
"Jujutsu Kaisen: The Cursed Lightning"

**This is not the story of your typical edgy, Op and invincible protagonist. Everything has its development.*** Hiro Miller, an arrogant and talented young sorcerer from America, has been sent to study at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College as punishment for his reckless behavior. Under the tutelage of the legendary Satoru Gojo, Hiro is expected to learn discipline and control. However, from the moment he arrives, Hiro's cocky attitude and shameless flirting only serve to stir up trouble. He immediately sets his sights on Maki Zenin, a powerful and serious sorcerer who wants nothing to do with him. Undeterred by Maki's rejections, Hiro vows to make her fall for him by the end of the year. He boasts of his skills, plays pranks on his classmates, and generally makes a nuisance of himself, all while trying to unravel the mysteries of cursed energy. But Hiro soon learns that the world of jujutsu is far more complicated and dangerous than he realized. With powerful curses lurking in the shadows and his own abilities pushed to their limits, Hiro must learn to control his arrogance if he hopes to survive. Balancing his pursuit of Maki, his growing friendships with his classmates, and the intense demands of his training, Hiro's year at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College will test him like never before. But if anyone is up for the challenge, it's Hiro Miller. After all, he always gets what he wants... doesn't he?

Orrlex · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Lifeless eyes

As the dust settled from their previous clash, Sukuna stood defiantly, his eyes burning with a mixture of hatred and disbelief as he glared at Hiro. The King of Curses, once thought invincible, now found himself cornered by a mere 17-year-old boy. But in his mind, the battle was far from over.

With a voice barely above a whisper, Sukuna uttered a single word: "Uraume."

As if summoned by the very utterance of her name, Uraume materialized beside Sukuna, cradling a wrapped body in her arms. A sinister smile played across Sukuna's battered face as he began to unwrap the mysterious bundle.

"I have a proposition for you, brat," Sukuna said, his voice dripping with malice. "I'll return Fushiguro to you, but in exchange, you'll allow me to transfer myself into this new vessel."

As the wrappings fell away, Hiro's eyes widened in recognition. The body Uraume had brought was none other than that of Satoru Gojo, Hiro's mentor and the most powerful jujutsu sorcerer of the modern era.

Without hesitation, Hiro replied, "Very well. Do it."

Sukuna's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Why so quick to decide?" he asked, his voice laced with curiosity and a hint of wariness. "You do realize that with this body, I'll possess all the abilities of your esteemed teacher?"

In response, Hiro calmly removed his jacket and tie, then began rolling up his sleeves. His actions, deliberate and unhurried, spoke volumes about his confidence.

"Well, I certainly hope so," Hiro said, a hint of excitement in his voice. "To be honest, I was somewhat disappointed with our fight thus far."

Sukuna's face contorted with rage. "I'll make you eat those words, you insolent brat!" he snarled.

Without further ado, Sukuna ripped one of his fingers off and shoved it unceremoniously into Gojo's mouth. The body of Megumi Fushiguro collapsed lifelessly to the ground as Gojo's body rose, now possessed by the unholy trinity of the King of Curses, the strongest current sorcerer, and the most powerful sorcerer in history - all united in one vessel.

Hiro extended his hand, his voice steady as he demanded, "Hand over Fushiguro."

With a malicious grin, Sukuna kicked Fushiguro's body towards Hiro, who caught it mid-air with surprising gentleness. As if on cue, Ui Ui and Kirara appeared beside Hiro.

"He's still alive," Hiro said, carefully handing Fushiguro's body to them. "Take him to Shoko immediately."

Ui Ui nodded solemnly, and in the blink of an eye, they vanished with Fushiguro's unconscious form.

Sukuna's voice, now tinged with the familiar timbre of Gojo's, rang out across the battlefield. "I see you're quite confident, brat. You do realize I now possess all your master's techniques, and yet you remain unfazed?"

Hiro's lips curved into a small smile. "Well, I still have my Divine Eyes," he replied, his tone almost casual. "You can't touch me, and without Mahoraga, not even a Purple technique could harm me."

