
"I am a homeless person in the United States

"I am a homeless person in the United States."

sckyh · Urban
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75 Chs

Translate to English: "Chapter 32: Red Seduction Thighs"

"Um, two Bombshell Beef Burgers, and two Red Seduction Thighs. Why are the names of your burgers so outrageous?"

When I first heard the descriptions, I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, but as soon as I started ordering, I realized the difference.

The food offered by this food truck seemed quite abstract from its names.

Curious, Cheng Daqi wondered why the owner had chosen such unusual names.

Sani, also intrigued by the names, looked at Domer, waiting for his explanation.

Domer adjusted his chef's hat, which was leaning due to its oiliness, and awkwardly replied, "BBB Burgers aims to provide each customer with an unprecedented dining experience."

A forced smile appeared on his round face, as if he found the names a bit embarrassing himself.

An unprecedented dining experience? Does that mean the names of the food are unexpectedly bizarre?

Cheng Daqi continued, "What about this Bombshell? I mean, what ingredients does it have?"

As is well known, America is a land of possibilities.

Many people here advocate freedom and individuality, often unexpectedly creating big events.

Cheng Daqi didn't want to eat anything strange.

Upon hearing Cheng Daqi's question, Sani felt a bit embarrassed.

The shop she chose seemed a bit unreliable.

Domer, on the other hand, was straightforward and began explaining the ingredients of the Bombshell Burger.

"Chili, cheese, beef patty, and some other toppings. The chili gives you an explosive sensation, the richness of the cheese warms your stomach like a sweetheart. That's the Bombshell Beef Burger."

Cheng Daqi pointed to another item on the menu, the Red Seduction Thigh Burger, indicating for Domer to continue explaining.

Thighs, isn't that something strange?

"Red okra, tomato, chicken thigh meat. I hope this name evokes pleasant memories for the customers."

Domer was candid.

Cheng Daqi and Sani exchanged glances, both seeing hesitance in each other's eyes.

"We'll take two of each burger, and also two apple pies, two orders of fries, and two servings of chicken nuggets."

Cheng Daqi ordered decisively.

There was no need for much deliberation, they were already here.

And the owner of this food truck was thoughtful.

Cheng Daqi liked dealing with interesting people.

"Thank you, thank you for your approval. May I suggest changing the four pineapple pies to two apple pies and two pineapple pies for your complimentary items? What do you think?"

Domer replied excitedly.

Cheng Daqi was his first genuine customer to stay and eat in the past two days.

All the previous customers had been scared away by his peculiar dish names.


Cheng Daqi glanced at his phone. Someone had messaged him on Eagle.

Kolno "Man, you're a powerful tough guy. If I can't beat you, don't you think I'm wrong. I have a question."

This black guy's wording was simple, but his few lines carried a taste of intellectual growth.

Cheng Daqi pondered for a moment, then replied after ensuring there wouldn't be any issues.

"You ask."

Kolno "Are you the son of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan?"

Is the world crazy or am I crazy?

I know the world is bad, but it's not crazy.

Cheng Daqi was even more sure he wasn't crazy.

The patient was obvious.

Cheng Daqi "Get lost, if I hear anyone say I'm the son of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, I'll skin you alive. Before killing you, I'll cut off your **** with a Chinese knife and feed it to the dogs!"

Kolno "Is Bruce Lee a woman?"

"Wikipedia, get lost!"

Kolno stopped being silly, leaving Cheng Daqi in distress.

He was pondering. He hadn't said anything, so why would a black guy he had beaten up think he was the son of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan?

This was absurd.

Domer's words interrupted Cheng Daqi's contemplation. This friendly but peculiar fat guy generously said, "Alright, your burgers. As the first customer of BBB Burger, I'll give you a 50% discount!"

Receiving the burgers, Sani felt it was too good to be true.

Not only were they a dollar each, but they were also discounted on top of the low price.

The prices of American burgers were never publicly known or advertised as one dollar.

