
Chapter 2: Office Shenanigans

Max arrived at his office building, a tall, glass-paneled monstrosity that screamed, "We mean business, but also have a foosball table." He scanned his ID card and entered the lobby, greeted by the usual chaos of corporate life.

"Morning, Max," Lisa called from the security desk, her eyes glued to her computer screen. Lisa Thompson was the company's tech guru, and Max's partner in crime. She was the yin to his yang, the peanut butter to his jelly, and the sarcastic comment to his punchline.

"Morning, Lisa. Any sign of Mr. Blunt yet?" Max asked, referring to their perpetually grumpy boss.

Lisa smirked. "Oh, he's here. Already grumbling about the broken coffee machine. I'd steer clear if I were you."

Max sighed. "Great. Just what I need. A caffeine-deprived boss. Well, wish me luck."

"Good luck," Lisa replied, not looking up.

Max made his way to his desk, weaving through a maze of cubicles and dodging the usual morning chaos. He settled into his chair and powered up his computer, only to find a sticky note plastered to the screen.

Max, see me in my office ASAP. – Mr. Blunt

"Fantastic," Max muttered, crumpling the note. He took a deep breath and headed toward Mr. Blunt's office, preparing himself for the impending lecture.

Mr. Blunt's office was a shrine to minimalism, with its bare walls and a single plant that looked like it was plotting its escape. Mr. Blunt himself sat behind a massive desk, his expression as stern as ever.

"Max, do you know why I called you in here?" Mr. Blunt asked, his voice a low growl.

Max gave his best innocent smile. "Because you missed me?"

Mr. Blunt's eye twitched. "No, Max. It's because of the incident with the coffee machine."

"Incident? What incident?" Max feigned ignorance.

Mr. Blunt sighed. "The one where you 'accidentally' reprogrammed it to play 'La Cucaracha' every time someone pressed a button."

Max couldn't help but chuckle at the memory. "Oh, that. Well, in my defense, it was a catchy tune."

Mr. Blunt pinched the bridge of his nose. "Max, I need you to focus. The entire building is running on empty without their morning coffee. We need that machine fixed, and fast."

Max nodded, adopting a serious expression. "Understood, sir. I'm on it."

As he left the office, Max couldn't shake the feeling that today was going to be one of those days. The kind of day where everything went wrong in the most spectacularly hilarious way possible. And he was right.