Sukuna's grin only widened at Hiro's words, a glint of excitement in his eyes.

Meanwhile, in the observation room, Kusakabe watched the screens with growing concern. "This is bad, isn't it?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry.

To his surprise, Maki shook her head. "Actually, all of this has already been anticipated by Hiro," she explained.

"What? How?" Kusakabe exclaimed, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Yuta chimed in, his voice calm despite the tension in the room. "In fact, the entire fight has gone according to Hiro's predictions and plans."

Maki nodded in agreement. "Hiro knew that Sukuna would use Gojo's body for this purpose, but he wanted to use Fushiguro's body first to utilize Mahoraga. After that, he anticipated Sukuna would switch to Gojo's body."

A moment of silence fell over the room as the implications of Maki's words sank in. Then she continued, her voice filled with a mixture of admiration and awe.

"When Hiro faced Sukuna in Shibuya, Sukuna became aware of Hiro's Divine Eyes. He knew he'd need Mahoraga to overcome them, just as he'd need it against Gojo. Hiro anticipated this move and also predicted that the initial battle would be one of domains, as Sukuna thought Hiro couldn't keep up with him. That's why Hiro modified his domain several times over the past month."

Panda nodded sagely. "That's why he's the top of our class," he mused.

Hakari couldn't help but add, "What a nerd," though his tone held a note of respect.

Back on the battlefield, Hiro and Sukuna faced each other, the air between them crackling with tension. Sukuna feinted a punch, which Hiro easily dodged. But the King of Curses had something else up his sleeve - the Cleave technique that could cut through the world itself.

Unbeknownst to Hiro, Sukuna had learned from Mahoraga how to penetrate his magnetic field. He unleashed the Cleave, a cut so powerful it could slice through even Gojo's Infinity without difficulty.

Hiro, however, noticed the anomaly thanks to his Divine Eyes. With reflexes honed by countless battles, he managed to dodge the attack by a hair's breadth. Sukuna clicked his tongue in frustration.

A smile played on Hiro's lips as he said, "I didn't think you'd have developed that technique."

Sukuna brought his hands together, his voice resonating with power as he declared, "With this new body, I can do this once more. Domain Expansion!"

Hiro, in response, began forming a ball of electric blue energy between his palms.

"Malevolent Shrine," Sukuna intoned, and his domain began to take shape around them.

Hiro felt the countless cuts begin to appear all over his body as Sukuna's domain materialized. The electric ball in his hands now glowed with a golden hue, its energy pulsating erratically.

"Golden Lightning," Hiro called out, his voice steady despite the pain of Sukuna's attacks.

He hurled the unstable energy ball directly at Sukuna. The King of Curses' eyes widened in surprise as the attack connected, resulting in a massive explosion that shattered his domain.

As the dust settled, Sukuna emerged from the rubble, his legs trembling. "What... what was that attack?" he demanded, his voice a mixture of pain and disbelief.

Hiro's smile widened. "You like it? It's my greatest achievement - Golden Lightning. It temporarily nullifies rituals, which means you won't be able to use Professor Gojo's Limitless technique in this fight. Unfortunately, I can only use this technique once a day, and it's limited to nullifying just one technique, but still..."

Without warning, Hiro launched into a ferocious assault. His fists, crackling with residual energy from his Golden Lightning, connected with Sukuna's body in a flurry of devastating blows. Each punch was precisely aimed, targeting vital points with surgical accuracy.

Sukuna, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, found himself on the defensive for the first time in centuries. Even with Gojo's body, he struggled to keep up with Hiro's lightning-fast movements.

A right hook caught Sukuna on the jaw, snapping his head back. Before he could recover, Hiro followed up with a vicious left to the solar plexus, driving the air from Sukuna's lungs. The King of Curses staggered back, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"How?" Sukuna gasped between blows. "In all my millennia of existence, I've never encountered someone so fast. Not even with Gojo's body can I keep up!"

Hiro didn't respond, his focus entirely on the battle at hand. His movements were a blur, each strike flowing seamlessly into the next. A roundhouse kick caught Sukuna in the ribs, the impact reverberating through the air. Sukuna attempted to counterattack, but Hiro's Divine Eyes allowed him to read and anticipate every move.

