
"I Can't Cultivate"

I Can't Cultivate" is a thrilling LitRPG web novel that takes readers on an epic journey into a realm beyond the game world. Follow the story of Kai, a struggling gamer who is given a chance to prove himself when he is chosen for a mysterious task that will test his limits and reveal his true potential. As Kai enters this strange and otherworldly realm, he discovers a new source of power that transforms him into something greater than he ever imagined. But as he faces new challenges and enemies, he must learn to control his newfound abilities and navigate the dangerous landscape of this mysterious realm. With action-packed battles, mind-bending twists, and a captivating storyline that will keep you on the edge of your seat, "I Can't Cultivate" is a must-read for any fan of LitRPG or fantasy novels.

SolAlchemist8918 · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 23 : Collector of stories

Kai struggled to his feet, panting heavily as he surveyed the scene before him. The monsters had backed off, his last attack leaving them disoriented and temporarily stunned. He could feel his energy waning, and knew he needed to regroup with John and the others soon. But where were they?

As he searched the surrounding area, Kai noticed a strange figure watching him from a distance. It was a hellish observer, a being that existed outside of time and space, capable of observing events from multiple dimensions and realities.

Kai shuddered at the thought of being under the observer's gaze. He had heard stories of people who had caught the attention of these beings, and the consequences were never good.

But there was something about the observer's demeanor that caught his attention. It seemed almost...curious.

With a deep breath, Kai approached the observer cautiously. "Who are you?" he asked.

The observer regarded him for a moment, its eyes glowing with a strange intensity. "I am a collector of stories," it replied in a voice that seemed to echo through the void. "Yours is a tale worth watching."

Kai felt a shiver run down his spine. "What do you mean?"

The observer tilted its head, as if considering its words carefully. "There are some stories that are destined to change the very fabric of reality. Yours is one of them. You have been given a gift, Kai. The ability to shape the world around you."

Kai felt a surge of disbelief at the observer's words. "I don't understand. I'm just a normal guy."

The observer chuckled, the sound like the crackling of flames. "Normality is a matter of perspective, Kai. To some, your abilities would be considered godlike. But with great power comes great responsibility. You must use your gifts wisely, or risk tearing apart the very foundations of the world."

Kai felt a sense of unease at the observer's warning. "What do you want from me?"

The observer's eyes glinted with amusement. "Nothing, Kai. I am simply an observer. But I will be watching you closely. Your story is only beginning, and I am eager to see where it will lead."

With that, the observer vanished into thin air, leaving Kai alone with his thoughts. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched, that his every move was being scrutinized by unseen eyes. But he pushed the thought aside, knowing that he had more pressing matters to attend to.

He needed to find John and the others, and figure out a way to escape this pocket dimension before it was too late. But as he began to move forward, he couldn't help but wonder what other dangers lurked in the shadows, waiting to strike when he least expected it.