In the vast expanse of the Marvel Universe, amidst the intricate tapestry of parallel realities, lies Earth-408. Travel back to the ancient year of 3232 BCE, to the illustrious land of Bharatvarsh. Here, nestled within the opulent royal palace of Vidarbha, unfolds the saga of King Bhismaka.
As dusk descends upon the kingdom, casting shadows across the majestic halls, King Bhismaka stands outside his royal chamber, his brow furrowed with deep concern. At his side stand his two children, Rukmi and Rukmini, alongside some trusted royal consultants.
Amidst the whispering winds, a voice breaks through the silence, offering counsel to the troubled king. "Don't take too much pressure, my king," advises the consultant, his words laden with reassurance. "With the blessings of Lord Shiva, mother and child, are going to be safe."
"How can I become calm, Vikram? It's almost four hours, the labor has started, and the doctor hasn't even come out of the chamber. We don't know what's going on inside," said Bhismaka. "Is Mother going to be alright?" Rukmini asks her brother, Rukmi.
"You don't have to worry about Mother, Rukmini. The doctor is inside; everything is okay," Rukmi reassured her.
Suddenly, everything becomes quiet, and the sweet sound of a flute starts to play. A sweet smell of flowers fills the air, causing confusion and question marks to appear on King Bhismaka's face. "Who is playing the flute in the royal palace, Vikram?" Bhismaka asks.
"I don't know, my king," Vikram responds.
Before King Bhismaka can ask anything, the cry of a baby emerges from the royal chamber, and a maid rushes out, exclaiming, "Congratulations, my king! It's a boy! We have second prince now!"
Hearing this, King Bhismaka becomes very happy, and all his concerns vanish. He quickly makes his way inside the chamber, where he sees his wife speaking to the doctor. As soon as she sees him coming, she says, "It's a boy, my love, and he is very beautiful."
King Bhismaka approaches his wife and says, "Indeed, my love. Can I hold him?" She nods, and as Bhismaka holds the child, the child opens his eyes and looks at his father. Seeing those eyes, King Bhismaka says, "His eyes are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. There is knowledge and wisdom in his eyes, the eyes that look down on everything. From today onward, your name is Avalok, which means 'the one who looks down'."
**Avalok's POV**
I can't open my eyes. I just heard someone talking. "Why isn't he crying?" A female voice said, "Give him to me," followed by a man's voice and a slap on my bum. How dare they slap my bum? I tried to speak, but all that came out was crying. What's going on? Why can't I say anything? Did that God reincarnate me as a baby? But it's not his fault; I didn't tell him I didn't want to be a baby.
I heard someone saying, "It's a boy, and he's beautiful." I think she is my mother, but Mother, I am handsome, not beautiful. "Can I hold him" the man asks? I think he is my father, then he takes me in his hands. Now I thought about it, Where am I? I can tell I am in Ancient India because he is talking something in Sanskrit. Now if you ask me how can I understand him, that's because of my skill, Universal Translator. He kept talking about how my eyes looked, and whatever he said, I just focused on the last part: my name, Avalok. Yes, that's the name I chose for myself.
Just as I was thinking about this, I heard a sweet voice, a little girl's voice. She asked, "Can I hold him too, Dad?" No, Rukmini, he's too small for you to hold. Then he looks at the boy and said, "Rukmi, do you want to hold your little brother?" Wait, did he just say Rukmini and Rukmi? If I remember correctly, Rukmini is the name of Krishna's first wife. Don't tell me this idiot God reincarnated me in the Mahabharata time! Go to hell, you idiot God!
Before I could finish my thoughts, I started to fall asleep. Damn this child's body! After saying that, I fell asleep.
After some time, I woke up. Where am I? Oh, I remember, that idiot God reincarnated me in the Mahabharata era. I just want to live a normal life, why am I involved in this? I once read on Google that the Mahabharata happened in 3139 BCE, and Krishna was born in 3228 BCE (Arthur note:I don't know when the Mahabharata happened; and who is the sorcerer Supreme that time.I just Googled it, and Google gave me all these timelines, so just ignore this). When I look at Rukmini, she looks about five years old. So, she is five years older than me. Considering the current year is 3232 BCE, it means it is the Bronze Age now. So, how should I start?
Just as I'm contemplating all this, a thought hits me. Wait a minute, I almost forgot about the TVA. They are going to come after me. What am I going to do? I am abnormally in this timeline, and the Sorcerer Supreme, he or she is also going to come after me. I thought, now I am feeling super scared, started to wait for them in my little bed. Time flows, and four hours pass. I understand why my parents didn't come; it's nighttime. But where is the TVA and the Sorcerer Supreme? Did they, by any chance, forget about me? No, that's impossible.
Just as I was thinking that, a letter appeared in front of me.
Dear Avalok,
Sorry to send you randomly into this universe. You didn't specify where and what time you wanted to go, so I just sent you randomly. You don't have to worry about the TVA and Sorcerer Supreme. Even if they or any other cosmic beings know about you, they won't think that you are abnormally because I helped you a little, and also, your ability, Reality Anchoring, so you don't have to worry. Speaking of abilities, you can't get all your powers right now. They are within you, but you have to work to unlock them. Your weapons are bound to your soul, so you can summon them anytime you want, but you can't use them to their full power. You have to work on them and master them. Anyway, goodbye.
Your favorite,
I read the letter and breathe a sigh of relief. But he locked my powers anyway. I am going to think about it tomorrow. Now I am safe, so I am going to sleep. And just like that, I fall asleep.
(Words count 1132)