
"Heavenly Physician in Huaxia: Mortal Mission"

In the ancient land of Huaxia, ordinary Zhang Zhili woke up one day to find himself inheriting the legacy of an immortal. Henceforth, he possessed astonishing medical skills, capable of reviving the dead and mending broken bones, causing even the highest officials to bow before him. Yet, he also wielded a lethal sword, capable of slicing through the void, compelling the mightiest warriors to submit. Accompanied by his beloved and surrounded by loyal companions, he embarked on a thrilling journey through the bustling city. This is the tale of an ordinary man turned immortal, entangled in earthly strife.

zhangbenshi · Urban
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61 Chs

"Give me an explanation right away."

Zhao Min was stunned when he saw Huang Shuyue from a distance. Was the casino manager really this influential? He even managed to invite Mr. Huang? "Mr. Huang personally came. Kid, let's see how you'll survive today!" Zhang Zhili gritted his teeth at Zhang Zhili. Zhang Zhili sneered and glanced sympathetically at Zhao Min. The next moment, Zhao Min's mouth fell open and couldn't close it for a long time. Zhang Zhili not only wasn't afraid but also purposely walked out from around the corner, shouting towards Mr. Huang from afar, and then... to everyone's surprise, Mr. Huang, who seemed intimidating, smiled and jogged over, extending his hand towards Zhang Zhili. "Mr. Zhang, I was blind before. I came here specifically to apologize!" As Huang Shuyue approached, he reached out and grabbed Zhang Zhili's hand. "Mr. Zhang's words are like a prophecy, every one of them comes true. Truly remarkable!" Zhao Min's expression froze. Not only did Mr. Huang not come to help him, but he also treated Zhang Zhili with such courtesy and respect? "Hehe, your gratitude is quite unique!" Zhang Zhili pointed at Zhao Min's group. Huang Shuyue was puzzled. "I, I don't know them?" "But he said he's one of your men, Mr. Huang!" Zhang Zhili smirked. Zhao Min turned pale, unable to stand steadily. Huang Shuyue nervously swallowed. "Mr. Zhang, please give me a chance, I'll explain right away!" After saying that, he glared fiercely at Zhao Min. "Uncle Huang, I'm Zhao Min from Anyang Casino. Li Tianyang asked me to collect debts for him. I had no idea..." Zhao Min hurriedly explained. "Using my name for nefarious deeds, huh?" Huang Shuyue's face turned green with anger. He waved his hand, signaling his men to take Zhao Min away. Two burly men approached and gave Zhao Min a beating before stuffing him into the trunk of a car. Zhang Zhili's expression eased slightly. He thought Zhao Min was sent by Huang Shuyue to deceive him, but it seemed he had misjudged. Seeing Huang Shuyue relax, Zhang Zhili nodded to his men, who immediately began unloading gifts from the car. Dozens of boxes of Maotai liquor, boxes of Chinese cigarettes, precious ginseng, American ginseng, Cordyceps, were unloaded one by one. As they unloaded, Huang Shuyue introduced each item with a smile. "Mr. Zhang, today you mentioned I have three calamities, all involving bloodshed. Two have already come to pass, and fortunately, I'm still alive. How can I resolve the third calamity?" Huang Shuyue looked at Zhang Zhili pleadingly. Zhang Zhili glanced at Huang Shuyue. "Your third calamity is especially dangerous. Without the support of a benefactor, you'll undoubtedly die!" Huang Shuyue knelt before Zhang Zhili. "Please, sir, save me! As long as I survive this calamity, I'll treat Mr. Zhang as my brother!" Zhang Zhili pulled Huang Shuyue up and said slowly, "Since there's a chance of having a benefactor, it won't be a fatal disaster. When the time comes, come find me." Although Zhang Zhili didn't particularly like Huang Shuyue, he was clever enough to be worthy of respect. Moreover, this benefactor relationship wasn't without its benefits. Huang Shuyue was now convinced by Zhang Zhili's words, believing his life depended on Zhang Zhili's assistance. He knelt again in gratitude, promising to treat Zhang Zhili like a brother once he survived the calamity. Zhang Zhili eased his tone. "If you have a benefactor's support, it won't be a disaster. You'll have a chance to cushion it. Come find me when the time comes." Huang Shuyue felt much relieved and immediately instructed