From the classification of burgers, America had two types of burgers.

One was the cheap burgers from fast food joints, with meager ingredients and relatively low prices, but even the cheapest and worst-tasting ones cost around three dollars.

The other was the more luxurious burgers with better ingredients, possibly sold for ten or even dozens of dollars.

Although Domer's BBB Burger truck was just a food truck, the burgers he sold belonged to the kind with decent ingredients.

One dollar each was a promotional price for the opening, extremely cost-effective.

This pricing was meant to attract customers and build brand awareness, but it wouldn't last long.

Sani felt a sense of taking advantage of a great deal and smiled at Cheng Daqi.

"See, Mommy Sani chose a good place, didn't she?"

Cheng Daqi smiled in agreement.

He was genuinely curious about the taste of Domer's named burgers, the legendary American-style burgers; it was his first time experiencing them.

Picking up the Bombshell Beef Burger, Cheng Daqi didn't notice anything special.

Adding chili to a burger was a bit sickening, but many people did it, and it tasted okay.

The pale yellow melted cheese tasted rich, and with each bite, fine strands of cheese would stretch out, enveloping a significant amount of heat, providing immense satisfaction.

The beef patty was noticeably more substantial than those in cheap burgers, and the taste was delicious.

However, when all these elements came together, they didn't surprise Cheng Daqi.

The richness of the cheese, the savory taste of the beef patty, the kick of the chili—each was just right, and together, they were pretty good.

But there were too many pretty good burgers out there, and Cheng Daqi had already eaten his fair share in his past life.

Noticing Cheng Daqi's disappointment, Domer hurriedly asked, "Hello, is there something wrong with the taste? I used ingredients prepared today, there shouldn't be any problem!"

This friendly fat guy showed a hint of nervousness for the first time; he didn't want any issues with his first order.

That wouldn't be a good sign!

"No, Domer, the burger is very good, but I just feel it didn't bring me any surprises."

Cheng Daqi genuinely felt that Domer's named burgers were pretty good.

"No surprises?"

Domer repeated these words in a murmuring tone, his disappointment evident in his voice.

He didn't expect his offhand comment to have such a significant impact on this fat chef; Cheng Daqi quickly added.

"Haha, Domer, your burgers are already very delicious, don't mind my feedback."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask the lady next to me about her experience."

Sani swallowed the food in her mouth and generously praised, "Domer, this is the most delicious burger I've ever eaten, much better than those from fast food joints. Don't listen to him; he's just being silly."

After speaking, the kind-hearted black girl even glared at Cheng Daqi.

Sani felt that her neighbor was too nosy.

To be able to eat burgers tastier than those from McDonald's or Burger King at such a low price, what more could you ask for?

"Haha, alright, thank you for your feedback, beautiful lady," Domer forced a smile and began tidying up the kitchen with a worried expression.

He was a fat man with aspirations.

Cheng Daqi's words triggered his greatest concern.

His burgers were indeed good, but there were too many good burgers out there.

Moreover, making burgers was so simple that creating something unique was incredibly difficult.

He had already perfected the taste within the constraints of the ingredients; there was no way to further optimize it, so he could only start with the names.

Domer gave those bizarre names to the burgers in the hopes of making them stand out.

Now, realizing that the strange names had caused him to miss out on dozens of potential customers in just two days, he felt powerless.

This indicated that trying to make the burgers stand out through their names was a dead end.

The more Domer thought about it, the more powerless he felt. He recalled his ambitious dreams when he purchased the food truck and registered his brand.

The disparity between his ideals and reality was immense.

The fat chef fell silent as he gazed at the street outside the food truck, thoughts of giving up crossing his mind.

Starting a business was too difficult. Maybe he should just go back home and inherit the family business.

Seeking recommendations, seeking monthly votes—urban novels are too competitive, and new authors don't have many old readers. I only ask for the support of friends who enjoy this story. Thank you in advance!