
"I am a homeless person in the United States

"I am a homeless person in the United States."

sckyh · Urban
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75 Chs

Chapter 67: We're Different from Politicians, Understand?

There are many differences between Cheng Daqi and other reincarnated Americans.

He is not a native white American, and this is not just an identity issue; more importantly, he lacks the foundational connections in America.

Family, school, other organizations—Cheng Daqi lacks all the foundational connections in America.

This is a deficiency that even after Cheng Daqi receives rewards from the system and changes his identity, it cannot be filled.

Without local connections in America, every step he takes to establish his own career in America will be difficult.

The native white Americans in America, those with old money, new elites, and financial vampires, all have more competitive advantage than him.

His only advantage is being backed by the Huaguo (China).

Cheng Daqi is very clear, extremely clear, on how to break through step by step!

Many connections from his previous life have stood the test of time and events and are trustworthy.

For example, Brother Sun, the big brother in the martial arts world, apart from being overly intelligent and strict, he has no other flaws.

For example, Xiao Cao, who is still working in customer service, has explosive execution ability and can handle anything to Cheng Daqi's satisfaction.

By leveraging these connections from his previous life, Cheng Daqi plans to take the lead in Huaguo, first capturing domestic short video traffic.

In the future, with the massive overseas expansion of short videos, he plans to leverage his experience in operating Douyin videos to capture a wave of TikTok traffic.

With these two waves of success, Cheng Daqi's career will take off.

In America, you can't make it without money.

To make money, you need to start a business.

Cheng Daqi's system is not a sign-in system that gives out money, nor is it a lottery system with unlimited rewards.

He must plan for these businesses and wealth in a timely manner.

And many seemingly fast routes are actually unreliable.

For example, cryptocurrencies—many people have become wealthy through them, like the Needle Insertion Brother, like the couple who died in the Maldives.

But cryptocurrencies with enormous value seem good, but they are actually very dangerous. The Needle Insertion Brother was nearly killed by American tycoons and fined hundreds of billions!

The couple who became wealthy by trading cryptocurrencies, carrying their assets, were directly killed in a hotel.

Stock trading, futures trading—it's the same story.

Financial money is not something ordinary people can earn.

If you earn too much, the rule makers will come after you directly.

Once targeted by the big players, no matter how much money you have, you'll need luck!

Even those with backgrounds are not necessarily safe; American tycoons also have factions, as seen in the FTX bankruptcy incident.

So, there's only one way for Cheng Daqi to establish his own business in America.

By integrating into American society based on his identity and relying on the resources of Huaguo to help him in his American career.

Short videos are just the beginning; there's much more he can do in the future!

Time waits for no one.

Cheng Daqi's prophetic advantage only lasts for five years.

Within five years, all the changes he brings to the world will impact the future!

This path will be difficult, in a foreign land, in a society of extreme capital expansion, with various hostile groups tearing each other apart.

And the most uncontrollable security environment.

Nothing is simple, but Cheng Daqi finds it interesting in his heart.

Brother Sun has already agreed to help, and tomorrow, he will set out again to embark on this adventure.

The current state of wandering on the streets does not dampen Cheng Daqi's anticipation for the future!

Cheng Daqi is looking forward, looking forward to the moment in late November 2023, five years after his rebirth, to see how his appearance will make a difference in this world.

A busy day finally ends, and the fatigue brought on by the cold quickly puts Cheng Daqi to sleep.

In a place he doesn't know, something utterly unexpected is happening.

Americans love parties, receptions, and sports events; they have a special love for these social occasions.

Just like banquets in China, American receptions are also places for transactions.

Similarly filled with anticipation for the future, West Coast tycoon Ellis is mingling with a small leader from the San Lotto Immigration Bureau at a reception.

As a first-generation immigrant to America, Ellis feels it's necessary to help young people who come to America with ideals.

Even if these young people have minor identity issues, America is big enough to accommodate anyone's small dreams.

Ellis is a dream chaser; he just wants to help another dream chaser, so what's wrong with that?

"Mr. Como, winter is coming. Every time I pass by the beautiful streets of San Lotto, I worry about those homeless people. How will they survive this cold winter?"

"It's none of my damn business. I just hope they all die instead of shitting all over the streets!"

Unlike Ellis, who acts like a sycophant, Como is a white left-wing redneck.

White left + redneck, giving him infinite possibilities in terms of stance.

For example, regarding the issue of homelessness, Mr. Como obviously has different ideals from his political party.

This is normal; the two major alliances in America are just two large alliances, and there are many small groups with conflicting political views within each party.

When they are facing outward, they can have a united stance, but behind closed doors, they can argue fiercely.

Ellis obviously didn't react; brother, aren't you a Democrat?

Am I attending a wild California Democratic Party reception?

Is it that wild?

A dream chaser from the West Coast encounters a rare white left-wing redneck and is directly stunned.

"Um, Mr. Como, I want to hire two people from the homeless, and I may need to arrange an identity for them, which requires the cooperation of the Immigration Bureau."

Como, who was enjoying his chicken leg, raised an eyebrow at Ellis.

He glanced at Ellis, the complex white left-wing redneck put down his chicken leg and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"Okay, starting at ten grand per person, you can give them any identity you want. We have all the documents, and it's searchable in the system.

We can handle the compliant process and forge historical birth records for you, depending on what you need."

Even the agent from the West Coast couldn't stand such a high price. Who asks for ten grand upfront?

Damn, that's too much!

"F**k, are you crazy? Ten grand each, why don't you just rob them?"

Are you trying to freeload off me? Do you think I'm one of those female interns at the Immigration Bureau?

Como responded sarcastically.

"It's a starting price of ten grand! The more authentic the identity, the higher the price. The most authentic one costs fifteen grand."

You bumpkin! You don't even understand the price and you're here complaining!

"Como, do you know about Mr. Domis, a member of the State Budget Committee?

Ellis, a forty-year-old bearded boy, tried to build a relationship; Como's asking price was so high that he didn't want to argue anymore.

Domis is his client and quite influential in California.

But his relationship with Domis is actually quite ordinary; they've only cooperated once.

In business, it's normal to flaunt a little.

"You'd have to pay me the same, even if you were asking for the governor. If you want a truly authentic identity that follows the proper procedures, this is the price.

Civil servants are civil servants, politicians are politicians, we're not the same as politicians, understand?"

Eris closed his eyes, weighing whether it's worth it.

He and Cheng Daqi need to be fully prepared for their plan. If they're going to buy an identity, they must choose the most genuine one.

Well, this money could also be used to get that Asian guy off his back!

He also needs to discuss with him how to choose the most suitable option.

"Is your channel reliable? Since when did your immigration office handle birth record business?"

"The highest price is fifteen thousand, and it's not just me or one department asking for it, understand?

If you don't need birth records or other detailed customization, the price can be much lower."

"Just wait for my message, I haven't figured out how to customize it yet."

"We're a professional team, you've found the right people if you come to us for this, buddy."