
"Lost in a daydream"

A book of poems, taken directly out of everyday life, in which every reader can find a small part of themselves.

Cloud_kid · Teen
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28 Chs

"Angel Café"

I own a little café

For angels that need a day off.

They always walk in with tired faces,

or tears in their eyes.

"what can I get for you my friend?"

"nothing expensive,

just two ears to hear"

"that I can give,

what runs through your head?

What worries you today?"

"my human seems to be unhappy, they seem to feel withdrawn"

"we all feel melancholic time to time, this is the human fallibility.

The question is wherefore?

What reason do they have to cry? What reason to despond?

Is it love they crave?

Or is it simply bliss?"

"I wish I knew the ground.

This way I could help.

But there are numerous of things, missing from their being.

It is tenderness and warmth, it is felicity as well as pleasure.

It is their dreams to fulfill,

to sense freedom."

"is that all they ask for?

Only that they desire?"

"Aye that's all they need.

They don't ask for glory.

They urge no wealth.

They ought to feel worthy of love.

Yet they are full of insecurities."

"How does it seem to you,

seeing them in that kind?

Doesn't it hurt?

Doesn't it wound you?"

"It harms me deeply, it feels so untrue. To spot this lovely creature,

weeping at their own reflection. Feeling worthless and unloved. Nonetheless their soul is pure and bright as the sun.

Their heart is golden,

more beautiful I've never eyed.

An angel on earth,

I seem secondary next to them."

"They sure sound fair.

You should know well.

But how can such beauty not be esteemed?"

"the world is blind my friend,

the world seeks veneer.

They call not for pure artistry, emerging from within.

Thence psyches as beautiful as the moon are left alone,

as if their light is too luminous for those around them."

"thus it is not your valued one's fault. They're but too archetypal for this creation.

This world can not bare their grace."

"natheless what should I undertake?"

"send them signs, teach them this. They are righteous of affection, righteous of adoration.

But foremost they must love themself.

They need to notice all their allure. Furthermore love their flaws.

As a piece of oeuvre,

has its imperfections."

"I'll try to remind them.

I'll try to impart.

Thank you for listening,

thank you for lending me your help."

"it was my pleasure my dear sir.

This is how I conduct.

For I have a café for angels,

who never take a rest,

while mortal souls do never sleep

and always ask for more."