
"La imaginacion: Remarried With My Husband Enemy"

"What If I didn't came back Then?" He Replied to his wife while tugging her hair behind her ear. "Then I will keep your memories in my room and I will guard them forever in my life" She replied to him with a smile. "Really" He asked her. "I promise" She started laughing while taking his words as Joke. Later he also joined her in laughing while taking this as Joke. Outside The Door..... She walked out with her husband at the end of the door. She smiled and said "Goodbye Hubby..." He turned towards her and kissed her forehead and said "Goodbye Wifey...." She looked at his car until it was disappeared. She didn't know 'Why' but she was feeling worried about him. _______________________ Eric Green- Famous actor and CEO of SL Company. He is known best for his business world though he is also an actor. He met Kim when they were shooting there first movie together. After Hundreds of date. They finally came in Relationship. Later they got married with love and compassion. _______________________ Kim Vand- Young heiress of Vand family. She was working as an actress in Country I, City L. She got married with her man whom she loved but after Few Months he died in a tragic accident. After his husband death her grandpa forces her to marry his business partner grandson who is famous idol. Later when she comes out of her past. She Becomes cruel towards her Second husband. She leaves in a Dark world. Where reality is hidden in the ground. _______________________ Kevin Lopez- Famous IDOL of Country I. After one Incident they left with no choice but to marry his granddaughter. But before marriage proposal he realizes that he has fallen for her after meeting her accidentally anywhere. He tries to make a good impression in front of her. However he always create problems for himself and kim. _______________________ "You!!!....How could you do this...." She cried and asked him. She walked in front of the burning statue and pictures and tried to stop the fire. She walked on it and tried to take the things but her family members caught her and didn't let her go. She cried and looked at the flame and ashes of her husband's memories which was burning in front of her eyes. She walked in front of him and slapped his face and started saying "Mr. Kevin Lopez you killed my husband....I will not spare you.....I will not leave you....I will kill you" "You destroyed my life....I will not forget you" she started crying. "You are not my husband...You are my enemy....You are the killer of my husband...." She declared in front of everyone. She rested her head on the shoulder of her brother and cried... ______________ After that incident kim lost her trust from Kevin. Kevin felt broken because He lost her forever but still he kept some Hope's that she will accept him .She will love him. They will have a peaceful life together. Will she accept him as her husband? Will he able to make her fall for him? Will They have a peaceful life together? Will They able to get along with each other? ________ Hey Guys Your Author Here..... Thanks For going through synopsis. If you liked my work so please add it in your library and support my work. I Assure you guys that this work will not disappoint you. It Will Contain a lots of grammatical errors because this is my first time writing a novel but don't be disappointed readers because we will correct it quickly. Please Go through the chapters One Time and I am sure you will Like It... ____________________________ (Cover is not mine taken out from pinterest) ______________

TheValQueen · Urban
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126 Chs

She Stills Loves Him

"It is said that even you can forget the world but you can't forget that person who is always near to you"

-(Your Author's Quotes)


After the death of Eric he always blames himself for Eric's loss. He always thinks that he dragged him.

He shouldn't have involved him in this situation if he hadn't involed him then he would have been alive.

The door opened a man enters inside the room and sat in front of him. His thoughts were interrupted and then he looked at him.

He asked "Have you got the agreement?"

The man at front of him nodded his head.

The man gave him the agreement and Anh taken out his pen. He signed the contract and instructed the man to inform this to his grandpa.

He got up from his chair and left from there.

Only one thing was coming in his mind and that is about kim.

All he could see in his home is that kim is always depressed and crying while drinking or smoking.

While looking at her past, He always felt that Eric was very special to kim and she still loves him.

In An Apartment....

A girl came out from her washroom towel was wrapped around her body.

She walked towards the mirror and applied some cream on her body.

Suddenly someone comes inside and wrapped his arms around her waist.

She realized who it is so she said lazily "Baby what are you doing here?"

"Actually I was not feeling to go back to the mansion and I want you" he said while burying his head near her neck.

She understood why he didn't wanted to go back to the mansion.

"Baby you freshen up I will make dinner" he said. While she nodded her head and he walked away from there.

Ever since she has heard that her best friend is going through the depression her heart was also upset and was filled with sadness.

She used to Call Aunty lu and used to ask about her. Always she gets the same result that she is in her depression.

While Anh was making dishes for her in the kitchen but finally he stopped and decided to order the food from outside.

He didn't Know Why But he felt like to order something from the outside.

Anh called her and said that he will be ordering the food from outside. She nodded her head because she knewed the reason.

At Dining Table...

"Honey are you hiding something from me?" she asked suspiciously.

"No And Why would you say So?" he asked her back While Trying To Hide The fact.

"Anh Do you think I am Fool?" She asked him with her serious tone.

"Baby...Grandpa is thinking about her second marriage!" he said while opening the box.

Anh didn't wanted to tell her this but he can't hide it from her because Someday she will come to know about it.

And Anh Knew how she will react, how she feel about it and how deep it will break her heart.

She heard it and dropped the glass on the floor.

Tears started rolling from her eyes she couldn't believe that her bestie is suffering from the depression and now her grandpa is planning for her marriage.

She bend down to pick up the spoon but she fell down on the floor. She was left with no energy and her mind was going crazy because of this decision.

Anh quickly came towards her and made her to sit in the chair. He said while wiping her face "Don't Cry millu! I know What you are thinking!".

He knewed because when he heard it his expression were same as her.

Then Millu forced herself to be clam but she could and again she started crying.

They sat down in the dining table.

Millu opened her mouth and asked with pain in her heart "How is she doing?"

He was Slient and didn't answer her but from his silence she understood that she is not doing good and is still in depression.

After finishing the dinner they went towards bedroom and when to sleep while hugging each other.

But they didn't slept they just kept on thinking a put her and her future.

Countless questions where coming in there mind like 'Will She able to survive?','Will She accept the fact that he is not here'.

They know that Eric Loved Her.

They Also Know that he is still not here but still She loves him.

However they couldn't do anything because all this things were not in there hands.


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