


Yadil1_yadil · Teen
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32 Chs


They both finished breakfast. Father got up from his seat.

  "Eh! Where are you going?

  "I'm going to Riri, she hasn't had breakfast yet. She must be hungry," I replied worriedly.

  "You better go to work. Let me give this breakfast to Riri," Kartika said as she brought a packet of rice to Riri in the kitchen.

  The father was in a hurry at that time. He immediately went out to work.

  "Here's your breakfast," Kartika said, placing the rice packet on the floor right next to Riri sitting on a small chair.

  "Thank you, ma'am." Riri said, looking at the packaged rice for a while. Then her hand went back to the knife that was cutting tempeh.

  "Ma'am, I want to take a morning walk with Bening first. You can't leave for work until you've finished cutting all the tempeh. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, ma'am." Riri replied with resignation. She could only obey the man's wife. What else could Riri do but just do Kartika's orders. She could have rebelled, but she knew Kartika's nature. Later Kartika could get angry and shout. She was sorry if Bening had to hear a shocking voice and she also didn't want her father to be sad. He said he had to be patient with Kartika.

  Kartika went out of the house intending to take a morning walk with her son. Her child was carried because she also intended to shop at the market for the needs of trading tempeh chips.

  Riri looked at the wall clock. It was now 8 am. The restaurant has been opened by the security guard. There the employees were getting ready to do their respective tasks.

  With a feeling of worry because there are still many tempehs that have not been cut. While the clock continues to turn. He will definitely get sanctioned again for his tardiness at work.

  The girl with the rectangular hood cut faster than before. She hoped the work would be finished quickly.

  "Au!" she whimpered as the knife cut the tip of her index finger.

  "Oh my God, it really hurts." she said, holding her bloodied index finger. She quickly stood up and walked to the closet in the living room. She didn't know where to look for the hansaplas. She searched in vain. There was none in the drawer of the television table. There was no hansaplas near the small box next to the mirror. Finally, she found one in the drawer of her father's wardrobe.

  As quickly as possible, Riri ran to the faucet. She washed her injured finger with running water. Then immediately wiped it with the tip of her veil. She opened the hansaplas and gently wrapped the wound with her hand.

Riri snorted, cursing herself. How careless of her to get hit by a knife.

  She sat back down again and finished her tempeh. Her eyes occasionally looked at the clock while she was cutting the tempeh.

  After about fifteen minutes. He finally finished cutting the tempeh. As soon as possible he covered the tempeh he had cut with a large tray. Then he got ready to go to work.

  On the road his feet walked quickly. The sun was already up there. In fact, the day was very bright. The activity on the highway had already begun. On the side of the road lined up several food carts. Somay, ice doger and others were already in place. Riri even smiled at the fried rice seller who she owed last night.

  Riri was reminded of her packed rice breakfast. She forgot to eat the packaged rice. For the second time she cursed herself silently.

  "Oh my God, I'm so stupid! Why did I forget to eat breakfast!" Riri scratched her head which was not itchy.

  Now her eyes saw that there were still no vehicles parked in the restaurant parking lot. That meant no customers had come in yet. Her heart was a little relieved.

  Her feet were now heading towards the room belonging to Pak Mulyono, the leader of the employees here.

  "Excuse me, sir!"

  Knock knock knock.

  Riri knocked on the door after several employees gave her a disdainful look. Probably because of her tardiness and her shabby robe.

  "What are you doing!" said Mr. Mulyono when he saw Riri in front of his eyes. Mr. Mulyono was very annoyed with Riri who had an innocent face but the mistakes she had made today infuriated him.

  "I'm sorry, sir," Riri said with a pleading look on her face.

  "You're a new employee here! How could you be late!" said Pak Mulyono in his coquettish but firm voice.

  Riri actually wanted to laugh at Pak Mulyono who was scolding her, but she bit her lower lip to hold back her laughter.

  "That again, what are you wearing? Where's yesterday's uniform?" asked Pak Mulyono in surprise.

  "The clothes from yesterday already stink, sir. It's dirty. Besides, I only have one uniform," Riri explained casually.

  Mr. Mulyono nodded in understanding.

  "Yasudah, you're still a dishwasher here. The boss didn't stop by the restaurant today. Maybe tomorrow you can talk to the boss about what position is right for you. It's possible that you'll be a dishwasher while you're here. If you are not disciplined and obey the rules here." explained Pak Mulyono now that his emotions had subsided.

  "Yes, sir, thank you. I will try to be disciplined." she said and left the room. Mr. Mulyono just shook his head at Riri's back which was now gone behind the door.

  Riri entered the dishwashing room at the back. Several piles of dishes and their friends lay there.

  Riri grunted in resignation.

  "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Ya Allah, may my work this time be blessed." she said in her heart full of hope. She was also grateful that this time at least she didn't meet Mr. Boss. He was saved from his boss's anger.

  Someone entered her room. Riri then looked up and saw the face she had missed. Akbar with a shocked look just like Riri.

  "Akbar?" said Riri with a furrowed brow. But the man with small eyes turned to avoid Riri. He walked away from the hooded girl.

  "Where is Akbar going?" asked Riri who was confused by Akbar's behavior. Riri thought Akbar should smile or at least greet her. Why is Akbar avoiding him?

  "What are you doing here?" Akbar stopped in his tracks. He asked without turning around.

  "I work at this place," Riri replied quickly. She was very curious about Akbar's presence in this restaurant.

  Hearing the answer from Riri. Akbar could no longer escape from Riri or anyone else. All this time he tried to hide his work from people he knew. Now he can't do that anymore.

  In his heart Akbar was very ashamed of his work. He should have continued his studies. Not working as a dishwasher. But fate said otherwise.

  "Bar?" greeted Riri softly. Now Akbar turned his body around. He looked at Riri for a while and then turned his face in any direction.

  "You haven't answered my question. How come you're here?"

  "I work here."