
Bonus Story:

Before Rimuru,Hadjime and Yue decided to return to the surface,Rimuru could be seen laying down next to a river while looking up to the sky as he can't help but remember all the good times he had spent with Shizue and Chloe

He remembers how he kissed Chloe when she confessed her feelings to him. He remembers how he said he loved her so much, aswell as promising to marry her after saving Shizue. He remembers going back in time thinking how easy it was going to be to save Shizue

He remembers all the time he spent with Shizue. How they would go up to a certain hill in tempest. How the hill had a perfect view of tempest. He remembers everytime they would look over that hill they would see how much tempest has grown. From a village to a town to a city then to a nation

He remembers Shizue telling him how she doesn't want to leave his side and how he swore never to leave her side, how he swore never to let her down and how all these promises has been eating him alive

In his mind no matter how much he misses Chloe, finding Shizue was a lot more important. In some parts this has caused him to make selfish desicions

In the end, Rimuru going back to that same hill alone just didn't have the same feeling and effect. Accually he felt depressed. He would feel how alone he could really be, this is the moment he realised Shizue was the key to his heart

Each time, the guilt he feels would start eating away at his soul, whether it was to abandon his own people while freezing their whole existance or it was to leave a whole world to be destroyed. He would kept moving forward just to find Shizue

For him turning back was never going to be an option or atleast it's way too late to turn back now. To him he can't turn back. Not when he had witnessed Shizue's death over and over again, not when he started turning into a cold dark person. If it wasn't for both Ciel and Chloe Rimuru might have continued his path of ruthlessness not giving a crap about a single thing

The pain he had gone through would have turned a normal person insane. The same would have happend if he had truly lost everything

In Rimuru's thousand years of reaincarnation he had gone through a lot of things. Missery death pain guilt all of it. Ciel was the only one there to support him. In the end he started going back to his normal self. Thanks to Ciel he eventually returned to his normal bright warm self

Now his present self, he isn't like what he was before. Like when he wouldn't care what he had to do to find Shizue. Now he cares for the people around him, he would help people instead of ignoring it like what he would do before

He envys Hajime and Yue, he really misses Chloe but his guilt won't allow him to face her. But his desires to see her is rising aswell. Unbeknownst to Rimuru, his guilt and his desires are fighting

If his desires won Rimuru not even realising he would have unfrozen the whole tempest and Chloe. If his guilt won their existance would stay frozen

Unknown to himself that the Whole Flow of time in the Cardinal world had returned to normal and in his New Journey he will meet His Missed Beloved.

But which one? Well it's a story for another day!.


So guys I didn't categories this as a chapter since it's too short but yah I hope you enjoy.