

Sometimes when you are close to someone you are the prior to know about their demons




"who is that?" I mentally ask myself

I know I don't have any affection towards taheera anymore but the moment I see her shaking hands with another guy, it hurts me.

I saw her shake hands with another guy and bid him goodbye. Just when she was about to push open the gate, I starts my engine and speed over to where she is standing leaning against the gate door

I walk out of my car, rebuke with a look whereas she looks happier or I should say excited, she dressed up so well, the red Ankara skirt and blouse fits her fair complexion well, and brought all her curves out

"Who was that" I yelled

She got startled but cover up with a small grin

"What's wrong Azaan? Why are you yelling at me?" she half yelled still looking startled

"seriously!  you have someone new that's why you started acting cantankerously all of a sudden right…who was that guy?" I yelled again

She smirk annoyingly at me and further out

"language azaan, language! Who do you think you are to yell at me in such a way"

"okay fine" I scratch the back of my head and mutters

"you choose…me or him" I spout glaring at her from head to toe

I know she's not cheating on me, and I know taheera is too good for that but what do I do? I have to severe ties with her, she's not the girl I love

"oh really" she look up at me flabbergasted

"Ok fine Azaan, I choose nurain over you and remember I didn't betrayed you, you did" she utters cautiously

I feel like the time stops the moments she says I am the betrayer.

Does that means she knows what's happening between me and farida? No…she's just exaggerating

"so the guy has a name?" I said changing the subject

"Don't change the subject Azaan, and of course he has a name please don't be silly"  

I quietly swallow the remaining saliva down my throat and look at her confusingly

"So know you are pinning it on me? A round of applause for you taheera" I shamelessly said

"Don't you dare call my name again" she yells with a look of red blood shade glare

"Do you think I didn't know what's going on between you and farida? Do you think you two can make a fool out of me? Or do you think that I won't be hurt just because I am good at hiding my feelings"

I became dumbfounded, thinking of everything that will calm her down but nay she lose it

"I know you wanted to end things with me but Azaan can't you find a better reason to pin down at me instead of accusing me of double dating? Can't you purely sat me down and make me grok on how you feel about my sister? Can't you let go of that negative feelings you feel toward both me and my sister?" she spiels out while tears started rolling down her face

"I know we are human beings and we are first and foremost emotional creatures, I know we can't control our feelings but at least we can control ourselves Azaan…why my sister of all people"  she ask and I shamelessly reply her

"she's the one my heart beats for…I know I shouldn't have feelings for her but T you never liked me. Yes you might have some infatuation on me but that was then, you never loved me T, do you remember you always tell me that when you love you love sincerely? But T, you have never showed that sincerity to me"

I close my eyes and release a deep sigh then open them

"You see farida might be your sister, but she never hide her feelings like you do, you are always straight forward, you will say all you feel like saying without realizing how people feel. But farida is so very considerate, she's a comfort zone and always care about other people's feelings, farida is different from you"

"enough Azaan, I have heard enough. Thank you and I wish you guys a blissful relationship that will last forever" she mutters  agitatedly

" I am sorry if I ever hurts you in any way and please my regards to your mother, have a safe flight" she sniff, wipe her face, pushes the gate and pull it back as she enters

I slightly sigh as I enters the car, I starts the engine and drives away.


I make sure to wipe out my tears and cover up with a smile because if ammi notice that I cried and Azaan is the one behind it, another trouble will arise

As soon as I get home, I hurriedly climb up stairs to my room and quietly remove my attire and wander to the bathroom to wash my face off.

Some minutes later I come out and scroll down my bed. I spread out my arms and my head looking at the chandelier, but suddenly recall what azaan said

" but T she's the one my heart beats for, I know I shouldn't have feelings for her but you never loved me"

I squeeze my eyes shut and anamnesis the first time Azaan and I met

Flash back

My friends would always blab about how being in love feels like and I one the other side will always make them some laughing stock until saleem came to my life or in other words he introduced me to his magic kingdom, I wouldn't mind if I became the laughing stock or the other way around but all I know saleem is my world and I would do anything in my power to make sure he realize that.

My mom would always scolds me for dating at young age, she would scolds farida too because what ever I am in to she would always know. Farida and I are more than siblings we are best of friends, we never hide our secret to each other. At times ammi would rebuke angrily due to our troubles, Lol we are not just some troublemakers, we are dangerous if one falls into our trap.

People literally use to tell me I am a straight forward person, and  that was what Saleem love the most about me. And when ever we had a fight, I would be the first to apologizes. I love Saleem like I was going to lose him but he never loved me the way I deserved, there was a time he traveled to borno , we would chat and video call and one day he threw up a tantrum that I am ungrateful, that I have an ingrate spirit with a thankless attitude, that I never appreciate the presence, but guess what? Instead of showing him how his words Rip off my heart, I apologized, I kneeled down beside my vanity stool as if he was seeing me, crying and begging for his forgiveness. It takes a lot of time for Saleem to forgive me but I was so happy that he did.

And today Friday, being a short day and also mine and saleem's anniversary, I took a shower and get dressed up. I wore my new lafaya that Saleem got for me from borno, I am not a fan of makeover but Saleem is, which is why i dolled my face up as if I am attending a grand occasion.

I wore a huge hijab on top of my lafaya, not wanting ammi or farida to notice a thing , I went out of the house through the back door that is in the backyard.

 I practically hide in the alley far behind our house and dialed saleem's number, And he picked up on the second ring. " You kept calling, is anything the matter" he blurted the minutes he picked up and it sounds like he's not home or anywhere nearby

"where are you B" I voiced out merging my lips blushing

"I am on my way to Bello's kamu event…what is it"

"oh it's nothing, it's just that today is our 6th anniversary and I decided to celebrate with you" I said hopefully

"Oh you remember? How sweet of you"

"I am sorry but I couldn't make it right now maybe later ok! Love you" he kissed through the phone

I chuckled and tell him to call when he gets back home, he answered yes and kissed through the phone and then dropped the call

I was walking back to our area when a Highlander jeep speed pass over me but suddenly stopped and reversed back to where I was. A handsome young man around saleem's age get down the car, he's dark in complexion too, he thrutch the car's door and it was when I noticed the Hublot wrist watch he's wearing, from the way he looked he seems like a rich man. He approached me while grinning softly

"hello" he smiled tenderly

"Hi" and I voiced out tightening my hands together

"I am Azaan and you" he asked still with the tender smile around his lip

"My name is taheera" I said scowling my face due to the brightness of the sun that shined on my face beautifully

"If anything happens to my eyes you are to be blamed T" I scowled yet confusingly but deep inside of me it felt good to be nicknamed

"Yes! Your beauty can make a person blind" the moment he utters those words blush painted themselves on my fair cheeks

"thank you" I managed to mutter

"welcome T. And please if you don't mind can I get to know you more" he asked and I suddenly feel nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs

"uhmm, I am sorry I have a boyfriend" I answered tightening my hands together again

But he let out a cute laugh and shake his head admiringly

"Well you don't have to worry because I only want to be your friend, friends?" he straighten his big hand, I hesitated for some seconds then give out my hand and we shaked .