
"I work at a bank in the United States."

"Reborn in 1979, I should have had the chance to show my skills and pursue grand ambitions. But why did I have to reincarnate into an American's body?! And now I have to take over a bank on the brink of bankruptcy?"

sckyh · Urban
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269 Chs

Chapter 102: My Tough Uncle

Lavin's words were quickly confirmed by Carter; he wasn't just boasting. Similarly, Carter's grandfather's suggestion for his two sons to take Carter hunting wasn't a joke either!

In his grandfather's words, as a Texan, hmm... well, the descendant of Texans could also be considered a Texan. Carter was too weak; he should be stronger, more manly! And in the eyes of old Texans, being manly meant either "drinking the strongest liquor, riding the wildest bulls" or being able to venture alone into the mountains and wilderness to hunt down prey that ordinary people couldn't.

After comparing his slender frame to Uncle Oni's robust muscles, Carter decisively chose the latter. He didn't want to end up disabled with missing limbs like some handsome shell or lose a pearly white tooth like Oni.

And just the next day after Carter agreed to go hunting, both uncles, along with Lavin, couldn't wait to take Carter, driving off in a Dodge pickup truck. After nearly half a day of travel, they arrived at a hunting ground in the mountains of western Texas near the border with New Mexico.

After a brief rest at a city hotel near the hunting ground in the afternoon, when night fell, the group drove deep into the hunting ground. Amidst the vast and dark forest, Carter saw Uncle Victor suddenly pull out a whistle that looked somewhat like a hand grenade and play a series of "humming" sounds with a special rhythm. Soon, a response echoed from the distant woods.

After quietly approaching for some time, before Carter could spot the target in the darkness, he heard a gunshot beside him. Then, not far away, the sound of a wild boar's agony rang out. The shot came from Lavin's gun.

"Nice shot! Lavin, your marksmanship has improved again!"

Following the scent of blood, the four turned on their flashlights and quickly approached. When they reached the unfortunate wild boar, Oni put on rubber gloves and, with Lavin's help, began to butcher the animal.

"Carter, after killing the prey, always remember to handle it on the spot. For now, just leave the wild boar carcass here until the hunt is over; it's easy to get in trouble for wasting wildlife resources and end up with a lawsuit."

"The method of handling a wild boar isn't difficult. Just like your Uncle Oni is doing right now, first turn it over. Then, using a knife, cut along the midline of the abdomen, from the sternum to the tail of the wild boar. Remember not to cut too deep, as it may puncture the intestines and cause trouble later."

While Oni and Lavin were busy, Victor, holding the flashlight, took on the task of teaching Carter the ropes of hunting. While Oni and Lavin worked, Victor explained, and Carter didn't lag behind much in terms of progress.

"After cutting open the boar's belly, flip it over to lie on its side. While bleeding it out, remove its organs, then cut around the diaphragm to sever the esophagus and trachea. Oni, wait, let Carter do this cut. I see he doesn't look too good; maybe he's not quite accustomed to the bloody smell yet. We need to help him."

"No, no, I..."

Carter waved his hands repeatedly. What kind of joke was this?

As someone who had never even killed a chicken in two lifetimes, being able to watch a pig being eviscerated in front of him and tolerate the strong bloody smell without vomiting or fleeing the "crime scene" was already quite commendable and manly in Carter's opinion.

And now they wanted him to go up and poke the knife? Without even giving him time to adjust, wasn't this pushing things a bit too far?

Moreover, this was completely different from the hunting he had imagined!

Hunting wasn't supposed to involve entering the hunting ground, finding the prey, shooting it dead with a bang, and then dragging it onto the car, right? How did it turn into a butcher's scene now?!

"Come on! Carter, in a few days, you'll be 17, and here in Texas, you're already an adult. You can't be like Chris; if the girls know you can't even kill a pig, no one will want to date you."

Not daring to kill a pig meant no girls would like him? What kind of twisted logic was this?

"Come on, it's simple! All you have to do is hold it here."

With a smack, the bloody knife was placed in Carter's hand, and Oni's smile looked particularly sincere, even a bit comical without that missing tooth. Then he turned around and pointed to the wild boar's diaphragm, which was exposed after Lavin turned over the flesh, smiling as if encouraging a young child to bravely ride a bicycle.

"Then, right here, gently make a circle around it, just like drawing a circle on paper. It's not difficult, is it?"

"Come on, Carter, believe in yourself, you can do it! Make this cut, and when we get back, I'll take you to the bar for drinks and invite a bunch of hot girls to join us! I've already arranged everything, if you don't do it now, those girls might end up with someone else~"

Lavin's hands were controlling the muscles near the wild boar's diaphragm, also smiling and encouraging Carter to come over and make the cut. Standing next to Carter, Victor, holding the flashlight, didn't say anything, but his eyes, which kept glancing at the boar's body, made his attitude quite clear.

What the hell is going on here?!

Me and my tough uncles?

Watching these three unscrupulous relatives beside him, Carter suddenly remembered a drama he had watched in his past life. He couldn't recall the name, but the content was probably about a guy who went to seek refuge with his relatives, only to find out that all his uncles were gangsters.

On the first day of meeting, they took him to play rooftop diving, had hot girl parties, and the next day they took him out to kill people.

Although it's not killing people now, just killing pigs, Carter knew that these two uncles were actually very honest and hardworking Texas farmers. But the sense of déjà vu in front of him was just like what those uncles did in that drama!

Oh well, it's just killing pigs!

Gritting his teeth, Carter tightened his grip on the knife and stepped forward slowly.
