
"I am a homeless person in the United States

"I am a homeless person in the United States."

sckyh · Urban
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75 Chs

Chapter 39 Is the next sentence "but"?

Chan found the restaurant as guided by the navigation set by Lisa.

However, the decor of the place was a bit upscale.

With a Baroque-style exterior, the interior was modernized.

The diners coming and going were all well-dressed, and their mannerisms exuded an air of sophistication.

In his past life, Chan would have confidently walked in to dine, but now he was just a stinky beggar.

He didn't feel inferior; he was just worried that his sportswear would get him stopped at the door by the security.

Chan had read plenty of mindless web novels, and he didn't want to become the mindless pig's foot in one of them.

The security guard, dressed in a red tuxedo jacket, noticed Chan. After all, this Asian man had been staring at the glass for a long time.

"Sir, May I help you?"

Reality wasn't a novel; there weren't such brainless supporting roles. The restaurant's security guard wore an extremely friendly smile and asked if Chan needed help.

The implication was clear: enter if you intend to consume, otherwise, scram. But the change in attitude and wording made a world of difference.

This smart security guard saved the author at least five thousand words.

"Hello, I have an appointment with a friend. Can I wait inside?"

Pulling out his phone, Chan showed the security guard the information about the meeting place he had finalized with Lisa last night, successfully entering the restaurant.

"Since you haven't reserved a specific seat, please wait here. Our staff will seat you when your friend arrives."

A beautiful waitress arranged Chan in the restaurant's waiting area and poured him a cup of tea.

"Alright, thank you. Can I see your menu?"

Chan began to feel nervous. What if Lisa wanted to go Dutch? His budget for today's plan would be halved at least.

Knowing the enemy is half the battle. He could order conservatively when it came time to go Dutch.

"Of course, sir, here's our menu for today."

Many upscale restaurant menus change, sometimes due to ingredients, sometimes due to the chef.

Seeing one expensive dish after another, Chan sighed inwardly.

Lisa, I'm about to drop a grand, all on your company's dime.

It wasn't necessary. Not necessary at all.

He was already thinking about pulling off a Zhao Daye inviting Bi Lao Shi play.

"Chan, ha, you're quite punctual."

Lisa's words interrupted Chan's internal monologue.

This blonde girl was still as dazzling as ever, her golden hair cascading in waves down her shoulders, clad in a tight-fitting beige pencil skirt.

Because of her presence, several men in the restaurant forgot they were with female companions.

"Of course, a friend who extends a helping hand means a lot to me. I was so grateful last night that I couldn't even sleep."

Not sure if it was going Dutch, but it was best to butter her up a bit and show some vulnerability.

Lisa took off her sunglasses, giving Chan a teasing glance.

She wasn't one to be easily fooled. This urban beauty saw through Chan's concerns easily and replied without lifting her head.

"Are we not going Dutch this time? I'll treat you. Come on."

After the two sat down, Lisa smiled and handed something like an invitation to the waiter.

"Can we use this?"

"Of course, welcome! Any consumption under two thousand dollars today is on the house!"

Chan looked at Lisa's interaction with the waitress in surprise.

He didn't expect this rich girl to be here to freeload as well.

"What are you looking at? I'm using the consumption vouchers our company gives to big clients. I can't afford to dine here either."

Lisa explained confidently.

"We don't have many big clients, and this voucher is about to expire. There's nothing I can do. I'll have to reluctantly solve this problem."

Understood, this was Miss Lisa, the CEO of Public Fidelity Corporation, right?

"Lisa, this is the first time in my life I've been to such a luxurious restaurant. Can I ask why?"

"I'm just a regular Asian, homeless, wearing the same clean clothes for three days straight. Why did you choose a place like this?"

Bored, fiddling with his fingers, Chan asked.

"Chan, didn't your mother teach you? Don't try to understand what women are thinking."

Actually, she had been wanting to eat at this restaurant for a long time.

If Chan hadn't come to her for help, she might have come alone today.

But Chan's appearance was just a coincidence, with no deeper meaning.

However, Lisa had no intention of explaining. The first time they met, she had taken quite a hit from this cunning auto mechanic.

Want to go? You won't be able to figure it out no matter how hard you try.

You're desperate!

"Haha, what are you laughing at?"

What's so funny?

Chan sat across from Lisa, wondering what attitude Lisa had towards him and whether today's matter could be resolved.

But Lisa's sudden and inexplicable laughter eased his mind.

This woman was obviously not normal; maybe she even had a problem with her brain.

She couldn't speak properly and laughed like she had successfully conspired!

Forget it, let's just eat.

Escargot, oysters, foie gras, starting with the French triumvirate.

Tartare beef, French scallops, smoked salmon.

Chan was shocked. One dish on the table made him hesitate to take a bite.

"Are you sure you want to eat this?"

Tartare beef was prepared in an extremely unconventional way. Simply put, it was a cold dish.

Chan had heard of it in his previous life but had never seen it served at a banquet in China.

No heating, no cooking, just seasoning. Add some eggs and spices, and it's served directly.

"This is the first time I've seen this too. Would you taste it for me first? If you eat it, I'll vouch for you."

Lisa put down her phone, teasing with a smile.

There could be such a good thing?

This request was simply too easy!

As an old hand in the wine industry, Chan seized the opportunity without a hint of hesitation, skewering a piece and quickly stuffing it into his mouth.

Lisa, Americans don't cheat illegal immigrants.

Absolutely live up to your word!

The blonde girl across from Chan was stunned by his decisiveness.

He really didn't hesitate at all!

"Chan, I just..."

"No, Lisa, please respect me. I need your help, but I just like to eat raw meat."

Firmly asserting himself, showing weakness at the same time.

"Of course, if what you said is true, that's even better, hahaha."

Just hated that he hadn't gone to film school in his past life to learn some acting skills. Otherwise, Chan would have shed a tear for Lisa across the table!

This scene, what a pity?

Lisa looked at Chan, she didn't understand his decisiveness.

She was born into the middle class and had never worried about her credit or life. She had never really understood the survival environment of the homeless.

Going out to distribute relief supplies was also for the company's publicity plan.

She didn't understand Chan.

Before, her deepest impression of Chan was cunning.

But now she understood that this Asian auto mechanic really needed her help.

She took a deep breath, her chest slightly raised, and softly spoke.

"Chan, my education has taught me how risky it is to help a stranger with a mortgage."


Chan's gaze was fixed on Lisa's face, waiting for the next word, the word "but".