As the battle raged on, Hiro's attacks began to take on a new quality. His fists started to glow with an otherworldly light - the telltale sign of Black Flash. Each successful Black Flash multiplied the power of Hiro's strikes exponentially, pushing Sukuna further and further onto the back foot.

With a final burst of speed, Hiro closed the distance between them. His right fist, glowing with the power of Black Flash, connected solidly with Sukuna's liver. The impact was catastrophic, sending shockwaves through Sukuna's body and causing him to double over in pain.

But Hiro wasn't finished. As Sukuna hunched forward, Hiro followed up with an uppercut to the jaw, another Black Flash that landed with pinpoint accuracy. The force of the blow lifted Sukuna off his feet, sending him crashing to the ground several meters away.

For a moment, silence fell over the battlefield. Sukuna lay prone on the ground, his body smoking from the intensity of Hiro's attacks. Hiro stood tall, his chest heaving with exertion but his eyes still burning with determination.

Slowly, painfully, Sukuna began to stir. He pushed himself up onto his elbows, spitting out a mouthful of blood. His eyes, once filled with arrogance and malice, now held a glimmer of something new - respect, and perhaps a hint of fear.

As the battle between Hiro and Sukuna reached its zenith, the young sorcerer decided to unleash his ultimate technique. With a deep breath, Hiro activated his Infinite Speed, a ability that allowed him to move at the speed of light for a brief but crucial two seconds.

In an instant, the world around Hiro seemed to slow to a crawl. Sukuna, who had been preparing another attack, now appeared to be moving in slow motion. Seizing this opportunity, Hiro launched into a devastating assault.

His fists, crackling with electric energy, became a blur of motion as he unleashed a barrage of punches upon Sukuna. Each strike landed with pinpoint accuracy and earth-shattering force. Hiro's first blow caught Sukuna squarely in the solar plexus, driving the air from his lungs and causing his eyes to bulge in shock.

Before Sukuna could even register the pain from the first hit, Hiro had already delivered a dozen more. His fists pummeled Sukuna's body relentlessly, targeting vital points with surgical precision. A vicious uppercut snapped Sukuna's head back, followed immediately by a devastating hook to the liver that would have felled a lesser opponent.

As the two seconds of Infinite Speed came to an end, Hiro delivered a final, catastrophic blow. His fist, infused with all the power he could muster, connected with Sukuna's jaw in a thunderous impact that sent the King of Curses flying across the battlefield.

Sukuna crashed through several buildings before finally coming to a stop, his body leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. As the dust settled, Sukuna lay motionless among the rubble, his body battered and broken.

For a moment, it seemed as though the battle might be over. But then, with a groan of pain and effort, Sukuna began to stir. His hands glowed with an eerie light as he activated his Reverse Curse Technique, desperately trying to heal the catastrophic damage Hiro had inflicted.

Hiro, watching from a distance, couldn't help but marvel at Sukuna's resilience. Even after such a devastating assault, the King of Curses refused to stay down. But as he observed Sukuna's slow recovery, Hiro became acutely aware of his own condition. His body ached from the strain of using Infinite Speed, and he could feel his cursed energy reserves dwindling.

'He's incredibly tough,' Hiro thought to himself, his breath coming in ragged gasps. 'And I'm reaching my limit too. This battle is far from over.'

Meanwhile, in the basement of a nearby building, a heart-wrenching scene was unfolding. Miko, a young girl caught in the crossfire of this titanic battle, wept inconsolably over the still form of her mother. The woman's chest no longer rose and fell with the rhythm of breath, and her skin had taken on a pallid hue.

Miko's tears fell freely as she shook her mother's shoulders, desperately hoping for any sign of life. But as the seconds ticked by and her mother remained unresponsive, a cold realization began to settle in the pit of Miko's stomach.

With a final, choked sob, Miko made a decision. She had to find help. Maybe, just maybe, there was still a chance to save her mother. With trembling legs, she stood and made her way towards the stairs, determined to brave the chaos outside in search of assistance.

