
"My Husband's Regret"

Hi, my name is Iya Mones. My past life has been a nightmare to me. My family never loved me, My husband Justin Ford that I loved so much didn't care or love me too. In the end I died a tragic death in the arms of my sister; she killed my child and burned me to death. But I was lucky, God gave me a second chance. He brought me back from 2 years ago. Now that I was given another chance, this time I will make sure to let my sister and all the people who hurt me pay back everything they had done to me in my past life. I will also forget about my husband who never cared for me and live a new life with my own. But as I changed, his feelings for me changed too, he started to chase after me this time.

SassyGirl_1203 · Urban
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7 Chs

"I Was Given A Second Chance"

Angela Mones (Iya's younger sister) : "Do you know who killed your child?!…. It was Me!!" (laughing evilly).

Iya Mones: "What!!, How could you!, My child is innocent!, so why?!" I said while crying.

My heart is throbbing, it hurts. It feels like it will break in a second. I didn't think that my younger sister would do this to me.

Angela Mones: " you were in my way, I was the one who was supposed to marry Justin! But You!..... You clinged on to him!... So I have no choice!"

I was shocked to hear her words, I couldn't say anything, I just stayed silently crying in front of her.

The man I loved for my whole life, the man I cared for so much, He... He didn't even took a single glance on me for all of the years we were married. When I was pregnant he insisted that I abort my child. He didn't love or care for me! Just thinking about it makes me want to die: My sister killing my child, The man I love hates me, My family..... (crying) My family disowned me too. (crying). sob.... sob

Angela Mones: "You want to die huh? Fine I'll grant you your wish"

Seconds later two men started tying my whole body with a rope and tied me to a post. A minute later the men poured gas on me and from all around the warehouse. Angela suddenly lit her lighter and said "Say you last words, my dear sister" and throwed the lighter to the floor. The fire started to spread. My sister left with a smile on her face. I calmed down, smiled and waited for the fire to reach me.

Not so long after, the fire spread on me, it's like its eating me whole.

"it's hot here" I said "Save me, Justin, Dad, Mom" but I can see their faces laughing at me saying that I deserved it. Their faces... Ughh!! I hate it!, I hate it!

"If I will be given a second chance I'll make sure that you guys will pay for what you did to me" those were my last words. I happily closed my eyes and my last tear, dropped from my eyes.

But I woke up "huh, I'm not dead" when I got up my bed I look at the mirror and was happy that I was alive. But when I looked at the date, it was March 17, 2018. Its Justin and My wedding anniversary... 1year of our marriage. I got back from 2 years ago ha, ha, hahahahahha! I laughed hard thinking about it.

"God gave me a second chance" .

"This time I will make sure that all those people who hurt me pay me back tenfold". I said to myself.

I decided to change my fate and make those people who hurt me pay.

"knock! , knock!", when someone knocked at my door.

"Young Miss! Breakfast is now ready! Please, go downstairs and eat breakfast. Young Master is also waiting for you downstairs" said the maid.

"What!, Justin is here?!" as far as I know Justin rarely come here and he never eat any meal here. I wondered.

"Well Whatever" I washed my face and head downstairs. Went to the dining room and sat down at the chair facing Justin.

I looked at him, but I no longer feel any special feelings for him, all I can think about is how he treated me in my past life. Well this time I'm going to let him go and start a new life.

Thinking about it I opened my mouth to say what I want to say, but there's no voice coming out from my mouth. I tried and tried, I gathered all of my courage and asked: "Can I ask you a question?!"... I looked at him.

Justin stopped eating and looked at me. "Yes, What is it?" he asked me in a cold voice while glaring me with disgust, it's as if my voice can make his ears deaf.

I sighed, but it happened again. Every time I tried to say what I want to tell, there was no voice coming out from me. Justin is now irritated, I know his patience is short, that's why I'm already trying my best to tell him.

"What is it?!, Hurry Up!" he yelled at me and I was shock.

So I really tried my best and said: "what do you think about us getting divorce?!"

