

A Life full of lies lived by an ordinary girl, what will happen when she finds out that she's mated to an Alpha? Amanda, a tortured soul has the urge to find her cousin brother Daniel who disappeared out of the blue. She ran away from her evil family to find two things..one, which is her missing brother and two, the real reason behind her parents death. Meet Xander, The Alpha of the blood moon pack.. a regretful past that always haunts him and a dreadful present. All the packs around the world know him, not because of his status.. because he is known as mateless.. What happens when destiny decides to bring them together on one particular night?... [ COMPLETED ✅ ]

Sophie_Grayson · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 13

Let me know if you guys are liking this story so far, I am glad to announce that Raindrops and Never Thought It Was You in Wattpad are almost finishing 😢 but good news is that we have a lot of story's for the future so keep your seatbelts buckled and get ready for the ride of our journey!

Lastly don't forget to vote and thank you guys so much for giving this book an opportunity to read, but anyways we'll be starting to update very fastly and we'll also be having end term exams so wish us luck guys!! Anyways thanks! 💖💖💖

XOXO SophieAndTerra

Amanda's POV

I felt guilty leaving Xander but he betrayed me! And I couldn't stand someone who would promise something and end up forgetting their own promise .

I decided to find Daniel on my own. I had some money left from my savings that I didn't use since I was already living with Xander but now I'm alone...again.

The only person who I loved and trusted the most betrayed me. A tear rolled down my left eye and I wiped it off and looked at the window. I saw Xander panting and mumbling something. I looked away from him, all related thoughts about him vanished in my mind.

'I have to find Daniel' was only my only goal. I started forming a plan in my mind on where to start finding him. I debated on whether to start on his favourite place which was the lake that was found deep inside the forest.

Since my experience with wolves is limited, I have a feeling that place is a wolf territory and I have Xander - another alpha pack's scent on me they'll find out if I'm here and I doubt that they'll listen to my excuses since they can easily kill me.

So maybe I can start by finding a rental house with my saved money and live near the forest but enough to keep a distance to their Wolf Territory - if there is one.

As soon as the bus stopped I got out and looked at the bus keeper and gave him some money then looked in front of me. I looked at the left side then the right. On the right side, was where I escaped then fainted on this same bus stop and it was where I first met Xander.

Mentioning his name, I remember the few memories we made together back at the pack house. I felt my eyes water but I shook away the thought. ' There's no turning back' I thought to myself.

I took the direction of the left side and strolled down the Streets. Once I knew I walked far enough to see the Forest that was 5miles away from my old house I stood near the entrance of a café.

I entered the café planning on getting a job. "Hello. How may I help you?" said a voice, I turned around and met a man the same height as Xander, he was tanned and was blonde. He had grey eyes that formed a mist that was covered by his long eyelashes. He looked foreign. He wore a dark green apron and a white plain shirt underneath with blue jeans and white sneakers. He had piercings on his ears and a tattoo that was barely visible on his shoulders.

I realized I was staring at him for too long that my cheeks turned pink because of embarrassment. I heard a deep hoarse voice chuckle and look at me. "Um...I came to see if there any available jobs in this Cafè" I spoke, regaining my confidence.

"Why, yes" he spoke professionally then he called a name "Eve!". A short woman who looked about the same age of me came along, she reminded me of Catherine. She looked exactly the same as the man who called her but a female version.

Maybe they were twins? "Hello, the name's Eve" She spoke not too sweet but not too rude either.  Like she was used to it and bored at the same time. "Ama- " I froze suddenly, if Xander were to come here and ask for my  name he will easily find me. It is better to change my name. "Amy Schumer" I replied casually. They both sniffed the air then looked at each other then me.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. "umm...nothing" Eve replied, quite suspiciously. ' Are they wolves?' I thought. It would make sense since they sniffed the air that means that they found Xander's scent on me. "By any chance, did you meet someone and spent the night at their house or somet- OW" Eve looked at me seriously then yelled at the last part.

Her brother glared at her. "Yes, I do night stands, why do you ask?" I said, the lie passing so smoothly you wouldn't realize it was a lie in the first place.

They had a look of 'oh' in their face and then sighed. "No reason" the man spoke this time. "By the way, the name's Adam" the man replied. There was an akward silence for a few minutes then Eve spoke "Come on, I'll show you around" I nodded and followed her.

After getting to know the place better, I was told that I was going to work as the receiptionist which I didn't mind but when I asked them where the previous receptionist went they avoided the topic or said something about them quitting. I knew it was a lie especially when Eve is the one answering, her face is like an open book that you can understand by simply observing her facial expressions.

"And that's all" Eve sighed as she gestured towards a seat. I sat and she came with two cans of soda, lending one to me and sat down to the seat across me. "You'll be starting your work tomorrow" She said, sipping her soda.

I opened mine and drank a gulp. "Give me your number, I'll text you the details and requirements for the job" She put her hand towards me so I could give her my phone. "..My phone screen broke when I came down the bus, it slipped. You'll have to wait until I get a new one" It wasn't entirely a lie since I didn't have a phone. I didn't get any money when I was in my old house and I didn't have any use of a phone in the pack house. Looks like I'll need money to get a new phone.