
"I am a homeless person in the United States

"I am a homeless person in the United States."

sckyh · Urban
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75 Chs

Chapter 4: It's PPD, Not PDD!

The relief points of the church have always been beloved by the homeless community.

On the one hand, many American people have faith, and the number of church believers is large. Many believers prefer to go to church relief points after becoming homeless.

While receiving relief, they listen to the preaching of the pastors.

It's a beautiful thing to hold both coins and merits tightly, isn't it?

Another reason is that the variety of items distributed at church relief points is relatively abundant.

The relief materials of the church mainly come from the donations of believers and church funds.

The types of items donated by believers are often diverse.

You can even get game consoles.

Except for not dispensing happy pills, the church relief point is perfect.

So today's queue is particularly long.

It was so long that Cheng Daqi had to count the feces on the ground twice before he and Sani got their turn.

"Hi, today there are two kinds of burgers, chicken burger and beef burger, and some drinks."

There were several volunteers distributing supplies, and Cheng Daqi met a young Asian girl.

"アリアドル (Japanese thank you), I'm from RB, are you Japanese too?"

Cheng Daqi took the bag of food and casually started a conversation.

He didn't say he was from China.

They've come to beg in the United States.

They can't lose face for their hometown anymore.

In fact, Chinese people had a bad reputation abroad for a while, for various reasons.

One of them is that during the economic prosperity of RB in the last century, Japanese people were more active in Europe and America.

When they did something bad, they liked to say they were Chinese.

These devils are really despicable!

Later, more Chinese people went abroad, and everyone liked to pretend to be Japanese.

Tit for tat.

Cheng Daqi is pretending to be Japanese now.

The Asian girl distributing relief looks young, wearing a pink and white hooded sweatshirt on her upper body, with a black skirt underneath, and there are probably indoor clothes inside the sweatshirt.

She might still be a college student.

Cheng Daqi judged.

"クール君チワ (Japanese hello), I'm from China, RB is beautiful, I have a deep impression of the cherry blossoms there."

The girl smiled and replied, her eyes were peach-blossom eyes that were just right, and when she smiled, there was a kind of gentle charm that made people sway.

Cheng Daqi fell silent for a moment and began to analyze.

Los Angeles, weekend church volunteer, from China.


He tentatively asked.


The girl looked at Cheng Daqi with some disbelief, and the surprise on her face was hard to conceal.

She didn't say anything else, just said she was from China, and she liked—

Even if you're a Conan fan, you're not that good, are you?

"Sir, sorry, I don't know how to say this, are you the legendary RB detective?"

The young compatriot from China was full of question marks in her mind at the moment.

Cheng Daqi shrugged helplessly. He was just pretending.

The deeper the impression left on the first meeting, the easier it is for future relationships to deepen.

He started from scratch in the United States and met a Chinese, maybe even a Roman Chinese, so he naturally wanted to make friends.

PPD in Santa Dolt was one of the low-profile high-threshold universities in the United States.

With a church background, playing small group teaching, and being well-known for its high but vague enrollment standards, but only low research output ranking.

The most famous programs are still business and arts, and the global enrollment is less than a thousand people per year.

These data combinations make it hard not to realize who the students are inside.

All heirs, there are really classmates who are princes and princesses.

Of all the high schools around Los Angeles, Cheng Daqi only knew about PPD because the vice president of his previous life's company's wife came from this school.

That guy never stopped boasting about PPD in front of Cheng Daqi.

He's just pretending.

"Haha, I'm not an RB detective at all, in fact, I'm the same as you, from China."

Except you came to study, and I came to beg.

He didn't say the last sentence.

A man is a boy until he dies.

Being mentally thirty-five doesn't stop him from putting on a good face in front of a beautiful woman.


"Oh? Then why did you say you came from RB?"

The girl with peach-blossom eyes didn't quite understand, and she couldn't keep up with Cheng Daqi's train of thought.

One second, you're here playing detective, the next you're cleverly claiming to be my fellow countryman.

Buddy, you're quite talented.

"Ah, my passport and wallet are gone, so I had to come for relief. I'm afraid of losing face for us."

A man's mouth, a deceitful ghost.

This is what it means to talk nonsense.

Cheng Daqi doesn't like lying, so he only said he lost them, not that they were stolen.

This is the last principle he can hold onto.

Lies will only alienate one from their true selves, and all one gains is a sense of emptiness.

"It's okay, haha, do you need me to help you contact the consulate? Do you still have your phone?"

The girl with peach-blossom eyes said with a smile, she didn't mind helping a fellow countryman, after all, she might have met a 'detective' legend.

Cheng Daqi's eyes lit up.

Contacts are here!

The girl with peach-blossom eyes clearly had some interest in him, not the kind of interest between men and women, but the kind of interest in someone who is interesting.

His first impression strategy worked!

"My phone is still there, let's exchange Line contacts. If you need me to contact you, I'll try to reach out myself first."

Cheng Daqi doesn't miss any opportunity.

In his previous life, after his auto repair shop was reincarnated into filth by the landlord, he followed the big shots around.

The network sensitivity of a gold medal salesman from Lu Island is not just talk!

The girl with peach-blossom eyes didn't have any brand on her clothes, so she couldn't tell the price, but her hair quality was excellent.

In the United States, a woman who wants to maintain her hair quality must do hair care, and the price of hair care is quite attractive.

The price of hair care in California has never been low, and it can be considered as TOP3 in the United States.

There is a kind of pain for international students—I got a haircut in the United States.

With excellent hair quality, skin that could break with a puff, and attending a top-tier university.

A fat sheep!

No, it should be called a high net worth client.

This is the pleasure of successful hunting, a pleasure far greater than the shivering that came before.

In this hunt, the salesperson is the hunter, and the customer is the prey. The salesperson practices trial and error every day, constantly honing their hunting skills.

Most of the time, they will fail, and ordinary hunters will continue to try and fail, and their tired work will make them unable to think deeply.

Hunters with self-fulfillment needs often have higher initiative.

After failing, they will review, delve into, and improve the details of their hunting process in preparation for the next shot.

Finally, at some point, the skills honed over a long period of time explode.

A single blow hits the mark.

Too cool.

Cheng Daqi almost forgot that he had been reborn in a foreign country and became a homeless person with a system.

"So, Zhao Hongjin, PPD brick-moving university student, nice to meet you."

"Cheng Daqi, currently investigating the entrepreneurial environment in the United States, do you want to exchange contacts?"

"Your name is really interesting, Cheng Daqi, does it mean success in entrepreneurship?"

"How about you, it's the 21st century and you still call yourself Red Flag, that's spirited."

"It really is. At that time, my grandfather insisted on naming it Red Flag, and in the end my mother persuaded him to change it, but it didn't make much of a difference."

"Then I'll note you as Red Flag, can I treat our conversation as a work report with you?"

"Sure, I like young people like you who want to do big things."

"Hahaha, let's talk later, I'll try to reach out myself first. If it doesn't work, then I'll ask you, sir."