

THIS BOOK IS PURE FANTASY; IF THERE'S A NAME OR INSTANCES THAT HAPPENED IN THE HISTORY IT'S JUST A COINCIDENCE ONLY. [There's a legend or myths about creatures that can transform into human beings. And one of them are gumihos or those creatures with fox figures with 9 tails but this one is different our protagonist had a 12 tails and he lives a millennium. Although God created all creatures with different characteristic. Those immortals and mythical creatures are created by those fallen angels as a stepping stone into the Earth that God created for humans to live. They spread them to the humanity and give them a power to disguise as like as humans too make a chaos. But one of them are different he protects the human beings to avoid the chaos but war is unavoidable plot because even human beings kill each other to make advantages to those weaker than them. Eventhough he is a gumiho, he had a heart for them and loved them how God loves them that's why God gave a title to him as a God of War. His name is Daehan. Appearance known by people... 500 A.D Daeham 1000 A.D Daenam But in reality he not died but shape shifting to fox or human... For a first time he shape shifting as a soul into the body of dead prince. No one knows his real Appearance though.] Daehan real form is a very huge red Gumiho. His tail is 12, he had a red eyes also and red nail as red as blood. His fang is like a pearl it's shiny pure white. As a human, he looked extremely handsome and everyone who saw him can fall for his beauty. But he always hide it through shape shifting as a commoner. He made his skin darker, and had freckles with crooked teeth and etc. that's why no one knows.

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They give their gift to the king one by one.


Prince Hankang gave a bird called Adarna from kingdom of Amihan at the south east part of the kingdom it was called land of thousand islands with a lot of gold and pearls. This Island is divided into 3 kingdom Amihan, Pagaspas and Lipad. They had a only God like us called Bathala and like angels called Diwata and many mythical creatures they called them Sigbin, Aswang, Bambira, Tiktik, Kapre and etc. And now through this gift they suggested an alliance to this kingdom through marriage and they want to marry our princess and prince to them.

If then father I am willing as your son to marry one of their princess. I am Hankang willing to be.

Them who's the princess we shall...

Imperial Concubine Man-yul said what if her sister too...

No, I want to marry my to a right man and live and they manage this kingdom and live happily ever after as how we live when her mom still alive.

But your majesty, you said that this kingdom shall be given to those who did a task that you'll giving to them before you died.

I said that?

Yes indeed, they all said.

Then next is Prince HanNoo he gave you a glory for defeating the one eye creatures from the forest.

"Father here its head!"

Dae gulp a tea on his cup, after he heard it.

Mr. Dae is there anything wrong? Changsoo ask him in low voice.

Tell to majesty to prepare his troops and mages because the huge amount of mythical creatures will embarked tonight before the party ended. Then gulp a tea again.

Changsoo immediately go in front...

Majesty...sorry for interruption but according to Mr. Dae this kingdom will fall tonight in the hands of mythical creatures because of Prince Hannoo intrusion to their Den ready to send a battalion and group of mages.

Everyone prepare for it. My sons...go and do your best for our kingdom's sake.

Daughters make an arrays to protect humans and mages go and spread and watching for their attack. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. Troops be ready and standbys and you those who had a cannons go to the gates. Everyone go ahead and warn everyone!

Yes your majesty.

Party is not yet done but they abandoned it.

Damned it! Imperial Concubine Man-yul said while her hand are shaking on anger.

But Dae calmly sip the last drop on his cup while everyone is on alerted and busy.

She saw the Concubine and stand up and go in front of him.

He stand up and smile a bit with serious eye. Calm down, miss Concubine...may I ask you a question how did you teach good manners to your children?

Feed them like a baby and hide at your chima if dooms day come? So how or what if they become a king they become your puppet. And what I'd you'll died? Is they can manage it alone? Or is that made a chaos oneday and had a purge until no one left alive and new kingdom will born? Think about it.

While hearing it she imagining everything he said...

Who are you? What is your purpose? Why are you here?

No need to know but this is what you need to remember I'm here to protect this kingdom not to harm. That's the mission I have. In the Kingdom I came from they make me miserable and suffer but your people treat me as a hero so I choose to protect this land and even it means to fight the place where I came from. It's doesn't matter anyway. Teach your children to be independent and be responsible to the every step they made. Because world is bigger than what everyone thinks.

Then Dae go outside to observe...