
"OICL: One Incident Changed Lives - A Beautiful Love Story" (BTS FF)

"OICL: One Incident Changed Lives - A Beautiful Love Story" revolves around the lives of seven male friends - Jin, Namjoon, Suga, Hobi, Jimin, Tae, Kookie, and one female friend named Shin Hye. They grew up together as family friends and have known each other since childhood as their parents are also good friends. As they all grow up and navigate through life, they experience love, heartbreak, and various other emotions that come with adulthood. They all share a special bond with each other, but after one incident, everything changes. The story explores the relationships between the characters as they deal with the aftermath of the incident. Some of them are deeply affected and struggle to cope, while others find solace in each other's company. Amidst all the chaos and drama, some of the characters develop romantic feelings for each other, leading to unexpected and complicated love stories. The story follows the characters as they navigate through their emotions and relationships while trying to maintain their friendship and come to terms with the incident that changed their lives forever.

JimmyChimmy_130613 · Others
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26 Chs

Surprises and Getaways

Mr Kim tapped a spoon against a glass, grabbing everyone's attention. "Good evening, everyone! I would like to thank all of you for being a part of this celebration. We as a family are happy and proud that both of our elder sons, Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi, have completed their graduation and will be pursuing their post-graduation along with helping their father in their business."

Mr Min added, "Also, our youngest ones, Jeon Jungkook and Park Shin Hye. They have completed their school and will be continuing with their graduation. You all can meet and congratulate them after we are done with our announcement. Once again, thank you everyone for your presence in our celebration. Gamsahamnida. Aera Jesussi is up to you now."

Mrs Park then took the opportunity to announce her surprise gifts for her children. "Gamsahamnida, Dong Hoon Oppa. Well, this is the time I would like to give some surprise gifts to my beautiful kids as they are moving ahead in their lives and studies. We, as their parents, don't want them to lose interest in their passions, so we have planned some things for them."

She continued, "My worldwide handsome son Jin, I know you are studying hard so that you can help your father with the business, but we want you to pursue your dream of becoming a model. So, after discussing with your dad and uncles, we have decided to make you the face of our companies."

Jin was surprised and asked, "I'm sorry, Aera Imo, what do you mean by face of our companies?"

Mrs Park announced that her son Jin will be hired as a model by Park Entertainments and will be modeling for their companies. Jin was grateful to his parents for understanding their children and ensuring that they don't lose out on their interests. Mr. Park then announced another surprise for Suga, where he has been offered a job by Mr. Bang Si-hyuk to join Big Hit Entertainment as a producer. Suga was grateful for the opportunity and thanked his family for their support.

Mrs Park continued to announce that Kookie and Shin will be joining Mr. Bang Si-Hyuk's company as trainees, with Kookie being a trainee to become a K-pop Idol and Shin to become an actress. Both of them expressed their gratitude for the gift, with Kookie saying that it was like his dream coming true. The family was thankful for the love and support they had received from one another.

Jimin was about to say something, but Mrs Park interrupted him, knowing exactly what he was going to say. She knew he would ask why they hadn't received any gifts. Mrs Park explained that they couldn't be biased towards their four kids and that they had planned something for all eight of them.

"What is it, Eomma?" asked Jimin.

"It's a vacation trip for all of you," Mr Park revealed. "Since your holidays have started, we want you all to go and enjoy your time with each other and have fun."

Mrs Kim complimented Mrs Park on her surprise planning skills, marveling at how she managed to plan everything with their husbands without them knowing.

"You are a genius, Aera," Mrs Kim said.

Mrs Jung chimed in, agreeing with Mrs Kim.

"I completely agree with Rhea Unni," she said. "You are a star, Aera."

Mrs Jeon added, "So true. You are a gem, Aera Unni."

Everyone started laughing and enjoying the party, grateful for the surprise gifts and the upcoming vacation trip.