his men to move the gifts upstairs. "In the hospital, my sister-in-law was scared. Should I go up and apologize?" Huang Shuyue asked cautiously. Zhang Zhili thought for a moment and agreed, "Go ahead." Upstairs, Zhang Haimin received two million yuan, promising to handle Huang Shuyue's issues with Huang Shu in return. In front of Tang Daipeng and others, Zhang Zhili made a show of calling and ordering his men to deal with the troublemakers, then left with his wife. Tang Daipeng waited for Zhang Zhili for almost half an hour but didn't see him return. Just as he was about to go downstairs to look for him, Zhang Yuehong said, "Don't worry, Hai Min said he has arranged everything. Maybe the police are already downstairs." As they were talking, they heard a knock on the door. Tang Daipeng opened the door and saw a group of strong men carrying things rushing in. Tang Daipeng instinctively shielded his wife and daughter behind him. The bald man, though full of muscles, forced a smile even with a bandage on his forehead that looked oddly twisted. "Hey, hey, I'm Huang Lao Wu!" Zhang Yuehong was almost scared to scream, and Tang Yanran's face also turned pale. "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous. I'm here to apologize!" Huang Shuyue hurriedly said. "My incompetent men caused trouble at the hospital today. I've already reprimanded them." "No one will dare to harass you in the future. These gifts are my apology! Please forgive me!" Huang Shuyue took a step back, leaving the gifts piled up at the Tang family's door. Tang Daipeng finally believed that Huang Shuyue had come to apologize. "Alright, you've apologized. Now, go!" Zhang Zhili's voice came from behind. Huang Shuyue nodded repeatedly and left with his men quickly. After everyone left, Zhang Yuehong said with a pale face, "That was really scary. His presence is quite intimidating!" Tang Daipeng didn't say anything. He looked at the gifts scattered on the floor and said, "We can't accept these things! They have to be returned!" "They should compensate my wife for scaring her today!" Zhang Zhili said as he took the things back home. Zhang Yuehong said angrily, "Compensate? Your father gave two million, and your uncle asked for help from an influential person!" "He does have connections. He just sent a few text messages to someone influential, and Mr. Huang came with gifts to apologize!" Thinking of this, Zhang Yuehong glared at Zhang Zhili again. "Blame yourself, squandering money like that just two days after recovering from illness!" Zhang Zhili frowned. "I resolved the issue with Huang Lao Wu. What does it have to do with my uncle? And why did you give them two million?" "You ungrateful wimp! Now you're bragging? If you had the guts, I would even have given you two million to hand over!" "I'm going to get the money back now! It's his problem!" Zhang Zhili, annoyed, was about to find Zhang Haimin. Tang Daipeng quickly stopped him, and Zhang Yuehong scolded him. "What compensation? Your father gave two million, and your uncle asked for help from a benefactor!" "Two million? I was planning to expand the plantation. Now it's all gone to waste!" Zhang Yuehong grew angrier as she spoke, her eyes turning red. Zhang Zhili softened a bit. He was shocked that two million yuan was given away so easily. He thought Zhang Yuehong would tie him up and make him apologize to Huang Lao Wu, considering her disdain in the past few days. But now, she was disappointed. At this point, everyone saw it as the help of his uncle. Zhang Zhili was just stubbornly arguing! Seeing his daughter's disappointment, Tang Daipeng felt both disappointed and annoyed. Originally, Zhang Zhili acted to protect him. But now, when it came to revenge, Zhang Zhili refused to cooperate or even call the police. It was truly disappointing! At this moment, Tang Yanran's best friend, Jiang Li, called and invited her out for a walk. She agreed immediately. "Dad, Jiang Li wants to meet me for tea. I'm going out!" Tang Yanran said before leaving. Tang Daipeng suddenly said, "Take Zhili with you. He's recovered from his illness, and you can introduce some friends to him!" Tang Yanran frowned but nodded after a while. Then, she said to Zhang Zhili, "Come with me. You might meet some new friends!"




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