Back on the battlefield, Hiro made a tactical decision. In an effort to conserve energy for any potential domain expansions Sukuna might unleash, he deactivated his Divine Eyes. The protective magnetic barrier that had been shielding him from Sukuna's attacks dissipated, leaving him vulnerable.

Sukuna, ever observant, immediately noticed this change. A wicked grin spread across his face as he saw an opportunity to strike. Without hesitation, he launched a furious assault on Hiro.

Caught off guard by the sudden attack, Hiro could only raise his arms in defense. Sukuna's fists, each strike carrying the force of a freight train, pummeled Hiro's guard. The young sorcerer gritted his teeth as pain exploded through his arms and reverberated through his entire body.

Each impact sent shockwaves of agony coursing through Hiro's nerves. His bones creaked under the strain, threatening to snap under the relentless assault. Blood vessels burst beneath his skin, leaving ugly bruises in their wake. Despite his best efforts to maintain his defense, Hiro could feel his strength wavering with each blow.

As the barrage continued, Hiro's mind raced. He knew he couldn't withstand this assault indefinitely. But he also knew that Sukuna was likely wary of using a domain expansion, suspecting that Hiro might have a countermeasure prepared. This realization gave Hiro an idea.

In a sudden burst of movement, Hiro seized Sukuna's arm mid-strike. Using the King of Curses' own momentum against him, Hiro pivoted and hurled Sukuna across the battlefield. Without missing a beat, he followed up with a beam of crimson lightning, the energy crackling through the air as it raced towards its target.

The resulting explosion shook the ground, sending debris flying in all directions. But Sukuna was far from defeated. From within the cloud of dust and smoke, a series of deadly slashes emerged, each one capable of cutting through reality itself.

Hiro, still recovering from his earlier exertion, couldn't dodge all of the attacks. Several of the slashes found their mark, opening deep gashes across his body. Blood began to flow freely from the wounds, staining his tattered clothes a deep crimson.

As the pain of his new injuries registered, Hiro couldn't help but think, 'I'm at my limit. Any more of this and I might not be able to continue.'

But despite the dire situation, a spark of determination still burned within him. With a roar of defiance, Hiro charged at Sukuna, meeting the King of Curses in a brutal exchange of blows.

Fists flew and blood spattered as the two combatants traded strikes. Each punch that landed sent shockwaves through the air, the sheer force of their clash causing the ground beneath them to crack and splinter.

As the battle raged on, Hiro began to notice something. Slowly but surely, he was gaining ground. His strikes were landing more frequently, while Sukuna's attacks were becoming easier to read and counter.

'I can win this,' Hiro thought, a surge of hope giving new strength to his tired muscles.

Seizing the momentum, Hiro unleashed a devastating combo. His fist, glowing with the telltale light of Black Flash, connected solidly with Sukuna's chest. The impact was catastrophic, sending the King of Curses staggering backward.

But Hiro didn't let up. Before Sukuna could recover, Hiro followed up with another Black Flash, and then another. Each strike multiplied the force of the previous one, creating a cascade of devastating blows.

In a display of skill and power that would have left even the most seasoned jujutsu sorcerers in awe, Hiro unleashed a combination of ten consecutive Black Flashes. The air crackled with energy as each blow landed, each one powerful enough to level a building.

The first strike caught Sukuna in the solar plexus, driving the air from his lungs. The second and third targeted his liver and kidneys, causing internal damage that even Sukuna's impressive healing abilities would struggle to keep up with.

The fourth and fifth Black Flashes connected with Sukuna's jaw, the force of the impacts causing his head to snap back violently. The sixth and seventh struck his ribcage, the sickening crack of breaking bones audible even over the chaos of the battle.

The eighth and ninth blows targeted Sukuna's legs, compromising his balance and mobility. And the final, tenth Black Flash was a devastating uppercut that caught Sukuna squarely on the chin, lifting him off his feet and sending him flying backward.

Sukuna crashed through several buildings before finally coming to a stop, his body leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. As the dust settled, the King of Curses lay amid the rubble, his body battered and broken.

