing the private box, someone had opened a can of cola, and perhaps due to the can bumping into something, the foam shot out quite high.

"I hate people who make all sorts of noises during movies," Delon muttered.

Gray Enric also saw it and agreed, "Me too."

First-floor seats.

Mario took the tissue Paul handed him and wiped off the cola foam from his body, then handed the open can of cola to Paul and opened another one for himself.

"Drink up!" Paul drank the cola in one gulp.

Mario didn't hesitate either and finished his in one go.

Then, they each picked up another can of cola.