He twitched, "what?!" he asked.

"I said, what do you think about us getting divorced? " I yelled at him proudly.

"ha!, ha!, hahahaha! he laughed.

"look, I don't have time for your jokes, Ok!" he said and sat down to continue his meal.

"I'm not kidding" I said glaring at him.

He froze "what..... What do you mean?

"Well, I know you hate me, right?" I said while fidgeting my fingers."

"Yes!, and what about it"

"My dream is to travel the world with the person I love, and that's you."

"I thought my dream can com true if I marry you but I know you hate me and I know you were just forced in this marriage and you have someone else you love, so what I'm saying is that I think we should just get a divorce after that I'll be free and you'll be free too, isn't that right?!" I told him.

'Am I hearing it right?!, she wants.... a divorce!' He thought in his mind.

"what tricks are you playing at, do you really want my attention that much, Huh! well since you like to play I'll play along with you just this once" Justin thought in his mind.

Looking at him, he seem shocked. "Okay, I agree" he said while staring blankly.

"Alright then it's settled then, lets finalize it tomorrow" I said and got up from the chair and went upstairs.

I thought about it carefully, I was sure that I don't love him anymore but my heart..... (sob) My heart why does it hurt so much! I cried silently in the corner of my room.

Not long after that, I finally got back from my senses. I sat at the chair which was located near the window, just by sitting there you can see the scenery of the gorgeous garden in this villa. So while I read my favorite book I relaxed under the sun's ray, not long after that I fell asleep.

When I woke up it's already dark. I took a short and warm shower and walk downstairs to eat dinner. As I go down, I looked at the time in my phone, i's already past 8. and since all the people in this villa hate me, I'm sure that there's nothing for me to eat tonight.

As I expected, "Sorry Madam, We didn't prepare anything for you, if only you had gone down a little bit earlier you could've eaten the leftovers, but It's now in the trash" The head maid told me in a mocking state while snickering.

Just the thought of it makes me wanna slap her hard, but I chose not to since tomorrow I'll be free then, if I make trouble things may get complicated.

"It's Okay, maybe I can just cook for myself right, that's alright... right" I told the head maid with a deep tone.

She started to mutter: "Uhmm... ye...Yes! Yes!" You can just cook for yourself" She looks terrified.

So I went to the Kitchen and started cooking, I craved for something warm so I decided to cook My favorite mushroom soup. I gathered all the ingredients and the things I need to use. A bowl, spoon, pot, chopping board and others.

Vroom! A car just arrived, it's Justin he arrived early today.

"I can't stop thinking about it, what is she scheming, hmmm if I see you going after me when I go home, I really don't know what to do with you"

When Justin entered the door no one was waiting for him or going after him, he was shocked because every time he goes home Iyana (Iya's full name) always wait and go after him at the door no matter what time it is.

"Is she asleep, but it's just 8:30pm" he said Well whatever.

When he walks to upstairs he smelled something delicious coming from the kitchen. He looked for it and saw Iya cooking, he grinned.

"oh I was surprised because you didn't come for me at the door but it turned out that you went cooking for me" he said proudly, I was startled he's back

"oh Justin you're back" I said startled.

"no matter what you do I wont eat your homemade dish it's disgusting ya know" he said I showed a a happy and calm face but, inside my thoughts I laughed hard I can't believe, he's too full of himself.

"Oh, do you mean this soup, I'm sorry but I only cooked for myself since I was hungry and I never thought that you'll come home early so I didn't cook for you, and since you just said it's disgusting I wont cook for you anymore. I told him and, d*mn it took a strike on him, he's frowning. I laughed hard in my mind.

I ate my mushroom soup and went upstairs, at the stairs I reminded him of tomorrow. "Ok then, so tomorrow let's finalize our divorce"

Justin froze "well, yes" he said in a low voice.

I jumped in my bed, I feel relaxed so I slowly fell asleep.

"What, What is she scheming, and why do I feel like she has changed, ughh! whatever we'll see tomorrow."