Slowly, painfully, Sukuna pushed himself up onto his elbows. His breath came in ragged gasps, and blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. For the first time in his long, violent existence, Sukuna felt something akin to fear.

He looked at Hiro with a mixture of disbelief and grudging respect. How could this young sorcerer be defeating him? Sukuna, who had stood unchallenged for centuries, was being pushed to his limits by a mere boy.

Using Gojo's body in its original four-armed form wouldn't be of much help, Sukuna realized. The current body was more suited for close combat, but Hiro was proving to be an insurmountable obstacle. The boy seemed to always be one step ahead, anticipating and countering Sukuna's every move.

Desperate for a way to turn the tide of battle, Sukuna's eyes darted around the ruined cityscape. And then, he saw her. A small, frightened girl standing amid the chaos. It was Miko, who had emerged from the basement in search of help for her mother.

Miko's eyes widened as she recognized Hiro. Hope bloomed in her chest as she called out to him, her voice carrying across the battlefield. "Hiro!" she cried, praying that he could somehow help her mother.

Hiro turned slowly at the sound of his name, his eyes widening as he saw Miko standing exposed in the open.

A malicious grin spread across Sukuna's face as he saw his opportunity. Without hesitation, he unleashed a Cleave technique, a cut so powerful it could slice through the very fabric of reality. The deadly attack raced towards Miko, who stood frozen in terror.

In that moment, a memory flashed through Hiro's mind. He saw his mother, a beautiful woman with blonde hair and green eyes, scolding a younger version of himself. Apparently, he had gotten into trouble at school for teasing one of his classmates. His mother's voice was stern but loving as she explained why she had named him Hiro.

"I wanted you to be a hero," she said, her face softening into a warm smile. In the memory, young Hiro hugged his mother tightly, promising to live up to his name.

Back in the present, Hiro's body moved before his mind could fully process what was happening. Electricity crackled around him as he pushed his battered body to its absolute limit, racing towards Miko with every ounce of speed he could muster.

As he ran, time seemed to slow to a crawl. In this moment of crisis, Hiro's life flashed before his eyes. He saw a life filled with mistakes and regrets, moments where he felt he could have been better, stronger, more heroic.

He thought of his cousin, Momo, brutally murdered by another family member while Hiro watched helplessly. The guilt of his inaction that day still weighed heavily on his soul.

He remembered Nanami, a mentor and friend, who had died because Hiro hadn't been fast enough, strong enough to save him. The memory of finding Nanami's broken body still haunted his nightmares.

Then there was Gojo sensei, sealed away because Hiro hadn't been powerful enough to protect him. His teacher, the man who had believed in him and nurtured his potential, trapped in an endless void because of Hiro's weakness.

And Mai, sweet Mai, who had died at the hands of the Zenin family while Hiro lay unconscious, unable to intervene. Another life lost because he wasn't strong enough, because he had lost another crucial battle.

These memories, these failures, they were a constant burden that Hiro carried with him. But they also fueled his determination. He didn't fight to win, he realized. He fought to protect. To ensure that no one else would die because of his weakness.

With this realization burning in his heart, Hiro made his choice. He threw himself forward, using the last reserves of his strength to push Miko out of harm's way. But in doing so, he put himself directly in the path of Sukuna's deadly attack.

In the split second he had left, Hiro concentrated all of his remaining cursed energy into his abdomen, hoping against hope that it would be enough to withstand Sukuna's Cleave.


That was the first thing Hiro registered as the attack connected. A deep, agonizing cut tore through his body, spilling his lifeblood onto the ruined street. The pain was unlike anything he had ever experienced, a white-hot agony that consumed his entire being.

As he fell backward, Hiro's eyes turned towards the sky. His vision began to blur, the world around him growing dim and distant. He could hear Miko screaming, her voice seeming to come from very far away.

His breathing grew shallow and labored, each inhale a monumental effort. His heartbeat, once strong and steady, began to falter and slow.

Through the haze of pain and encroaching darkness, Hiro heard Sukuna's voice. The King of Curses stood over him, a look of grudging respect on his face.

