
"I am a homeless person in the United States

"I am a homeless person in the United States."

sckyh · Urban
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75 Chs

Chapter 66: Big Brother Takes Action, Tomorrow's a Sure Thing!

In an office building of Dongxin Group on Lu Island, Sun Dongxin suddenly stopped in his tracks.

As long as he was in Lu Island, he had the habit of walking around the company's office area every morning. This habit was core to maintaining his strong control over the company after years of entrepreneurship.

His pause didn't matter much, but the person behind him was startled.

Almost bumped into him!

That would have been a big deal!

"President Sun, there's a problem with the guarantee Dongxin provided to Changfan. Changfan falsified the receivables of its two main overseas clients, and the person who helped you with the guarantee audit received money from Changfan's boss.

If you don't believe me, you can keep an eye on the actual sales performance or distribution of goods for their two Polish clients. It's not difficult at all, just send a few people to Poland to take a look."

After sending the message, Cheng Daqi directly dropped a bomb.

This bomb was something Sun Dongxin had personally told him in his past life and was quite well-known in the Lu Island business district — the old fox had been duped by his 'good buddy'.

Dongxin was a conglomerate with a wide range of business activities, including providing guarantees to other companies.

The Changfan fraud incident only cost Sun Dongxin a small amount, which wasn't much for Dongxin Group.

However, this incident left a deep impression on Sun Dongxin.

After all, after this incident, he was teased by other bosses at dinners and meetings every day, for a whole year!

Because Changfan's operation was so detailed, Changfan's boss had set up a whole production for Sun Dongxin just to get a few billion.

Setting up a production to swindle money, they were really professional!

Despite Sun Dongxin's extensive experience in the business world, he had been thoroughly taught a lesson.

"Where did you get this information?" Sun Dongxin wasn't too surprised, being cheated in business was too normal.

But losing another friend because of money made him feel a bit melancholic.

After seeing Cheng Daqi's analysis, Sun Dongxin felt that there was no need to send people to investigate.

With two major clients, both from the same place, were these two companies idiots? Choosing the same supplier.

He was just curious why this person suddenly approached him and told him about this matter.

"I work in corporate business, you know."

Disturbed by this matter, Sun Dongxin naturally lost interest in inspecting his employees' work.

He first instructed his secretary to call for a meeting and then went straight to the meeting room on this floor.

"You've been in the industry for fifteen years, our ages should be similar, so I'll call you Brother Cheng.

Brother Cheng, your sincerity today is too much. If it's convenient tonight, where should we meet for dinner?

For helping me so much, it's not right if I don't thank you properly!"

In the dim and cramped tent, Cheng Daqi almost laughed out loud.

It was still that steady and reliable taste; Brother Sun really hadn't changed at all.

He was so familiar with Sun Dongxin's style. First, he would invite you to dinner, then halfway through, he would bring up business.

According to the guest's identity and attitude during the meal, there would be different arrangements after the show ended.

But now, separated by thousands of miles, Cheng Daqi really was powerless. Moreover, he approached the big brother for a real reason.

"President Sun, you're too polite. I said from the beginning that I'm here to discuss cooperation with you.

I hope you can lend me fifty thousand first, and I'll pay you back sixty thousand within a year.

Whether you believe me or not, consider this message as my gift to you."

It's not that he couldn't afford five hundred thousand, but Cheng Daqi really didn't need that much money right now.

Just enough to start would do. He couldn't predict the future, and if the short video content didn't do well, fifty thousand would be much better than five hundred thousand.

Risk control, the basic methodology of life.

Cheng Daqi didn't speculate in stocks or futures. As a entrepreneur who started with industry, the financial market had little to do with him.

The only two big opportunities he remembered were Ethereum and the World Cup.

He knew Ethereum was a virtual currency and would rise, but he forgot the specific timing.

The World Cup left a deep impression on him. Argentina's disastrous defeat to Saudi Arabia forced countless old brothers to cry out in despair.

But these two opportunities weren't something he could worry about now.

Small volumes couldn't make big money, and large volumes couldn't afford risks.

Better to stick to the old path and start a company.

Cheng Daqi just hoped to find some money in China as soon as possible, seize the head of the foreign blogger race while the video content wasn't so rich.

"Are you sure you only need fifty thousand?" Seeing many brokers asking for exorbitant amounts, Sun Dongxin was the first to encounter such a sincere price.

As for Cheng Daqi's promise to repay, Sun Dongxin didn't expect it at all.

Dealing with people in corporate business was like this. Repayment meant nothing if they didn't want to.

"Maybe add a bit more, one million, round it up."

This was Sun Dongxin's philosophy. Valuable partners must be brought into the fold.

Either do it or don't. If you're going to do it, do it properly.

"Fifty thousand is enough, but I have another small favor that might really need President Sun's help."

"Go ahead."

Lighting a cigarette, Sun Dongxin narrowed his eyes.

Was he going to make a real request now?

"Help me register a company, and just set the office address to Dongxin Tower. Transfer the fifty thousand directly to the company's account."

After saying that, Cheng Daqi directly sent his identity information, which was necessary for registering a company.

Sun Ge's reputation was among the best in Lu Island.

Big brother was strict, but big brother had stood at the forefront for more than ten years, relying on principles and bottom lines.

This sincere move by the young man really baffled Sun Dongxin.

No, why do you trust me so much?

Aren't you afraid I'll cheat you?

This was the first time he had encountered such a thing today. They had just been chatting nicely, and now he was revealing his identity directly.

You're sending your identity information directly, it's a bit sudden.

'Cheng Daqi, this name is good, vulgar, elegant, and prosperous.'

'Why are you only 21?'

'It's not your own identity, that's why.'

Holding up his phone, Sun Dongxin thought for a moment before replying.

"It's my fault, don't mind it, it's an old problem of mine."

"Hahaha, no worries, President Sun. Let's name the company Shanhaiguan, Shanhaiguan Cultural Media."