

"Sometimes we do bad things for the people we love. It doesn't mean it's right, it means love is more important" "I believe in love at first sight" "At the end of the day, people are really just disappointing" -- Sosuke Aizen x Reader : A BLEACH FANFIC - 18+ please don't read if you're a minor - DOES NOT FOLLOW THE PLOT OF BLEACH - I don't own the rights to Bleach or any of its characters

NaiYukihara · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


"Personally , I believe in love at first sight"


Monday Aug 23rd _ 1:00Pm

I wasn't even supposed to be here this long. It's been three months and there's no sign or message from Gin. I have to get home, how am I going to take the Spirit kings place if I'm stuck in fucking America?

"Good morning Professor Aldridge" , confused I looked up at the young woman who spoke. Right that's my new name.

"Good morning Kelsey how are you today?" I smiled. I watched as she covered her face walking to her seat trying to hide her blush. Disgusting.

I don't even understand why I had to change my name, those soul society bastards wouldn't even think to go to America let alone think to find me here of all places.

Shuffling papers on my desk I wait for the lecture room to fill up with my "students". Here the door open I looked to make sure it wasn't another administrator coming to flirt like they always do. To my surprise it was HER. I was completely taken by the way the sun reflects off her golden skin, the way her clothes curve over her chest and ass. The scent that flowed from her each time she walked by. Her hair was midnight-black curls that sometimes flowed over her shoulders. A pair of arched eyebrows looking down on sweeping eyelashes. Her delicate ears framed a button nose and A set of dazzling, angel-white teeth with the perfect canines.

Of course this all was viewed over time with careful observation. I've never pictured myself being attractive to any woman who didn't have fair skin. But she was different. I could see it Everytime she looked at me.

"Now that you're all here it's time to start. Today we will be talking about the theory of love at first sight. " half the class looked excited while the other half rolled their eyes.

"By a show of hands how many of you believe in love at first sight. Don't be shy I won't judge" looking around at the hands up I noticed one female didn't raise her hand. Y/n L/n. Such a pretty young woman, I wonder... who hurt you?

Continuing on I walked around through the aisle of seats "For those of you who've raised your hand, I too personally believe in the theory of love at first sight as well. However, how did you know it's actually the feeling of love and not just attraction or lust?"

"Love isn't real.. it's an negative illusion caused by Lust. People create the idea and memory of love later on in relationships .. " y/n spoke out. I stopped to look at her for a moment before smiling.

"Yes Ms L/n although that can be true in a sense, love has been a long research topic among psychologist, philosophers and even poets. With that said. There is a science to love. Being in love is affected by huge, measurable changes in the biochemistry of the brain. I won't go into much detail this class because we don't have that much time but scientists do believe that love at first sight can be real for certain people, but staying in love is the deeper challenge." Stopping back at my desk I turned to look back at Y/n who sat at her desk with her chin in her hand tapping her pen. "Does that change your outlook on love Ms L/n?" I smirk.

Her eyes widened at being called out. Sitting up shrugs she simply shrugs. I chuckle a bit. How could she be so cute.

"Tonight I would like for you to think about a time when you have been in love or felt love and explain to me what it felt like for you. What do you think triggered that love? And do you think that love can be stopped? Is it possible to remove someone you once loved from your hearts?"

"Professor we still have about 20 minutes of class left" Kelsey spoke up. I could see from the corner of my eye y/n rolling her eyes. stifling my laughter I nod.

"I'm aware, your dismissed early. I'll see you all on Wednesday have a great rest of your day" I responded trying to sound as nice as I could while looking at my watch. As the classes exited I decided to use this little break to relax. I took off my false glasses and pushed back my hair. God being a professor is so tiring. They're all seniors and about to graduate I doubt the even care about this class.

Leaning on my desk all I could think about was if Gin would be contacting me soon. If he does .. does that mean I wouldnt be able to see her anymore? Do I want that that?

"Sosuke what are you thinking?" I laugh aloud to myself. "You have to stick to the plan"

But that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun right? Pulling out a photo I took of y/n last night. I admired the way she looked taking off her shirt, she had a great body. Too bad that shit head she spent the night with was in the shot. I can't wait to see what Ms L/n submits on Wednesday.