"You were truly phenomenal, Hiro Miller," Sukuna said, his voice carrying a note of genuine admiration. "Years will pass, and I will never forget this battle. I will never forget you."

As these words washed over him, Hiro felt a strange sense of peace. He had done it. He had protected Miko, had fought with everything he had against an opponent many thought unbeatable. He had lived up to his name, become the hero his mother had always believed he could be.

With this final thought, Hiro drew his last breath. His eyes, once bright with determination and power, slowly closed. The world faded away, and darkness enveloped him.

Hiro's heart, which had beaten with such strength and passion throughout his life, finally fell silent.

Hiro found himself seated in what appeared to be New York's bustling airport, though it was eerily quiet and empty. The familiar surroundings brought a sense of nostalgia, but also confusion. As he tried to make sense of his situation, a familiar voice cut through the silence.

"I didn't think I'd see you so soon, idiot."

Hiro turned his head slowly, his eyes widening as they fell upon a face he thought he'd never see again. It was Momo, his cousin, looking just as he remembered her – vibrant, full of life, and wearing that mischievous smirk she always had when teasing him.

With a click of his tongue, Hiro responded, his voice a mixture of resignation and dry humor. "If I'm seeing you, it means I'm dead, doesn't it?"

Momo crossed her arms, her expression a blend of amusement and exasperation. "That's right. Looks like you weren't as strong as you thought you were."

As the reality of his situation sank in, Hiro began to take in his surroundings more closely. The airport, usually a hive of activity, was eerily empty save for a few familiar faces scattered about. His mother and father stood near a gate, looking just as they did in his fondest memories. Nanami, his mentor and friend, leaned against a pillar, a small smile on his face. Even his uncle and cousin, whom he had harbored so much hatred for, were present, along with Mai and other members of the Miller family.

Hiro let out a heavy sigh, the weight of his situation finally settling on his shoulders.

Momo's voice pulled him from his thoughts. "So? Why risk everything to save some kid you didn't even know?"

Hiro's response came without hesitation, his voice filled with conviction. "We're supposed to protect the weak, aren't we? That's what being a jujutsu sorcerer is all about."

Momo sighed, a fond smile playing on her lips. "You really never change, do you?"

Her words prompted Hiro to reflect, his voice taking on a thoughtful tone as he spoke. "You know, Momo, every life is special in its own way. Each person, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, has the potential to change the world. Miko, that little girl I saved – who knows what impact she might have on the future? Maybe she'll grow up to be a brilliant scientist who cures a deadly disease, or an artist who creates something that touches millions of hearts."

He paused, his eyes distant as he continued. "But even if she doesn't do any of those things, her life is still precious. She has people who love her, who would be devastated if she were gone. I couldn't bear the thought of her mother losing her child, of her friends missing their playmate, of the world being robbed of all the unique experiences and perspectives that only Miko could bring."

Hiro's voice grew stronger as he spoke, passion infusing his words. "That's why I did it. Because every life is a universe unto itself, full of possibilities and potential. And if I could save that universe, even at the cost of my own life, then it was worth it."

He let out a small chuckle, a hint of pride in his voice. "Besides, I may be gone, but my friends are still there. And I left Sukuna pretty beaten up – he should be easy to take down now."

Momo couldn't help but smile at his words, a mixture of pride and affection in her eyes.

Suddenly, a voice crackled over the airport's PA system, breaking the contemplative silence. "Last call for the flight to Tokyo, Japan. Please proceed to boarding immediately."

Momo reached out and took Hiro's hand, her touch warm and comforting. She began to walk towards the exit, gently pulling him along.

Confusion furrowed Hiro's brow as he asked, "Where are we going?"

Momo's response was tinged with amusement and a touch of nostalgia. "Isn't it obvious? We're going home, to New York."

A smile spread across Hiro's face, memories of his childhood flooding back. "Can we go play in Central Park like we used to?"

As they walked, another figure fell into step beside them. It was Hanzo, his voice lacking its usual formality, now relaxed and friendly. "Mind if I join you?"

Hiro's head snapped towards Hanzo, disbelief and a hint of anger coloring his voice. "You killed Momo, and now you want to join us? Are you an idiot or what?"

