
"Our story"

This story is all about a mafia falling in love with a cop..Sounds interesting right?? Both of them are from different worlds where Carla is a Cop who is always loyal to her duty whereas Rubel is the Mafia who is an expert in killing someone without anyone finding it out.... lets see how they will end up together or will they ever???

itsomega026 · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 6

Carla came back to her room and laid down on her bed... millions of thoughts were roaming inside her head...She didn't realise when the droplets started coming off her eyes...she was feeling like she lost everything in her life..Rubel came up with a knock on her door..

Carla: Who's this?

Rubel: It's me..

Carla: I don't wanna talk just go away

He opened the door while ignoring her words and sat next to her...he came closer to her and held her tiny hands in between his large ass massive hands..

Rubel: Listen to me..

Carla: Please don't I have been holding it for so long i don't wanna mess it up..

Rubel: Let it go princess you don't deserve this burden..i am here..

Carla clinched up hard on his hands while closing her teary eyes..

Rubel: You know i am always here..you have got my shoulder to lean your head here..you can always cry in my embrace i will be your one and only safest place

Carla was crying so hard

Carla: I trusted him so much Rubel you can't imagine how lucky i used to feel whenever he was with me..i still can't believe he did this to me.. maybe someone else did it??

Rubel: I understand..first cry as much as you want to but it should be your last cry..got it?? if i saw any other tear from your eyes i will fucking rip that person who did that to you..

Carla: you don't have to i can do it by myself..I don't need anyone...

Rubel: Yeah but keep it in ur mind that we are gonna get married next week and it will be a private marriage so only our families will be there..

Carla: Fine but this marriage is nothing but only a mode of revenge for me...

Rubel felt hurt because his motive wasn't to marry her just for the sake of the mafia world..he really wants her to be the queen lf her heart..but he wasn't one of them who force anyone..he was ready to admire her from afar even if she won't love him back.. because love doesn't includes expectations..

Rubel: I m also doing this marriage only for the sake of mafias don't worry i m not gonna do anything to you..

Carla: Ofcourse you don't wanna die tho..

Rubel: But here's a thing..If any other man tried to touch you then i m gonna slit his throat into pieces honey..

He said while looking deeply in her eyes..

Carla: Why tho ??what if i want them to touch me??

Rubel: Then you will die princess..

He said and left from there ..

Carla: woah woah what was that?????? First of all you fucking heart calm down man calm down...Why are you beating so fast he will not kill me don't be scared....

She said why breathing deeply..

Carla: Ahh what will i do till we get married... neither i can contact any friend nor i can go out of this mention...

She was thinking while something clicked her mind..

Carla: Why can't i gooo i can hehe i will sneak out tonight.. and he can't do anything because this bitch will be sleeping at that time...yeahhh..i m fuckin excited for tonight...

She fixed herself after eating dinner... wearing a light make-up she picked up a tight black dress from her closet which was showing her curves making her a perfect godess with long wavy hairs falling perfectly on her face..her hazel brown eyes can make anyone head over heals for her...she checked upon herself last time in the mirror and jumped from the balcony like the last time.. she took her heels in her hands..she went towards main gate while hidding..she saw 3 guards sitting there and beside that there was 9 feet walls which were like a mountain to her 5.5 feet body..she took the help of rocks and somehow managed to get out of that hell... while doing so she hurted her arm but who cares lol..she went to her bestfriend jenny's home..She knocked

Jenny: TF you r doing here ???? where was you huh??? its been a whole damn day..your phone is off ??

Carla: Will you atleast let me in?

Jenny: Oh yeah come come..

Carla explained whole theory...

Jenny: Fuck everything girl let's enjoy till he founds out..

Carla: Yeah please..

They talked about many things with each other while having wine to remove and forget all the worries until both were high..

Carla: whAt dOes hE tHinK oF hiMseLf thAt fucKinG bAstaRd~~(hiccups)

Jenny: Man you are so high you are sluvering on your own words..just sleep .

Suddenly someone knocked on the door..