
"My Destined One" • Tensura X Arifureta

Two Brothers who got summon in another world will they succeed in getting back home join them on their adventure on this new Fan-Fic. please note that I don't own any of the characters That's are included in this Fan fic all right are reserved for their respective author

VOIDKING · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Ch 37: The story of the reapers

Raphael showed the group a bit of the city and everyone seemed like curious tourists.

In the city, most people were kind to them, but some were wary. All the people had white hair and skin. A few had half pointed ears or black horns. They all wore black clothes and for some reason they all carried weapons. Some introduced themselves and all had biblical or angelic names. Rimuru and Hajime were very curious about this, but they didn't comment on it.

They were taken to a large house and all sat down at a large table.

"Is this an inn? If your town is secret, why do you have one?"

Hajime asked confused. The others seemed curious about this too. If the city was hidden it wouldn't welcome travelers. So an inn was strange. Raphael replied...

"No, this is not an inn or hotel. This is where the newly emerged stay until they get a home, or at least they used to..."


Sakura asked the meaning of the unfamiliar word. Raphael then said...

"Well, I'll explain everything. It's a rather long story, but I think we have time. First, do you want something to eat?


"No thanks."


No one wanted to eat, so Raphael would start telling the story.

"Since that's how I can start..."

"Tell about the town and the reapers first."

Yue encouraged him and he began

"Good. Then I'll start by telling you about us. Currently there are just over 500 reapers in this city. We reapers can't leave this city, if we leave we need to suck souls to survive and we stay here because we don't want to go around committing massacres."

He spoke to make it clear that the people of the town were not crazed killers as the stories told. Everyone in the group seemed to believe it. This was because they had talked to the citizens and none of them seemed like psychopaths. Then Yue asked.

"And why do you have several legends about you killing various people and sucking souls?"

"Oh, yes. Some centuries ago a group of rebels wanted to live in the outside world and killed several people trying, but they were stopped by those who call themselves 'gods'."

"Hm. So if you guys don't suggest Souls while out there...what happens?"

Rimuru asked to confirm his guess.

"If we do that, we will gain monstrous forms and over time we will weaken, until one time we will die and become soul orbs. These orbs can be used to revive us and are quite resilient. However... The resurrection ritual is not known to us, and the humans have also erased all records of this so that no one can revive us. The only way to destroy these orbs is with high temperatures, but the humans think they are indestructible."

The group was processing the various new information and at this point Rimuru asked...

"Why is it different in this city?"

"You mean, why don't we need to suck Souls when we are here? I guess it's okay to tell you. Did you see that light in the middle of the city? We call it the light of life, it produces the barrier that protects us, and that same barrier also releases an energy similar to Souls. So if we stay here it's no problem."

"Oooh. That barrier looks impressive."

Hajime said impressed. The mad scientist inside Hajime kept repeating "Let's analyze that barrier!" in his mind. Tio who was more serious than usual then asked...

"You said that was one of the reasons? The other could have something to do with the gods?"

"Exactly. They hate us and can't stand that there is anything in this world that is not under their command. They don't attack us because they don't know we are alive. They think that the rebels who were killed were the last of our race. At least until a few days ago..."

Raphael had a guilty look on his face when he said this. The group was casting questioning glances so he said "calm down, we'll get to that" and continued

"Even knowing where we are, they wouldn't overpower us so easily as we have the barrier that weakens anyone who isn't a reaper. Even the gods would be in danger if they faced us here. However, we also weaken outside, so we don't attack them."

"So the gods hunt you too..."

Tio had a pained look on her face. She could understand what it was like to hide from tyrannical gods. That's because her clan does it to this day and she is the only one who has come out of hiding in the last 500 years. The rest of the group understood how she felt and they were also with depressed expressions. Rimuru broke the silence and asked

"Raphael-san, why did you kill those demon lords? And who did that wound on you?"


Raphael looked down with a wistful look and then continued

"I think I'd better explain a few things first. The leadership of our city. Our city has 7 people who are far superior than the others in terms of power compared to the others the others call us the 7 mortals. The Seven make the important decisions and Lucifer that you met before is the leader of the city and leader of the 7 mortals. I am also one of them and so is Michael who attacked us..."

"What does that have to do with my brother's question?"