Hanzo's response was a playful grin, a challenge glinting in his eyes. "Want me to give you a beating to remind you who's boss?"

The tension dissipated as quickly as it had come, replaced by a sense of camaraderie that transcended their earthly conflicts. Hiro's face broke into a mischievous grin as he declared, "Last one to reach the exit has to wash Uncle Ryo's shoes!"

The three of them burst into laughter, their voices echoing through the empty airport as they raced towards the exit, leaving behind the weight of their pasts and embracing the lightness of their new existence.

As Hiro, Momo, and Hanzo disappeared through the airport's doors, the scene shifted dramatically, returning to the grim reality left in the wake of Hiro's sacrifice.

In a stark, clinical room, Hiro's lifeless body lay on a cold metal gurney. Shoko stood beside it, her usually composed demeanor cracking as she gazed into Hiro's unseeing blue eyes. The room was heavy with a sepulchral silence, broken only by the occasional sharp intake of breath as those present struggled to come to terms with their loss.

Maki stood rigid, her face a mask of stoicism as she fought to hold back the tears that threatened to spill. Her hands clenched and unclenched at her sides, a physical manifestation of her internal struggle to maintain control.

Beside her, Yuta gripped the hilt of his sword so tightly his knuckles had turned white. His eyes, usually warm and kind, now burned with a mixture of grief and barely contained rage. The loss of his friend and fellow sorcerer had struck him deeply, and the desire for vengeance simmered just beneath the surface.

Kokichi's reaction was more subdued but no less intense. His fists were clenched so tightly that his nails dug into his palms, nearly drawing blood. His eyes were fixed on Hiro's still form, as if willing his friend to suddenly sit up and declare it all a terrible joke.

The tense silence was broken by Kusakabe's harsh words, his voice tight with barely suppressed emotion as he glared at Miko. "All of this, because of this child."

His accusation hung in the air, sharp and painful, causing Miko to flinch and shrink into herself. The young girl, already traumatized by the day's events, looked utterly lost and frightened, tears streaming down her face.

Kokichi, ever the voice of reason, quickly intervened. His voice was gentle but firm as he addressed Kusakabe. "Please, Kusakabe. This isn't Miko's fault. Hiro is... was Hiro. He simply couldn't stand by and let her die. That's who he was."

His words seemed to deflate some of the tension in the room, replacing it with a profound sense of sorrow. They all knew he was right – Hiro's selflessness, his unwavering desire to protect others, was as much a part of him as his cursed technique.

Shoko, who had been silent until now, finally broke. The weight of the situation – Sukuna using the body of her old friend Gojo to kill her beloved Hiro – became too much to bear. A choked sob escaped her lips, quickly followed by another, and another. Soon, she was weeping openly, her body shaking with the force of her grief as she leaned over Hiro's body.

The sound of Shoko's anguish seemed to shatter the last remnants of composure in the room. One by one, the others bowed their heads, no longer able to look at the still form of their friend and comrade. Tears fell silently, shoulders shook with suppressed sobs, and the air grew thick with shared grief.

In a corner of the room, Itadori sat beside the still unconscious Fushiguro. His hands were clenched into tight fists, his entire body rigid with a mixture of sorrow and rage. The unfairness of it all threatened to overwhelm him – Hiro had succeeded in bringing Fushiguro back, but at what cost?

As he looked at his friend's peaceful face, oblivious to the tragedy that had unfolded, Itadori felt a surge of conflicting emotions. Gratitude for Hiro's sacrifice warred with anger at the cruel twist of fate that had taken him away. Relief at Fushiguro's return battled with guilt over the price that had been paid.

The room remained in this state of shared mourning for what felt like an eternity. Each person lost in their own thoughts, their own memories of Hiro, their own regrets and what-ifs.

Miko, still reeling from the weight of Kusakabe's accusation and the enormity of what had happened, huddled in a corner. Her small frame shook with silent sobs as she grappled with the knowledge that someone had died to save her. The guilt was overwhelming, mixing with her grief for her mother and fear for what would happen next.