
"I am a homeless person in the United States

"I am a homeless person in the United States."

sckyh · Urban
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75 Chs

Chapter 37: Our Holy Water Tastes a Bit Sweet

Lisa's reply surprised Chan with unexpected delight.

He had already prepared himself for the possibility of not finding anyone to help.

If necessary, he would visit more physical betting points to spread the risk.

However, the issue of obtaining a credit card in America was something Chan would inevitably have to face.

Getting someone to help open a supplementary card was indeed the quickest solution.

Therefore, Lisa's willingness to help was the best-case scenario.

Upon waking up in the morning, Chan saw a message from an old classmate on WeChat.

It was Zhang Weiqi, the high school male classmate with whom he had interacted on social media before.

"Chan, I was the one who made that comment about Sally Niduo Fenney, and I've deleted it. I didn't think too much about it at the time."

"It's not that I won't help you, it's just that I'm still a student, brother. It's a small amount of money, don't think too little of it."

After these two sentences, there was a red packet. Zhang Weiqi directly sent Chan a red packet.

Chan looked at his phone and searched his original memories.

He remembered that he hadn't been in contact with Zhang Weiqi for several years.

But this guy was really interesting. Initially, when he saw the comment, he thought it was someone trying to kick him while he was down.

Who exposes their friend's name online like that?

Unexpectedly, Zhang Weiqi deleted the comment directly and even sent a red packet after seeing Chan's reply asking for money.

How much money could there be in one red packet? But it was indeed a great gesture.

Chan didn't accept the money but replied to Zhang Weiqi.

"Brother, I appreciate the gesture, but as you said, you're still a student, so I won't take the money."

"Let me give you a tip-off. Whether you believe it or not is up to you. The champion of the finals has already been decided, and it's IG."

"I heard this from someone at the Riot Games office. Many employees there have already bought a lot, you get it?"

Although Zhang Weiqi could only be considered an online friend, this guy was really considerate.

Chan didn't mind making a good connection.

The stuff about Riot Games was just an excuse he found to justify his early prediction.

After all, there were too many rebirth novels, and Chan needed to disguise himself and handle details well in his actions.

To prevent any secret societies or Hydra from getting a handle on him.

After all, he had been reborn, and there were many magical things in places he didn't understand.

There was a time difference between America and China. It was currently seven in the morning in America, and late at night in China.

Zhang Weiqi was a night owl, he wasn't resting at the moment, he was getting beaten up in the canyon.

Playing top lane with a Dragon Turtle against a Nasus, just got chunked by Nasus.

Zhang Weiqi was about to flame the jungler, but Chan's message came.

'IG winning the championship? Someone at Riot Games also bought it?'

'Sure enough, there's something shady going on!'

'Should I expose this information?'

'Wait, but I can also buy it!'

Zhang Weiqi's mindset change was quite representative.

As an old LOL player, after many years of China's failure in the World Championships, he believed that the finals of the LPL were definitely scripted.

So his first thought was to report it.

But he quickly realized that there was no reward for reporting, it was better to go with the flow and profit!

However, he still felt a little uncertain about Chan's words.

A person who had been homeless and wandering in America suddenly claimed to know which team would win the finals.

The absurdity of this situation was equivalent to when your classmate told you on Thursday that he was Qin Shihuang and needed fifty to buy a Luoyang shovel to find the treasure he had left behind.

Without feeling like greeting the jungler anymore, Zhang Weiqi put down his keyboard and started typing on his phone screen.

"Chan, is this information reliable? Why does it sound so mystical?"

Just before the message was sent, Zhang Weiqi deleted what he wanted to say.

He thought that since Chan didn't even care about the red packet, there was no need to make up fake news to fool himself.

If he didn't want the red packet, how could he be a scammer?

"Okay, thanks for the info, but I don't really play LOL."

Zhang Weiqi finally replied.

He still didn't quite believe Chan's words.

'Perhaps this is Chan's final stubbornness.'

Ah, being homeless is indeed too bitter.


Chan didn't say much, he had given the opportunity, it was up to you whether you could seize it, Xiao Zhang.

He picked up a water bottle from his tent and prepared to find a place to collect some water.

The result of the match wouldn't be out for another dozen days, and he would still have to wander the streets for a long time.

He needed to be prepared for long-term living, and water was essential.

For now, the eviction of the homeless in Saint Lot was not too strong, and his and Sandy's tents were relatively secluded. Sandy had been here for months.

So Chan didn't have to worry about finding a new respawn point for the time being.

Sandy, still asleep this morning as always, was probably still sleeping now.

Chan left the respawn point quietly, carrying several large bottles, heading towards the nearest church.

In the impression of many Chinese people, churches still exist in stories, but American churches are different from those within China's borders.

In America, churches and faith are things that people cannot avoid throughout their lives.

Immigrants from Europe were influenced by European churches, making religion an important part of life since the country's founding.

Different denominations and beliefs have their own followers in America.

They penetrate into communities, close to all those who thirst for the gospel, making churches extremely organized even in modern times.

The church Chan went to was a standard grassroots church.

It was not only a place for preaching to believers but also for propagating religion.

The priests would provide assistance to the homeless near the Red Light District to let them feel the warmth of God and convert them.

Although it was only eight o'clock, the church's clergy had finished their morning prayers and started their work for the day.

A black woman greeted Chan.

"Hello, what do you need help with?"

"GOD bless you, I need to collect some water, is that okay?"

"GOD bless you," was the catchphrase of Chan's favorite electronic pet online in America.

It was simple and easy to use, and everyone could understand it.

If readers ever go to America, they must learn this phrase first.

It may not help you get rich, but it can give you an extra bite to eat when begging.

"Okay, follow me."

The black woman was a church staff member, and she led Chan directly into the church's courtyard.

She pointed to a seemingly old water tap and said proudly.

"The water in our church is famous in Saint Lot for being holy water, and everyone who drinks it says it's sweet."

"But we haven't added any sugar to it. It's really a gift from God, you'll definitely like it."

Everyone who drinks it says it's sweet?

Is it the kind of sweetness from lead sugar?

Who dares to drink that?