Hajime spoke impatiently and Raphael continued

"One of the seven members is one of my friends Sariel. Not only is she powerful in battle, but she is also the only healer in town and so she is someone very important. However she had one person in town who didn't get along with her, and didn't even approve of her as one of the Abadon Seven. Sariel and Abadon have quarreled a lot in the last few centuries and...



Sakura interrupted and Raphael was confused.    Sakura then asked

"That means you reapers have a high life expectancy, right?"

The rest of the group was surprised by Sakura's remark. It seems she was the only one who noticed the 'they fought for centuries' part. Raphael agreed and informed them that the reapers did not poison. He then continued the story

"Abadon wanted to be one of the Seven and was very jealous of Sariel. She hated Sariel and challenged her to a public fight. She also set conditions that she would leave the Seven if she lost..."

"And? Sariel won?"

Rimuru was already engaged in the story and was rushing Raphael to find out more details. The others were also quite interested and meanwhile Myu was eating cookies. The noise of the cookies being chewed spoiled the "story of a mysterious city" mood a bit, but no one said anything about it. Raphael then said.

"Yes. Sariel easily defeated her in front of everyone, and that only made them develop more hatred for her. So... she poisoned her."

"Eh? How did she get poison?"

Rimuru raised a question and everyone seemed to want to know the same thing. There was no why reapers produced poison and they couldn't go out in the outside world.

"Ah, yes. We can stay out of town for a while without sucking Souls for a while. We sometimes go out to get materials for the houses or other necessary things. Abadon had the ability to disguise herself and she probably used that to buy poison with humans on one of these runs."

"Hmmm. I have a question . Is it okay for you to tell us all this? Aren't reapers supposed to hate humans and not trust them or something?"

Kaori's question made sense. The reapers were attacked immediately by humans and had no room for dialogue. Yet they lived in isolation because they didn't like killing humans. Normally you wouldn't tell all this to a group of humans who hate you. Raphael gave a wry smile and said

"If you were a normal group of humans I would not tell you so much of our business. However as you said, your group is quite varied and not the type to judge someone by their race. None of us hate humans because we know that they are just being manipulated by the gods. However the main reason is that our leader Lucifer agreed."


Everyone understood that the reapers really weren't evil, and they also understood that their leader seemed to be well respected. That was the likely reason for people to talk down to them without reservation even though they were human. It was like "If Lucifer-sama approves, it's okay" Raphael continued

"Abadon tried to kill Sariel, but Sariel survived and even though she was in terrible condition she managed to tell Luci about the events. However she fainted soon after telling him. That poison was super powerful and probably the only person who could cure them was Sariel herself. Our healer..."

"Raphael-san, could I try to cure her?"

Kaori asked worriedly. Raphael gave a wry smile and said

"Yes. I would appreciate it very much if you would do that, but at the moment she is locked in a time cocoon that we had quite a hard time making one. How about we go there after I finish the story?"


Raphael seemed happy with his friend having a chance of survival and continued.

"After Abadon was discovered. We went to capture her and arrested her and her accomplice."


"Actually it wasn't really an accomplice. He was brainwashed and now he probably doesn't remember anything. His name was Miloel."

"Miloel!? Like 'Milo'?"

Rimuru spoke abruptly. The others in the group remembered the demon lord who attacked Hero's group. He also had white skin and hair and wore black clothes.

"Yes. Er...do you know him?"

Raphael looked confused and asked.

"We know him, but as you said he doesn't even remember this place. He's also... He's dead."

"I see..."

Rimuru knew that Milo did not remember the place of origin because he himself abalisized Milo's memories. He also realized that if he had not used black flames to deliver the final blow, Milo would have left his soul orb. Raphael got a complicated expression upon hearing of Milo's death. Rimuru and the others also got a spoiler of the story.

"So they ran away, right?"

Hajime spoke breaking the silence. Raphael agreed with his head and spoke...

"Abadon had been killed in her capture, but we had not yet burned her orb. On the day we were going to burn his orb.... That man appeared..."

"That... man?"

"Yes. A mysterious man, he had blue hair and blue eyes. We don't know how he got in or out, but he was quite powerful. One of the Seven, Gabriel tried to attack him, but did no damage.... The man took Milo and the orb of Abadon without even telling us his purpose."

"Wait. Abadon happened to be a woman who wore a black Katana?"

"Yes, that's right. Don't tell me you guys..."

