
"I came for books,not for you"

A girl who name is Gia whom is so addicted to book and so cold to boy's cause she's not interested in relationships, can still fallin in love again? But who will she fall in love with?

Rec_hel · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Suddenly meeting you

*clock noise* (ring, ring, ring)

"It's still early.."


"ahh! it's my first day of my job! need to get ready"

Gosh I forgot I got a new job yesterday!

*A few minutes later*

"Im going now!..."

*ride the bus*

*checking the bag*

"wait...I feel like I've forgotten something... it's...amm..."


"ehh!!???? I forgot to bring my pennnnnn!"

*Everyone stare at her like a crazy*

"ehh? amm?? need something?"

*Awkward Moments*

*At the bookstore shop*

Gosh first day gia!, it's your first dayyy. Im so embarrassed for being late... (pov)

I was so nervous for being late but then a guy came towards me and talk.

"hey? your new here?"

He said to me with a gentle smile, I look at him and boom! gosh so handsome...

"So handsome~"

Then I look at him while drooling, like a crazy woman who didn't see a handsome boy in my whole life.

"m-miss your drooling, here a tissue for you"

He said to me with a worried face.

gosh he's so handsome even with a worried face, I think I drool so much gia control yourself!!.

"a-im okay! I need to go now!"

I said with a panicked voice.

As I was about to go back the guy hold my hand and said,

"you don't remember me?"

He said while holding my hand and a gentle voice.

"Ah-ahm... sorry but I don't think I remember someone like you, plus have we meet before?"

While he talk to me he suddenly let go of my hand and left??! like all that happened was nothing, but who is he?

"Hi! your here!"


"Ahh ahaha yeah I'm here, amm am I late?"

The moment I ask the girl who works on the same job as me, it was too awkward it's so silent. And I can't take a silent moment so I blurted out what's on my mind.

"well ahh... sorry for being late, i know it was my first day of my job and I got late! I promise tomorrow I would not be late like this day! I promise!"

Then the girl laughing at me, I was so confused what's is so funny? did I say something wrong?

"Amm it's okay if your late we could always understand you"

The girl said with a smile on her face.

"ahh I didn't know you'll here are so kind haha"

I was laughing while holding my neck then I noticed something, someone is staring at me behind the books and it was the same guy earlier?!

So I tried to excuse myself to the girl and I would do my job later, then I walk towards the guy but the guy seems to notice me so he left. Tf?! is wrong to that dude??! urgh! This is starting piss me off.

*After I done my job*

"Ammm s-sir I finish my story mind checking it?"

I was too nervous, my heart keep beating faster. But the moment I open my eyes and look at the owner. The moment I look my eyes broke,

"ehhhh???!!!! the guy from earlier!!? huh so your trying to stalk me huh? earlier you tried to ignore me and now your here? what's really is you intention??"

Then the owner laughing.

Wtf? what am I even doing here? (pov)

"Ahh, ahem! miss gia you can call me 'Sir Iron' plus if your wondering why this girl is in my office was because she was my daughter I think you misunderstanding something. Your really funny"

Ehhh???! A "girl"???!!! lord what is wrong to this world??!!!! That guy was a girl!!!! (pov)

"I think Im going first amm sir..sir Iron you can just check my story later, goodbye"

*After Gia left*

*Gia run so fast to the bathroom*

That guy was a girl???! (In my mind)

no wonder she pissed me off this morning! and It's so embarrassing that I drooled over a girl! (in my mind)

*Gia keep talking bad to the girl she meet earlier*


*At the girl and sir Iron pov*

"Dad why do you have to tell her that Im your daughter?? Now she know I'm a girl"

Sir Iron felt bad.

"Honey, did you two known each other before?"

Then the girl said.

"Im actually her classmates before but I leave her because you and mom divorce and we have to move to another city.. and I felt bad for leaving her alone here"

Meo said to her father with a sad face.

"What??! so she's the girl who gave you a letter and cookies before? but why didn't you tell her that you cut your hair?"

Then meo didn't respond at all and just went outside.

Meo goes to the bathroom, then at the same time there's Gia standing in front of the mirror and talking to herself.

Amm? what are you doing? (in meo's mind)


"What are you doing in here???!"

I shouted.

"Your trying to do something to me huh, c'mon im not scared of you"

I said to the girl.

"chill, plus you already know I'm a girl so it's normal for me to go to the same gender as you"

The girl said.

Ohh she have a point but who is he?? Who really is this person.

"You have a point! ahem! okay, I want to know what is your name why do you keep going to the same place I've been?"

Bruhh? is it my fault that we go to the same place all the time? (in the girl mind)

"Fine fine.. Im Jay.." (lie's)

Jay said to me with a strange face, I can't understand? why does she have to make a fcae like that just to say her name?

"Okay! jay! ahem! Your the daughter of the owner here right? well you kind of remind me of someone so.... wants to be friends?"

I offered my hand to her if she would take it, and she really take it and said,

"Fine I've love to be your friend!"

Then she take my hand then smile, gosh why am I blushing to hard??? She's a girl, or am I lesbi?! But nothing will happen right? If I like a girl... No gia! you came here to work for your father!

"Ahh you can let go of my hand now.."

I told her with a shy face.

"Ahh ye-yeah, I'm sorry"

"I gotta go now, I have to go work"

I pointed the place where I work and then walk like normal.

Author: Now that they meet each other again, what do you think will happened next?

A. would they be close like before?

B. Just a normal friend?

C. will be awkward to each other.