
"Intertwined Paths: A Night of Change"

"Seiya, I promise you, I don't have a girlfriend. There's no one else."

imaginarium_mine · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter One

In the bustling halls of Mercer General Hospital, the air was charged with the energy of dedicated doctors, each with their own mission to heal and save lives. Among them were Seiya and Atlas, two brilliant yet stubborn individuals whose paths often collided.

Seiya's dark eyes sparkled with determination as she moved through the corridors, her focus solely on her patients. Known for her unwavering dedication and sharp tongue, she had earned her place as one of the top doctors in the hospital.

On the other hand, Atlas exuded a calm confidence that seemed to draw people in. His blonde hair and easy smile masked a sharp wit and formidable skills in surgery. His reputation often preceded him, and his charm was a weapon he wielded effortlessly.

Despite their undeniable talents, Seiya and Atlas had an ongoing feud that was well-known among their colleagues. Their personalities clashed like fire and water, resulting in frequent disagreements that kept the hospital's rumor mill buzzing.

One day, as they crossed paths in the busy hospital cafeteria, their verbal sparring escalated into a heated exchange that drew the attention of nearby staff members.

"You always think you know everything, Corrigan," Seiya retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Atlas raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, someone has to know what they're doing around here."

Their colleagues exchanged amused glances, accustomed to the theatrical dynamics between the two doctors. But beneath the surface animosity, there was an undeniable undercurrent of attraction that neither Seiya nor Atlas was willing to acknowledge.

As the workweek came to an end, Seiya's friend and confidante, Elena, approached her with a sly grin. "You know, I heard that Atlas's friend, Jake, has been eyeing you."

Seiya rolled her eyes, dismissing the notion. "I have more important things to worry about than any potential fling."

Elena smirked. "Well, just remember, sometimes a little fun can be a good distraction."

Seiya shook her head, her thoughts focused on her plans for the weekend.

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