Chloe asked and Raphael was shocked. Chloe then told the story of the Reaper's attack on the Haihiri Kingdom. Raphael was surprised that he had someone who could revive Abadon and then he was pleased to hear that she was killed.

"I see... it seems that the two of them have caused you several problems. I'm sorry about that."

"No, it's all right. Now, what does this have to do with those dead demon lords?"

Rimuru asked curiously. Hajime also seemed impatient about this and rushed Raphael. Raphael looked a little guilty upon hearing this, he continued

"After the escape, we decided that the only ones powerful enough to do this were the gods. However, we had no way to pursue them because we didn't want to go around collecting souls. The seven decreed that nothing would be done, but I couldn't let it go.

My friend was hurt and I was angry. So I wanted to go after the gods and demand the prisoners back, but I also didn't want to kill people to collect Souls, so I had an idea. The light of life that releases an energy that nourishes us instead of Souls so I decided... to take a piece.

"That doesn't sound very safe."

Shia commented and Raphael nodded in agreement.

"It was actually super dangerous for the barrier so I didn't tell anyone. I ingested a piece of the Light of Life and realized I could leave the city for a while. So I went to the only God we know the location of. He is nowadays called the Demon King. He..."

Oi, oi, oi. Wait a minute. You just revealed something important there. Don't keep talking like it's no big deal."

"Yes. Raphael-kun has to learn common sense. Not that I'm the best person to talk about it."

"Yes. Rimuru-san really doesn't have common sense."

Hajime, Rimuru and Chloe spoke in that sequence. Before you knew it the topic turned about Rimuru not having common sense. Rimuru realized that they were running away from the subject and asked

"How do you guys know he is one of the gods?"

"About that... He killed several of the rebels who attacked the Demon Kingdom back in the old days and one of the rebels who repented of his actions returned to the city and told us... but let's go back in history. I went to the Demon King to demand Abadon and Miloel back. The problem was that he didn't even know about the reapers' village or that we were alive.

When I realized that the Gods did not know about the existence of the village, I tried to kill the Demon King right there so that the information would not leak out. Only the Demon King was really strong and I lost. Even though I ingested a piece of the Light of Life I wasn't at My full power and couldn't win."

"Yet you are still here in front of us. Did you run away?"

Rimuru guessed and Raphael agreed half embarrassed.

Yes...I managed to temporarily pin him down, but as I was running away, he launched an attack at me that in his words was incurable and really the wound wouldn't stop bleeding. I managed to resist, but when I was escaping he sent some demon lords after me, I killed a few on the way and when I was near the city they caught up with me."

"Was it those seven demon lords?"

Tio asked to confirm and Raphael agreed.

"If I was in my normal state it would be easy to kill them, but I was injured, I had been out of town for a long time and the life light effects were wearing off. So I had to give it my all to kill those demons. I would probably die if it wasn't for you."

He finished story.

"I understand. I think we understand everything that happened currently. Just one thing, shouldn't the gods be looking for you reapers now that they know you are still alive?"

"Yes. That's why I feel guilty, but since we have the barrier, we are safe. If that demon king were to enter the barrier, I could easily defeat him. By the way, I also have a question for you."


Rimuru was worried about an attack from the gods since the demon king must have told the others about the survival of the reapers. Another fact was that the demon lords died very close to the city, so there is a chance that the city will be discovered. Raphael reassured Rimuru and asked

"How do you know the truth about the gods?"




Everyone was confused by the question. They had not told Raphael anything about their journey or the liberators. So how did he know they knew about the gods. The first to speak was Hajime.

"I see. You assumed that on the basis that we were not surprised by your story? You're a smart guy huh..."

When Hajime spoke, everyone understood. Raphael seemed reluctant to talk about the gods and whenever he spoke he would pause as if to say "Do you have something to talk about?" This was because if any human or demon heard this he would probably curse Raphael for speaking ill of the gods. It would be "How dare you defame Eht-sama!" so Raphael assumed that they somehow knew the truth about the gods.

Rimuru gave a brief explanation about the dungeons and the liberators. He also asked if Raphael knew anything about it. The reason he asked was because they didn't have the locations of 3 of the dungeons yet.

They did not know the locations of these because Miledy said that she could not reveal them and that finding them was part of the challenge.

However, Raphael didn't seem to know anything.    At this moment Kaori spoke up...

