
"I am a homeless person in the United States

"I am a homeless person in the United States."

sckyh · Urban
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75 Chs

"The first chapter: Millions in insurance went kaput before spending a dime!"

With all his strength, Cheng Daqi squeezed his eye muscles, trying to open his eyes.

As a brain tumor patient, even this simple action filled him with pain.

The side effects of the surgery had caused paralysis in his right eye.

For him, every time he opened his eyes was torture.

But physical pain never crushed a man.

Indeed, what was physical pain compared to the reality of failing in entrepreneurship in his thirties due to uncontrollable circumstances, owing tens of millions to investors and banks, losing all possibilities in life?

The pain in his eyes was nothing.

It had become his greatest pleasure every day.

Each painful opening of his eyes made him realize that he had survived another day!

But this time was different!

Cheng Daqi had mentally prepared himself for the pain, but he felt none of the familiar sensations.

What's going on?

Where am I?

Cheng Daqi looked around in confusion.

The dim space was small and cramped, with a cardboard box on his left side.

Several large mineral water bottles were placed on the box, all empty.

Why am I not in the hospital?

Was I kicked out by security?

There were still millions in insurance coverage on the insurance company's side!

The top insurance he bought before the company went bankrupt should have been enough for him to undergo chemotherapy until death in the hospital, right?

Cheng Daqi was full of doubts.

The doubts didn't last long before being wiped out by the flood of information in his mind.

After a while.

After digesting the information in his mind, Cheng Daqi's expression turned from a smile to a frown. He clenched the torn blanket in his hand and cursed through gritted teeth.


Good news: The brain glioma was gone, no more living half-dead from chemotherapy, and he was in another country without worrying about being chased by vampire investors.

Even better, he had gone back from 2023 to 2018, reducing his age from thirty-five to twenty-one!

Bad news: He had reincarnated as an American homeless person, not a deity, without the protection of a newbie village. He was still in the war-torn city of San Lodo, the land of joy where every day was a battle. As an illegal immigrant from China, the streets were full of advanced monsters threatening his safety.

Hell difficulty start!

The worst news was that his browsing history hadn't been deleted, and the hidden files on his computer's hard drive hadn't been formatted.

Cheng Daqi had always thought he had more time, more time to clean up.

Now it was all too late!

His reputation was gone!

Suddenly, he noticed a system icon in his field of vision.

Suppressing his excitement, Cheng Daqi opened the system.

Good news: There was a system, and the system could upgrade skills.

Bad news: The system was named 'Ultimate Hobo System', being an ultimate hobo, what a catch.

[Ding, the Ultimate Hobo System is just a name. The name is based on the profession of your reborn body and does not affect the specific functions of the system.]

You know what I'm thinking?

[Ding, yes.]

There was no time to marvel at his magical experience as a question immediately surfaced in Cheng Daqi's mind.

So you can see everything I do?

[Ding, yes, I can.]

Cheng Daqi now suspected that this system also sold watermelons on the side of the road.

Opening the system panel, he glanced at his current skills.

"Name: Cheng Daqi


Health: 49/100 (Below sixty, a sudden death buff will be gained. The likelihood of sudden death increases as the value decreases. With system support, the sudden death buff will not occur within a day, countdown 23:57:31)

Hunger: 0/100 (When reaching 0, health will decrease over time)

Skill points: 0. (Skill points are obtained by completing system tasks)


Driving LV1: Can drive ordinary cars (weak).

Eloquence LV1: Slightly improve communication efficiency and persuasion success rate (sounds good when talking to professionals).

Writing LV1: Equivalent to a novice author on Hongguo.com (You're actually an author?).

Scavenging LV1: Slightly increase the value of scavenged items (beginner scavenger)."

After seeing his panel attributes, Cheng Daqi understood why he could reincarnate into this body.

The former owner of the body triggered the sudden death buff. If he didn't reincarnate into his body, the police would find his decaying corpse in a few days.

System, why can't you load my past life's skill levels?

Cheng Daqi had done welding, opened an auto repair shop, ran errands for his boss, operated a gym, and even knew how to use whitewash to decorate his own shop.

His fitness company had once dominated the mainstream market in a second-tier city, with an estimated valuation of a small goal, securing two million in PA financing.

If it weren't for the mask.

Now the system couldn't load his skills from his previous life, which was a significant weakening for Cheng Daqi.

It was much more cost-effective to increase levels on a stronger foundation than to strive on this weak panel.

[Ding, you can, but are you sure you want to suffer from brain glioma again?]

Hearing that he could, Cheng Daqi felt a glimmer of joy.

However, the cold reminder from the system made him realize that compared to health, skills and levels were not important.

Many people had to trade their health for money to live, only to find that the money they earned couldn't fill the hole in their health.

It was a bottomless pit.

Having a healthy body after rebirth was Cheng Daqi's greatest wealth.

Since he was here, what did it matter if he started as a homeless person?

A few hundred years ago, there was a homeless person who didn't want to reveal his name, let's call him Zhu Ge.

He started as a beggar and later became a monk.

The kind of monk who begged for food outside, mainly wandering around and begging from donors.

He was an elite homeless person with a title.

In the process of becoming an elite homeless person, Zhu Ge gradually grew into a relatively knowledgeable and promising young man.

Later, Zhu Ge even successfully started his own business and became an emperor, showing that being homeless was also a job full of possibilities.

Is it too much to say that the future is promising?

Lu Xun once said, "Just do it, thick rice, don't ask about identity."

Zhou Shuren once said, "Effort is like a larva, the waves behind."

Now, Cheng Daqi's first problem was where to find a meal.

The most urgent thing was to raise his hunger level and stop his health from declining.

This was called controlling the retreat first, laying the foundation for finding a new path and opening up new routes.

[Ding, a new beginner task is now available.]

"Hobo: As a person living on the edge of the city, you are like a stray dog, with no fixed abode and no food to rely on. Just survive for now.

Persist in living in San Lodo for ten days: 0/10.

Reward: One newbie package, and one identity acknowledgment (after selection, the new identity acknowledgment will be rationalized to help you better adapt to America)."

System, naming the task 'Hobo' is an insult to me.

And what's with the task and rules, what does it mean to persist for ten days?

Is this Gotham? Or is it America?

I'm just an ordinary reincarnator, I'm a little panicked by this.

And shouldn't the newbie package be given directly according to the rules?

Why do I have to do a task first?

Are you bullying me because it's my first reincarnation?

Only the identity acknowledgment seems useful.


Perhaps the system also felt guilty, ignoring Cheng Daqi's thoughts and remaining silent.

Feeling the weakness of his body, Cheng Daqi decided to find something to eat first.

"Cheng? Cheng? Do you want to join me in queuing for food?"

A shout came from outside the tent, Cheng Daqi's current neighbor.

Like Cheng Daqi, she was also a homeless person living in a tent on the street.

Cheng Daqi pursed his lips, feeling the cracked lips bleeding.

Actually, it felt good to be alive normally.

Starting as a homeless person, what was hell difficulty?

Cheng Daqi had come back from the brink of death.

He just felt that starting as a homeless person and returning to the top of the world would be an interesting journey.

Looking at the empty water bottle in the tent, he struggled to stand up and pulled open the tent zipper.


San Lodo.

Here I come.