
"My Mates"

A Luna Emmaline Fox. She's Strong and Stubborn. An Alpha Her Mate Mark Fox. He radiates Power & One of The Best Alpha In The World. He has the 2nd largest and the strongest pack. This story is based On Emm'and how she copes when she finds her destined mate.......AGAIN!!! But not the one she's always loved since she was 16. Christopher Black. Sexy, dark, cool and mysterious. He's the Alpha of Knight Moon Pack. The Strongest of All with the most biggest pack. What happens when he accidently finds a mate who didn't remember her own name just weeks ago! Try "My Mates". Give it a read. I'd appreciate your time. The credits for the illustration on my story's cover goes to its rightful artist i.e. "Sivan Karim". As @sivan.ka on instagram.

Mehzabeen_Shaikh · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

"Come on in." The girl said smiling.

Ok so what should I do or say. I awkwardly nod my head & start following her inside the store.

So its kinda little mall I guess. It has every little thing you need everyday. I mean clothes,  food materials etc.

"Ehmmm..." I called out to her.

She stopped in her track & turned her head. As realisation hit her she gasped looking at me up & down.

"I'm so so sorry." She came towards me shaking her hands in air.

I think she's embarrassed?

Ha. Ha. Ha I should be that.

But you know when you roam without any clothes for hours you get used to it. Sighing I massage my temples. I think this is gonna be longest night of my life.

"Can I.... I mean have something to cover me up? If you don't mind. As you see I don't have a penny with me right now. Sorry." I hang my head low.

You can pay her later. Duh!!

Thank you!! I got that.

"Well. I can pay you later?" I see through my lashes. She's shaking her hand cupping her mouth.

"Are you alright?". What happened to her. And the next thing I know.  She's laughing I mean she's having a fit of laughter. What's so funny??

"Oh I'm sorry." She's still chuckling lightly.

"Ok sorry it's not a appropriate situation to laugh actually but I've never seen you like this. I don't mean like without clothes but babbling and shy like this".

She gives me a little warming smile. I smiled back.

"You know me?" Thats quite a question about myself. I need to know.

"Yeah yeah I know you & I know you don't remember anything at the moment". She said like its normal for a person to forget her identity.

"Can you at....." she cut me off waving her hands.

"Help yourself finding something you'd like to wear."

"Later you can find me there. Ok?"

She says turning around and pointing towards a study room or something.

"Ok" I said.

And I started rummaging around a cloths section. I can wear anything.

But I'll try and find outfit affordable at the moment.

Then I see a dark fitted grey jean and a cotten tshirt that's loosely draped around myself.

I sighed with contentment. Clothes feel good.

Make it quick.

Ok ok time to find myself. Isn't it amazing.

I start walking towards the study.

I hope she really really knows me.


Knock, knock'

I knock twice on the door.

"Oh come in Please". I stumbled back, I was expecting her by the door.

"Ooops... sorry". She said smiling a little.

"Its okay. ... mmmm.. whats your name I keep calling you the girl."

Suddenly I was feeling nervous scratching the back of my neck I asked her.

"Oh. Its Ana. Anastasia Cooper". She smiled her warming smile and ushered me in and angled her head towards the comfy looking chair with soft cushions. It was like a love chair big enough for two with flowery pattern drawn on it and very soft.

"Mmmmmm... Its very soft" I voiced out my thought.

"I like that you liked it". Ana said and sat opposite to me.

I took around the surrounding. It looks like a mini library various shacks of book with dim lights it was cosy. Suddenly I was having the urge to cuddle on this chair.

Guess I'm tired very much. I huffed and looked up and saw that Ana was looking at me adoringly.

"Ummm. Well. I... you know..."

I dunno where to start. I no nothin about my self. Why am I here? Who I am? And that guy?

My mind is drifting back to his beautiful face but lifeless. Frown was forming on my face.

Emm' just ask her please.

So she's back nagging me I rolled my eyes at her.

I will ask her what's in my head talking to me first thing.

Start then already.

"Emmaline Fox". Ana said.

