
Ch 22: Miledy Raisen.

After the events in the bath Rimuru went back to his room and lay down. He woke up with Sakura beside him and sighed.

The reason if Rimuru didn't avoid Sakura's advances was because he liked her so much. He was engaged, but Chloe had told him once before that as long as she was number one it was okay for Rimuru to have a Harem. Rimuru was surprised at the time, but he saw that Chloe was serious. Chloe just said that she would have to approve the person first.

That's why Rimuru didn't do anything with Sakura despite her attacks. Moreover, now that he had a Human body he wanted his first time to be with Chloe.

So he told Sakura that last night he had gone too far and she apologized. She said that she would not do it again. But she didn't forget to add "until you want to.

They went down and had breakfast with Hajime, Yue and Shia (who for some reason had a bump on her head).

Rimuru and Sakura went to look at things to buy and take a look around town. Sakura called it a "date", but Rimuru denied it.

Hajime gave Yue and Shia money and told them to go have fun while he did his activities.

"What activities?"

Shia questioned.

"There's something I want to do, but it will take a few hours. I need to concentrate so you can go have fun in the meantime."

"That's fine. Can I buy some clothes?"


"Then let's go Yue-san!"

They went shopping excitedly.


A few hours later they came back. Rimuru had bought some clothes for Sakura. Sakura could change both hair and clothes with an ability, However it would always be pink. So Rimuru bought some different clothes for a change. He even bought a black adventurous outfit with blue and pink details that she loved.

Shia and Yue also went to a store that sold clothes for adventurers. There they found a man who dressed as a woman named Crystabel. He was very nice to them and Shia was able to buy an outfit that she liked. It was a very daring outfit as well as an old one. She was blue and had armor on her breasts and waist.

When they were leaving the clothing store some guys approached Yue and Shia and asked them to marry them. They immediately refused, so they tried a kidnapping. They were

easily defeated and Yue gave them a gentle and delicate punishment.

Hajime looked at Yue and Shia and asked...

"Did you have fun?"


"Hmhm. We bought the supplies too."

They agreed excitedly. Sakura and Rimuru seemed to have enjoyed the city as well. He gave a smile seeing them like that and turned to Shia.

"Shia, this is yours."

Hajime took out a cylindrical object made of metal and handed it to Shia.

"What is it? It's heavy..."

"Apply mana to activate it. It's your new sledgehammer, so it's heavy."

"Huh? Like that? Kgh!"


The object extended and turned into a sledgehammer the same height as Shia.

"I called it Doryucken. It's the best sledgehammer I can currently make. I will improve it in the future. I will explain some skills to you.

He started to explain some utilities. Besides what Hajime did there were also the skills that Rimuru(ciel) implemented. These skills were done using spirit power and one of them was to make the hammer catch fire, or a light that would create Shia among others.

...Learn to master it and use it well."

"Yes! I will use it to get stronger! Then I can continue to follow Hajime-san!"

She hugged Doryuken as she spoke. It was strange to see a girl hugging a sledgehammer with such a happy expression, but no one said anything.

Rimuru also made some modifications to Sakura's sword. It could now take different forms, it could also return to her as a Thor's Hammer, and other things. He also made another Katana at the request of Sakura who said that she fought better with two katana. Now she had two katana, a pink one with flower details and a light blue one like her eyes.

Now that the group had finished their preparations they would travel again.

Before leaving they stopped by the adventurers' guild and spoke to the receptionist again. The receptionist Katerine found the group interesting and gave them a letter that would help if there were problems with the guild. This made the group ask "how can a receptionist have such authority?" but she replied "A girl must have her secrets." So they gave up.

They headed for the Raisen Canion that was rumored to contain one of the Great Dungeons.


A pile of dead magical Beasts could be seen in the Raisen Canion. Explosions, cutting noises, crushing noises, and even screams could be heard from there. These noises were made by Rimuru, Hajime, Yue, Sakura and Shia.

They were slaughtering any magical Beast that got in their way. They were looking for a Great Dungeon, but still hadn't found anything in 3 days.

To speed up the search they were in vehicles. Rimuru and Sakura on a hoverboard and Hajime, Yue and Shia on a motorcycle.

It was getting dark so they decided to pitch their tents . Rimuru also had ingredients and spices bought in town in his infinite space. These things would be used to make dinner.

Their camp was highly technological . Hajime used various magical minerals to make it and it had things that kept enemies out and something that looked like a heater.

They had some cooking utensils that Shia (who cooked better) used.

They helped Shia cook and ate while they talked. After that they took their sleeping bags and went to their tents. Rimuru and Sakura slept in one tent and Hajime, Yue and Shia slept in another.

