
"Otstupniki" The Renegades

A Squad of Men and Women all gather from different backgrounds to face a common threat in a nuclear wasteland version of Russia

NotHorror · Action
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: "Ядреный Лидер, Yadrenyy Lider" Vigorous Leader

Recommended Song while Reading: Dark is the Night (Soviet WW2 song)

It was a dark and cold night in Russia, 2001, as a man and his squad sat in a trench, armed and prepared for the oncoming storm of enemy troops. The Leader of the troops smokes a cigarette, as then one man starts singing in Russian.

"Темная ночь, только пули свистят по степи

Только ветер гудит в проводах, тускло звезды мерцают

В темную ночь ты любимая знаю не спишь

И у детской кроватки тайком ты слезу утираешь."

It was a song from the old wars, Dark is the Night, and slowly everyone joined in with the singing, even the leader. But the choir was cut short as the horde of enemy troops rushed in over the horizon. The leader stays still completely as his troops flood in. The battle plan was simple, bloodlust. Kill the enemies in the most gruesome way possible. Impaling, shotgun to the head, spraying loads of bullets into them. It worked, as the enemies lacked good artillery and defenses. They had fallen in a flash, as the squad stood victoriously. Cheering roared on the field, as the army had thrown up their hats, until, something strange happened. A corpse started moving...and the leader of the squad, Yadrenyy Lider took notice of this and ordered his troops behind him "Comrades! Behind me! That corpse is moving, it's infected with *her* radiation!" He starts firing at the corpse putting on his gas mask, as his troops flee. It was just him and the strangely possessed corpse. With grace and peace, he puts away the gun, pulling out a simple combat knife. The corpse, now attacking like a zombie, rushed and Yadrenyy. Here, Dark of The Night (depending where and when you started listening and if you have it on repeat) could be starting, playing or ending, which does not matter, as the tone of the song is consistently calm, is it not? This is how Yadrenyy felt at this moment, calm, graceful, and precise as the corpse rushed at him. The corpse would run at him before then, he was dead. No sound, No cries, it just, stopped. Yadrenyy had stabbed it in it's throat, right in the vocal chords, so that no scream could be heard. The smoke flew out, and reached into the skies, looking for more victims. "Damn that Mistress, her radiation has grown far too powerful..." Yadrenyy says, as he leaves the field filled with corpses.