Time had skipped to the next day, and the four families had arrived at their farmhouse, continuing their tradition of spending quality time together once a month. They were all sitting in the lawn, enjoying each other's company and the beautiful view.

Suddenly, Jimin's loud voice startled everyone. "Mom, look there!" he exclaimed, pointing towards the sky.

"What happened, Jimin? Why are you shouting like that?" asked Mrs. Park.

Everyone looked up to see a hot air balloon floating in the sky, getting closer and closer to them. "Wow, that's amazing! Who could it be?" exclaimed Mr. Jung.

"Maybe it's a surprise for us. Let's wait and see," suggested Mrs. Kim.

As the hot air balloon came closer, they could see a banner hanging from it that read, "Happy Graduation, Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi!"

"Oh my God, look at that! It's for Jin and Suga!" exclaimed Mrs. Jeon.

"Wow, that's so thoughtful of them. Who could have done this?" wondered Mr. Park.

Just then, they saw another hot air balloon approaching them with a banner that read, "Congratulations, Jeon Jungkook and Park Shin Hye!"

"Look, another one! This one is for Kookie and Shin," exclaimed Mrs. Jung.

Everyone was thrilled to see the hot air balloons and banners, but they couldn't figure out who had planned the surprise.

"This is incredible. Who could have done this for us?" asked Mr. Kim.

Just then, they heard a voice behind them. "Well, who else could it be? It's me, your surprise planner, Aera!" said Mrs. Park with a huge smile on her face.

The group turned around to see Mrs. Park standing there, beaming with pride.

"Did you like the surprise, my dear friends?" she asked.

Everyone started clapping and cheering for her, amazed by her planning skills and how she managed to keep it all a secret.

"Aera, you are amazing! How did you manage to plan all of this?" exclaimed Mrs. Jeon.

"Well, it's all about planning and keeping it a secret. I knew that you all would love this surprise, so I planned it with the help of some friends," explained Mrs. Park.

Jimin turned to his mom and spoke up, "Mom, we all want to know where you are sending us for our vacation?"

Mrs. Park responded, "Darling, you need to ask this to your Jeon uncle. This trip is a gift from him."

Shine looked at her father and asked, "Appa, where are you sending us for the trip?"

Mr. Jeon answered, "Baby, you all are going to Jeju island. We have our own resort there, so all of you can relax and come back by Monday night."

Mr. Park suddenly remembered something and said, "Hong Kii, I almost forgot. Sorry, children, it completely slipped my mind that Suga, Kookie, and Shine have their meeting with Mr. Bang Si-hyuk on Tuesday. So, sweethearts, return soon."

Shine complained, "But Appa, I don't understand why you are sending me with these 7 crackheads? I will be so bored, especially with these 2 mad men Jimin Oppa and Kookie."

Jimin and Kookie responded in unison, "Then don't come with us."

Tae added, "At least for a couple of days, we seven can have our own time and don't have to be your bodyguards."

Shine exclaimed, "Yaaa! Appa, see what Tae Oppa is saying."

Mr. Kim interjected, "Tae, why are you all teasing our cute little Shine?"

Tae responded, "Seriously Dad, I am telling you the truth. Whenever she is with us, we have to forget everything and take care of her as we are her personal bodyguards."

Mr. Kim joked, "Come on Tae, stop teasing her. Otherwise, I will seriously make you her personal bodyguard."

Tae quickly replied, "No way, Dad. Okay, I am sorry Shine. I am happy right now."

Mrs. Kim suggested, "Okay, everyone, let's go to our rooms and take some rest. We are all so tired with the party and early morning traveling."

Hobi added, "Rhea Aunty, you all go and take rest. We all will go out and spend time together."

Mrs. Kim responded, "But, dear, you all guys should take rest. At night, you all will be leaving for Jeju."

Suga reassured her, "Don't worry, Rhea Aunty. We will be out for some time and then will go and relax."

Everyone said their goodbyes to their children, and the kids went out to chill out.