(Rimuru could bring a bed if he wanted, but he thought it would break the camp atmosphere and also didn't want to show too much of his abilities so that the group wouldn't be dependent on him)

Inside Hajime's tent.

Shia looked restless as if she wanted to do something very much. Hajime noticed this and asked.


"I wanted to pick flowers."

"We are in a Canion. There are no flowers here."


She stewed her cheeks angrily and pointed her finger at him, as if to say "bad." He was just messing with her because he knew she wanted to pee.

"It was bad. it was bad."

He apologized and she left. A few seconds later...

"Guys! People! Come here! Quick!"

Shia called out to them.

Everyone came out of the tents with the equipment because they thought it was some powerful magical beast. However they saw Shia calling them in front of a crack in the wall of the canyon.

"Come! Come!"

She called out to them and entered the crack. They followed her curiously and entered the crack.

Inside was a cave with ratty walls and ceiling. It looked quite artificial.

"I found it! Look!"

She pointed to a sign that was on the wall.

■Welcome to the Thrilling Raisen Dungeon. From Miledy Raisen.■

"What the fuck is that?"

"What is it?"

Everyone was confused. "I'm seeing something unbelievable now!" Their expressions said.

"I found the entrance!"

Shia spoke happily. However the group was skeptical.

"Rimuru-san, there's no way this is a Great Dungeon right?"

"Hmm I know it doesn't look like it, but it probably is..."

Rimuru spoke and put his hand on his chin in a thoughtful manner.


Sakura asked confused

"That name 'Miledy' is the first name of the Raisen liberator. Although the last name is known to the world, the first name is not. We only know it from having read Oscar Orcus' diary."

Hajime and Yue agreed with Rimuru's words.

"But... Why is it so bright?"

"Yes that takes the seriousness out of a Grand Dungeon."

What Hajime said was right. The sign was white and the letters were one of each color. They also flashed like a sign. This took away all the dignity of being a 'Great Dungeon'

"But what about the entrance? I don't see anything. Ah! It must be a secret passage!"

She began to scramble around the walls knocking on various stones.

"Oo, Shia, don't..."



Hajime was going to tell her not to move carelessly, but Shia touched a stone and the wall turned. It really was a secret passage like in a movie or game.

""No way.""

They declared in unison. They approached the wall and touched the same spot as Shia. The wall rotated. When they went to the other side it was totally dark and....


They heard the sound of something. Hajime with his night vision saw arrows coming towards them. Rimuru destroyed them using wind magic and the walls began to glow causing them to regain their sight.

Were you scared? So you are a child, nya nya... or are you hurt? Or did someone die? Bufufu}


No one could say anything, the only thing they could think of was "How annoying!" It was a little girl's voice that didn't match the dungeon one bit. The worst part was the forced laughter to annoy them.

This person reminded Rimuru of his friend Ramiris. Who also had the same way of speaking, a little girl's voice, and also had a dungeon.

Then Yue seemed to remember something spoke


They remembered Shia who should also have been attacked by arrows. They looked at the door and there was Shia. The arrows had hit her clothes and pinned her to the door. She was crying and had a puddle of...(Water?) At her feet.

"Don't look at me Hajime-san....-Solve-take out these -Solve- arrows, but without looking."

"You haven't finished 'picking flowers' then..."

Yes the puddle of water was Shia's. Apparently she dodged the arrows, but she was so scared she pissed herself. She wasn't crying from fear of the Dungeon either, it was from shame.

That was really a scene you wouldn't want to show anyone.

"Don't move."

Yur withdrew his arrows while the rest of the group looked away.

"Don't worry, you're still a novice."

"I'm embarrassed!"

Yue said that to calm her, however Sakura that was also a beginner didn't do anything so deplorable, that left Shia discouraged.

She put on another outfit that was in the Treasure Chest and spoke

"Okay, now let's go!"

She spoke as if nothing had happened and they continued their domination of the labyrinth.


This maze was annoying.

This maze different from Orcus and didn't seem to have any monsters. It just had a lot of deadly traps and was hard to find, however there was the problem that here was Canion Raisen and so they could only use their magic at 10% effectiveness.(Rimuru was unaffected by this)

Every time they were caught in a trap...

Are you scared? So afraid you want to cry? Gehehehe}

The little girl's voice could be heard. This maze could have taken a long time if they didn't have the trapac...Rimuru. He had 2 Skills that helped here. He had a mind map made by Ciel. Ciel also said that this maze would change over time.

He also used his ability to talk to spirits. This ability made the spirits that resided here show the right path, so they were moving forward at a great speed.


They were passing through a corridor when two spinning saws came out of the walls.