"Raphael-san, we have some things we want to know yet, but how about I heal your friend Sariel first?"

Kaori said in a concerned tone.

"I appreciate that very much. Let's go then, Miss Kaori."

Everyone had some questions still like, what were the 'arisings', but Rimuru decided to leave it for later. They left the inn.

They went to a tent that was on a grass field. This field was close to the town lake and was where they put the patients.

The reapers had no hospital or anything like that. This was because they all had high resistance to diseases and it was not easy for them to get hurt. They didn't poison and they also had Sariel who was a great healer, so there was no need for a hospital.

"Here she is."

They entered the tent and there was a woman lying on a bed. She looked to be just over 20 years old and was really beautiful, her ears were slightly pointed. She had long white hair, black clothes and white skin. A blue energy was surrounding her. This energy was probably the time stopping spell.

"Very well, I will remove the spell. Miss Kaori get ready."


Kaori prepared her staff and approached Sariel. Raphael spoke a few words and undid the spell.


Sariel woke up vomiting blood. Kaori asked everyone to leave and began the healing. While they were waiting outside the tent, Rimuru questioned Raphael about something.

"Raphael-san, why do you all wear black?"


Everyone cast curious glances at Raphael wanting to know the same thing as Rimuru. They didn't understand how the people in town all had the same taste in fashion. Raphael was confused by the question and Rimuru continued

"Do you guys have any rules or anything?"

"Ah. You mean about our clothes? That's because we all have the mana materialization skill, so it's easier to use it than to make clothes."

Raphael demonstrated by making a black glove. The others had expressions of "Ah. Now I get it" Rimuru took advantage of the fact that he still had time and asked about the weapons and armor and why everyone always carries swords.

"The weapons and armor are made by our blacksmith Metatron. He also makes our swords which are the only way to open the barrier.    That's why we never lose sight of them."

"Ohhh. That Megatron seems to be someone important."

"Yes. He really is..."

Everyone seemed satisfied with their answers and Rimuru spoke some more.

"Raphael-san, about their names. Who..."

"Guys, you can come in."

Rimuru was about to ask something, but was interrupted by Kaori who came out of the tent. Rimuru thought the question could wait and everyone entered the tent. Sariel was sitting on the bed taking something and gave a smile when she saw Raphael.

"I see I worried you."


He hugged her like a younger brother. Everyone was giving warm looks and Sariel


"That hurts!"

She slammed the side of her fist into his head and Raphael put his hands on his head while making a pained expression.

"You're pathetic now, you know that? You're being pathetic in front of my saviors. So regain your composure. You idiot."

She spoke calmly and stood up. She walked over to Kaori and bowed deeply.

"I thank you so much for healing me."

"No..No need to worry. Actually the credit is not all mine..."

"What do you mean by that, Kaori?"

Hajime asked and the others also cast questioning glances. Kaori's words were strange because no matter how you looked at it, she was the one who saved Sariel. Kaori then explained.

"Yet it was Rimuru-kun who strengthened my poison-removal spell, right?"

"Ahh. That..."

Actually it was Ciel who did that. He configured Kaori's poison healing spell to locate the poison and heal only at the designated location. Before Kaori had to use the spell on her whole body and that greatly diminished the potency. Kaori said that if it wasn't for the potentiation of the poison, she probably wouldn't be able to save Sariel.

"Then I thank my two saviors. Kaori-dono and Rimuru-dono. If there is anything I can do for you, let me know."

Both Kaori and Rimuru were a little uncomfortable at being treated so respectfully, but Sariel seemed really serious about calling them that. So they didn't say anything.

"Raphael, explain to me what happened while I was unconscious?"

Raphael agreed and recounted the events of so far. When he finished...

"You big idiot! You warned the gods about our existence!?"

She spoke angrily and Raphael cringed in fear. Seeing an elegant beauty so angry frightened several of those present.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Raphael knelt down and apologized pitifully. Sariel still looked grumpy, so Raphael looked at Rimuru and Kaori as if to say "Help me!" He must have thought that since Sariel respects them both, they could help.

Kaori and Rimuru asked Sariel to take it easy and she spoke....

"Hmp. Since it is Rimuru-dono and Kaori-dono who ask, I will forgive you. Now I will let the others know that I am fine."

She left the tent still a bit annoyed. After that Raphael took them back to the place they were going to spend the night.