
"I came for books,not for you"

A girl who name is Gia whom is so addicted to book and so cold to boy's cause she's not interested in relationships, can still fallin in love again? But who will she fall in love with?

Rec_hel · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Suddenly meeting you

"mom~ I want to go to the bookstoreeee" Mom refuse because she know that if we go to the bookstore, it will take us some time before i finish reading.

Well you can't deny me, cause i puts my feelings while reading my favorites books. And I also love making some story! like "A girl who is so clumsy, got a rich billionaire boyfriend" lucky girl right?

Btw let's get back to the story.

"Nope we can't go there, this time." Mom refuse, but luckily i have my dad by my side and said.

"darling, don't so hard to our only daughter."

Mom got annoyed and said "there you go again, you always spoiled your daughter too much"

Dad's pretend he didn't hear what mom said and said "ohh my one and only daughter,if you want to go there we can go there together~"

I get so happy and excited when dad say it, but then i see my mom looking so mad.

"mom~ pls don't be angry... you know mom sometimes you need to make your heart softy, and be considered about what your daughters like."

As soon as i say it mom she'd a tear and said, "baby, it's just that I don't want my daughter to get addicted to books. im worried about, what if you don't get to schoolarship, what if you don't get to achieve your dreams like us your father"

I know that mom and dad didn't get to finish school, because in their past life they used to be poor and hard to find some money about their tuition fee for exam...

But luckily mom find some jobs for us, also dad so i guess we get some money fo us to eat. That's why i don't want to disappoint my parents because, they're working so hard for me to get money for my monthly exam and also other payment for house...

"mom~ I love you so much, and trust me! I will achieve my dreams and make you two proud of me!"

I said to my mom and dad while smiling.

"Ohh my one and only daughter,this is why im proud of having a daughter like you~"

Dad said while mom said "and you too! Honey! don't get your daughter spoiled too much!"

Mom hit dad like they we're just playing to each other, and also we laughed and laugh until they forgot there argument.

After laughing we rest and breath in, "mom your not angry anymore right?" I ask then my mom said.

"im not anymore... but promise me you'll make me proud of you" Mom smile and put her trust to me.


Many years have pass by, and that promise will always be in my heart. I promise to mom to make her proud in the future, right now im 18 years old first year college student who lived alone in apartment and just an ordinary girl.

An ordinary girl who "always gets A+ in a test!" even though I always get A+ always in a test im still not popular, why? well.. i always wear some glasses, cause that will make me looks more smart but in other people eye's i look nerd.

And even though I study hard, I still don't forget to read my favorites books! well if you wonder why I can always manage my time to get study and read some books.

Well simple I have an motto we're im the only one who knows it, since it's a secret. "If you can study hard, you can also read some books always"

Well to explain it, what exactly that mean. Well if you study hard, you don't have to study anymore and just going to read your favorite books or comics! Best ideas right? Just kidding my motto is so stupid.

But sometimes study makes me depressed,not because your smart your not going to get depression or stress. Well studying it's not just simple for us student, we smart or not sometimes get a headache or stress for studying too much and forgot to rest.

But to me! my stress relief is "The anime!!!" Whenever i watch romance anime on my phone, i get butterflies! If only reincarnation is real, i would like to reincarnated in anime world we're i could see them in real life.

But they said, they aren't real and you can only see them in your dreams. So whenever I dream about them i get to enjoy it before it gets end, also anime is the one who always makes me happy.

They're so special to me, and important to me.


*Morning* "7:30 a.m"

*clock ringing*

*ring!* *ring!!* *ring!!!*

"Stop already!!! so noisy!" I stopped the clock, and get out of the bed to get ready for school.

*Cook some breakfast for myself*

*watching anime while eating*

"hahaha! omg so funny!!" I was laughing until some weird noise came out of my butt, I didn't realize that I almost fart for laughing too much. Gosh~ so embarrassing, luckily i was all alone in my apartment and no one heard it.

*After taking a bath and put my uniform and ect.*

"Finally done, now let's go to school!"

Another day, another slay! now it's time for me to get nerdy in school.

"hey Gia! morning!"

Ohh almost forgot to introduce myself!! Im "Gia Montalina" amazing name right? *smirk* I know my father have an amazing last name.

"Ohh hi! good morning!" That's my friends who say "Hi" to me earlier. She has been helping me study or helping me to my reviewer and ect. Her name is "Meo Grace" weird right? but it doesn't matter to me whatever her name is, the important thing is that i have a friend like her. A friend who can be trusted. Also a little secret from her "she's a lesbian". kekeke

"hey gia! can you come to the library with me later!?" Meo said to me.

"okay! what time?" i said.

"after class, i have something to tell you" Meo said and she left.

Hmm? what will she say to me at the library?

Come back for chapter 2!!! <333