Everyone dodged with ease...except Shia.

"I thought we were going to die."

Shia spoke holding her ears while making a frightened expression.

"We have to be careful, these traps are totally physical so I can't anticipate."

Hajime spoke. In Orcus he would use his magic detection to detect traps. And now he also had his Magic Eye, however these were traps that didn't use magic.

"Hajime-kun. I know of a shortcut we can take."


"Sakura-chan destroy that wall over there please."


She pulled out her pink Katana and attacked the wall.

"Sparkling pink."

Sakura's Katana glowed and a huge shiny flower came out of it and went towards the wall.


The wall was destroyed and a corridor appeared behind it.


The wall was regenerating so they passed quickly. They walked for a while longer....

"Yue are you ok?"

"Haa...yeah I'm just ...haa no magic."

Hajime let Yue suck some of his blood to recover.

"Shia. In this labyrinth physical strength is the most important thing, so you will be our biggest battle force."


She was a little nervous about being entrusted with a big responsibility, but she accepted it.

After that they went through more traps and that voice always irritated them. They couldn't stand the voice anymore, always laughing as if it was happy to see them suffer. It was really annoying. They had already taken this little girl as a mortal enemy.

"I think we are near the end."

Rimuru spoke when they arrived in a distinguished room. This room had several statues of well-equipped knights. Rimuru and Hajime looked at each other as if to say "That can't be it. Right?"

"Hajime look at that door. It's the same as the one in the Orcus hideout."

Yue pointed to the door at the end of the room. What she said was right too, that door was the same as the one in the room they faced Hydra.

"Then as Rimuru-san said we must be near the end."

They were going to walk to the door, but

"Hajime-san could they be golens?"

Shia asked startled as she pointed to the statues.

"Yes, probably."

"I've never fought an enemy like that before."

She looked a little scared so they tried to reassure her.

"Shia, you don't have to worry. You are very strong, as are we all. Especially here where physical strength is what counts."

"I agree with Rimuru-san. Shia is a strong and bos companion. She's just a little pitiful sometimes."

"Nn... Shia is strong."

"Yes I will speak just once. You don't have to be so scared. With your strength there is little that can hurt you."

Shia was more encouraged by the encouragement if her colleagues. And she spoke up.

"Thanks, but not all of you think I'm pitiful sometimes, right? You guys don't think like Sakura-san right?"

Shia seemed to be curious about Sakura's comment.


No one answered the question. Hajime turned away and said.

"Well let's continue on our way."


"Nn, I think we better keep going before someone gets hurt."


"Yes. I think there are some things it's better not to know."

"Even Rimuru-san!?"

It seems that everyone thought Shia was a bit pitiful. Right now.


Hajime and Rimuru attacked the golens that began to move.

"Alright! I'll show everyone that I'm not pitiful! Deya!"

Shia grabbed Doryucken and smashed a golem.

"Yue! Save mana. We don't know if this is the last room."

Hajime warned and Yue agreed.


Sakura's wings spread and she flew high.

"Deadly beauty."

Pink petals began to glide across the room like rain, they fell slowly and did nothing, but then...


The petals began to glow and let out beams of light that hit the golens.

"Take that! And this one! This one too!"


Shia continued to smash with her hammer. Hajime and Rimuru were also continuing to kill golens, but...

"Well I guess if I use this I can join in."

Yue said this and took out a gun from her treasure chest. This gun fired water bullets at high speed and didn't require much mana.



Rimuru stood coast to coast with Hajime and spoke.

"They are regenerating and it doesn't look like this is going to end very soon. We have to do something."

The others also listened and seemed to have suspicions about this as well.

"All right, I have an idea. Rimuru use a strong attack together with me."


Hajime pulled out his rocket launcher called Orkan and Rimuru used some water type magic. Rimuru(Ciel) had already looked through almost every magic book there is, so he did some kind of magic and of course he didn't even have to do the chanting.


The door to the room broke with the attacks. And they all went towards it.

There they saw a gigantic room with black walls and ceiling. The floor was so far away you couldn't even see it. They also had some flying platforms, their sizes varied from large to small and right in the middle of them was a gigantic one.

"Let's go!"

Hajime shouted and Shia and Yue followed him.

They jumped onto one of the platforms and the golens didn't follow them. Rimuru and Sakura jumped on another platform and were not chased either. They relaxed a little about this.

"Look out!"

Shia suddenly caught Hajime and Yue and jumped onto another platform. Hajime and Yue didn't understand what happened.


A giant rock hit the platform they were just standing on. Hajime understood what happened. Shia had an ability called 'Death Vision' this ability showed a few seconds in the future if Shia was about to die. That meant that at least Shia was going to die to that big rock.

