
"I am a homeless person in the United States

"I am a homeless person in the United States."

sckyh · Urban
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75 Chs

Chapter 24: What a Beautiful Picture of Freedom and Democracy

It is well known that the United States has a long history of vibrant organizational development.

For instance, over a hundred years ago, there were numerous gangs sprawling across the West.

Then came the rise of the Italian Mafia and Chinese gangs in the early 20th century, as immigration sources diversified.

In recent decades, notable groups include the Russian gangs and Mexican cartels.

Apart from these internationally renowned organizations, which are often depicted in major films and TV series, the United States harbors countless smaller regional organizations that are less known.

These organizations may not be as prominent, but they are widely distributed across various regions of the country.

However, all these vibrant organizations have nothing to do with the homeless.

Homeless people are considered trash even by these organizations.

The reason why Changdaqi dared to act is precisely because of this.

He never pays the price for impulse easily, and this time, his action was carefully considered.

In terms of the standard of living, Koreno, who was queuing up for relief, was at most a small fry.

Although he appeared big in stature, he was just all bark and no bite.

The real powerful black guys wouldn't show up on Red Street.

Changdaqi did indeed fear these elite thugs with skin, but fear did not mean avoidance.

Especially when trouble came knocking on the door.

Avoidance would only expose his cowardice. A cowardly Asian in the streets would only encounter endless trouble!

He also didn't intend to really kill Koreno.

That would be too unworthy.

A worthless life, not worth it at all.

What's even scarier is that American landlords love illegal immigrants who commit crimes.

Criminalize illegal immigrants, and the crime is elevated.

The landlords can legitimately send you to a private prison for life and make you a slave!

Many public intellectuals in the country don't know whether they're stupid or evil, actually whitewashing American private prisons.

Too naive.

Knowing the consequences of murder, Changdaqi wouldn't joke about his future.

"Thank you, Sani."

Taking the small knife from Sani's hand, he smiled and thanked her.

It was an ordinary fruit knife, only about ten centimeters long, as it's not convenient to carry a longer one.

Changdaqi fiercely pulled Koreno's head.

"Listen, my name is Chan, Jackie Chan's Chan, Jackie Chan, our kung fu master, you know?"

Pressing the blade against Koreno's face, Changdaqi spoke solemnly.

"My master taught me that if someone offends you, you need to forgive them once, because they are children of God.

Tell me, are you a child of God?"

Onlookers saw real Eastern kung fu in reality for the first time.

"He's from China! He used Chinese kung fu!"

"He must be Jackie Chan's son. Only Jackie Chan's son can defeat a big guy like this in a few seconds."

"You're an idiot. He said he has a master. In our country, a master is equivalent to a priest. He must have learned kung fu from his master!"

"Will he spare Koreno? To be honest, Koreno is a jerk, but he shouldn't die like this. He hasn't done anything yet."

"Damn it, what do you mean he hasn't done anything? He offended that lady! You're just like Koreno, you're also a jerk."

"Fuck, say that again?"

"Shit, you're a piece of shit that crawled out of Bitch's ass!"

The spectators went through the entire process of a street fight on Red Street with just a few words.

The homeless even called 911 for the police.

Don't misunderstand, they don't want the police to come and enforce the law.

They just want to see more excitement, more street fights, and preferably, the police joining in.

That's all.

The staff at the shelter had already called the police, but they knew that even if the police came, it would take seven or eight minutes at the fastest.

They were really worried about a murder happening, but they were powerless.

All the excitement was for others. Koreno felt like every minute was a year.

He vowed that if he survived, he would be the most devout believer.

If he survived, he would be willing to kiss the priest's ass with his lips.


Koreno remembered his past, and he wanted to go home.

He regretted saying so many excessive things to his mother.

He regretted wasting time and not going to the soup kitchen, which led to him coming to the shelter for food.

If he hadn't come to the shelter for food, he wouldn't have met that damned yellow-skinned monkey.

He regretted not hitting on more Cuban, Mexican, Venezuelan, and Colombian girls.

He didn't want to die!

The cold blade slowly passed over his cheek, and Koreno's neck was twisted very uncomfortably by Changdaqi.

Being pulled and pressed down by the knee, Koreno's posture was extremely painful, but he didn't dare to move a muscle.

He couldn't breathe, and he couldn't resist.

Changdaqi's words were like the redemption of heaven to him, and he saw hope of survival.

At this moment, he wanted to nod but couldn't move, just whimpering in supplication.


Hearing the conversation between the two, Sani breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness.

Thank goodness Changdaqi didn't act impulsively, and at most, if someone died, he would only be detained for a few days.

California's police force is short-handed, and the "minor offenses" of illegal immigrants won't even have any consequences.

The police station? No!

The homeless felt that it was home.

"But I don't like listening to my master's words, otherwise, I wouldn't have run to America as an illegal immigrant. Your name is Koreno, right?"

Changdaqi's words shut the door to heaven for Koreno.

He didn't know if he could survive.

Koreno desperately breathed, but it seemed like he couldn't get any air into his lungs.

The black girl was on edge, covering her chest nervously, watching the two of them.

She wasn't fierce; she just wanted to survive.

But today, she didn't need to roar.

Changdaqi didn't say anything.

No hesitation, no compromise.

This new neighbor who had just moved in rushed forward like that.

The black girl's heart was moved by Changdaqi's courage.

Was it gratitude? Was it worry? Or was it something else?

Sani didn't know the answer to the question.

She only knew that she wasn't worried anymore about Changdaqi killing someone.

She looked at Changdaqi anxiously, thinking about how the two of them would escape after killing someone.

The twilight of San Francisco had already arrived, and twilight was the beginning of the night.

The streets of America don't welcome the weak.

The light of the setting sun was orange-red.

The orange-red light illuminated the asphalt of Red Street and the red brick walls on both sides of the street.

Red like blood.

An Asian man was pressing down on a strong black man.

A black girl nervously covered her chest, watching the two.

The surrounding homeless people were drawn away by the new, ongoing, more intense and stimulating street fights.

In a moment, the spectators had already forgotten about Chan and Kolno.

The security guards at the shelter had no intention of rushing out to maintain order. They vigilantly held riot shields and stood at the entrance of the shelter, protecting the staff distributing dinner.

What a beautiful tableau of freedom and democracy.

This was just an ordinary day in America.