"Huh?" I questioned her I was not paying attention.

"Sorry I was just.."

Ana shook her head and waved of my lack of attention and continued with her talking.

"Thats your name and..."

My eyelids were shutting. I told ya I was tired and sitting comfortably after a long confusing night I need rest.

"Sleep. For now we'll discuss everything first thing tomorrow in the morning. Okay?"

I hummed my response and curled on the chair.

I felt something warm and soft covering me I welcomed it and drifted off to sleep.

I think things will have to wait till morning.

I heard thr creek of door and a faint 'good night, luna'.


There are hushed voices in the background. Maybe they want me to continue my nap. But the thing is one cannot sleep when the sun is shining onto their face.

Urrgggghhh... I make an irritating sound & someone is laughing softly.

Now I feel stupid. Slowly I'm trying to let go of my sleepiness. The sunlights hit me and I groan in frustration. But after a few seconds I'm able to open my eyes.

And there I see Ana with a lady not much old she looks like Ana must be the mother or something.

I've to thank Ana for letting me stay here. While you sleep on chairs your back hurts and all. I sit up and check if my back is paining but thankfully I'm totally fine. A smile crept its way on my face.

I look up to the ladies and they are smiling at me. And I guess they brought me breakfast.

Oh they are so sweet.

And she's back guys. I roll my eyes at her (My Mind Speaks).

I'm gonna get mad with my mind talking to me.

You're already mad. Huh.

I plan on giving her a perfect comeback. But my stomach grumbles as the delicious smell hits my nostrils.

And I hummm in awe of food.

Oh they smell so yummy.

"Emm or Emma?" I hear someone say.

And look at both of them like a dumb woman.

Ana chuckles and the lady smiles a lopsided smile.

"I asked what would you prefer Emm or Emma?" Ana asks me quirking her left brow up with a little smile.

Now I remember she told me that my name is Emmaline Fox. Yeah that's cool.

And sexy.

I feel like my inside voice just winked at me.

So.... Both are good Emm & Emma.

"Emma" I look up at Ana to inform her.

"Okayyyy Emma, go freshen up and start with your breakfast/ lunch. It's almost 2 in the noon. You must be hungry,  come on."

She's setting up a mini table for me?

I reluctantly walk up to the bathroom.

Wait. What? Where's it. And I turn back to ask Ana, at the same time she's turning back to me with her mouth hanging open. I laugh a little.  She's a funny girl. I know I'll love her.

She pulls her brows together. And playfully narrows her eyes at me.

But I see a smile cracking its way on her lips.

"It's on the left when you go through the door of the study. Now go shooo."

I laugh again and head out.

And there's a towel and a pair of clothes for me. I get inside the bathroom. It's nice with light pink tiles. I think Ana is a girly girl type everything in here is pink.

I strip out of my clothes and run a warm shower, there's again a body wash in pink but it smells nice I take it and start washing myself off.

As I'm rubbing my neck I feel some cut there. I turn to look into the mirror,  it's foggy because of the shower I swipe my hand on the mirror and scan my neck and there's a bite there, but it's fading it must be old.

I don't think much on that I've got scars that healed before and I'm gonna ask Ana why they healed so quick.

And everything.

I dry myself, wear my clothes and head towards the study.

As I enter they are chattering and smiling. I walk up to them and sit on the vacant chair.

"Oh you took your time. I made you pancakes with strawberry flavoured syrup and some bacon with orange juice." Ana informs me and slides a plate full of food.

And I grab some bacon and put it in my mouth. Devouring the taste I close my eyes and swallow the heavenly food.

They both are standing.

"We'll leave you to enjoy your lunch if you need anything, call out to me."

And they both walk out after I give them a nod.

I finished my lunch and oh lord it was that yummy.

I'm full. I go out to find Ana and she's sitting on a sofa watching tv.

Again I'm feeling sleepy I ate too much. I walk towards Ana and sit beside her and put my headrest on the sofa.

"You're back" Says Ana.

And again I'm drifting off to sleep.


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