"Thank you."

Hajime thanked him and turned in the direction of where the stone was thrown.

(Rimuru could have destroyed the stone, but he saw that Shia would deflect it.)

When they looked in the direction where the stone came from.

Final boss.

It could only be described like this. He was so big that he could destroy a building with one punch. He had very large armor that seemed to be very defensive.


"That's really a Final boss."

Hajime Shia and Yue were in a cold sweat.

"Wooou He's really big!"

"Why are you so excited!!!?" They wanted to ask Rimuru.

Rimuru was thinking of not interfering too much this time, in the Orcus Dungeon he killed the Hydra instead of Hajime and Yue, but that somewhat diminished their feeling if accomplishment when they finished the dungeon. So this time he's just going to help.

"Yupiii! Nice to meet you, I am the one loved by everyone! The real Miledy Raisen!"


An excited voice came out of the scary Golem and no one said anything. This annoying voice broke the final boss mood, but not only that, the voice was the same voice that had tormented them on the way here. Upon hearing the voice the group could only think of crushing Miledy Raisen.

"Eh? It's rude not to answer when someone greets you did you know that?"

"Err... Miledy Raisen should be dead shouldn't she?"

Hajime asked what everyone thought. Miledy was one of the liberators lived in the Age of God. It wasn't even known how many years it had been since that time, but it should be a few thousand years. So there was no way she could be alive.

"I read that Oscar Orcus knew you and that you were a little girl."

"Ooooooh! You were in O-chan's dungeon!"

"Answer my question."

"All right. I am Miledy Raisen! My longevity is a result of the Magic of the Gods. If you guys want to find out more... you will have to defeat me!"

"Fine. Then Die!"

They began the fight.


Hajime fired with Donner, but it didn't do any damage to the armor.

"That attack was very good, but not good enough to defeat me! Wahaha! Look at my power!"

She summoned several smaller golens that were floating.

"Flying golens. You guys have seen that. Eh?"


It started raining petals that were destroying the golens with beams of light.

"Leave the little ones to me."

Sakura spoke as she spread her wings and pulled out her katanas.

"Take that!"

Shia smashed the giant Golem, but it didn't seem to do much. Hajime took off his eye patch and used his Magic Eye.

"The core is where the heart would be!"

He gave a warning.

"Eh!? You shouldn't be able to use magic here!"

Yue attacked with his machine gun and Rimuru sent a water magic.

"Hahaha that won't work!"

"That wasn't the real attack."

Hajime spoke while clutching his chest. He was holding the new and more powerful Schlagen.


He threw it and walked away.

"Oh, Very good, but you still can't penetrate that armor. Gehehe."

Miledy was intact with only a few scratches.

"Hajime that's..."

"Yes, it's Azantium. I have some in my weapons too."

At this moment


"Solar ray."

Shia attacked with Doryucken and Sakura used a long-range attack. A Sunflower the size of a truck tire formed in front of Sakura and began to glow, out of it came a Beam of light that attacked Miledy.

Miledy put her arm in front of her to defend. Her arm was pulverized by the two attacks

"Ohhhh, what power. Only I'm a golem and I can regenerate!"

She started to regenerate her arm, but

"Ice coffin."

Yue used a magic to freeze Miledy.

"How!? Is that high level magic!? It shouldn't be possible here!"

"I only needed to freeze the water that had been shot."

"Alright Yue... Miledy, you can't move we win."


"Why are you standing still? Huh!?"


A gigantic black metal cube was coming towards Hajime, but it was stopped by Shia and her sledgehammer.

"Let it make rain! Hehehe!"

Several of the same metal cubes began to fall from the ceiling and also come from the walls.

"There's no way they can stay alive" Miledy thought.

"Put them together here!"

Then a boy who Miledy thought was strange called out to everyone. This boy was able to locate himself very well in the maze and strangely had not attacked her yet. Miledy wondered how this boy planned to survive this.

"Make it null and void!"

Rimuru raised his hand and out of it came a black whirlpool that grew and easily pulled all the giant cubes.


Miledy could do nothing but be shocked. This scene was so shocking that she momentarily forgot she was in a battle.

"Well, really a cheat, but we're still in the fight. So Die!"

Hajime threw his Stack Bunker at Miledy's chest. This Bunker was made of Azantium and Hajime also energized it with lightning cloak to increase its power.

The Bunker pierced Miledy's chest, but did not reach the core.

"Tsk. Shia!"


Shia hit the Stack Bunker with Doryucken like a hammer and nail.

"Nooooo! Myledy Never dieeeeeeeeees!"

The core was hit and exploded.