
"Forge in Fire" • Tensura X Bleach

A Multiverse is a Vast Plain of Reality everyone knows that Veldanava was the one who Created Multiple Universe but what if there's two Individual that excited before him. Just Your Normal Shizue x Rimuru Fan Fiction

VOIDKING · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Ch 2: Attack on soul Society

---This Chapter is Written by Void-King---

Location Squad 1 Barracks

The First Squad head Captain Yamamoto Genryūsai Shigekuni was in His office.

Then he suddenly felt Lightning and the Ground shakes a little.

"That was Sasakibe..." Yamamoto didn't get to finish his words since he was Interrupted by someone.

"Captain I'm reporti...ack" The voice didn't get to finish

"Who's There?" He asks as he turned around and saw Multiple people Wearing White with masks that cover their Identity.

"It a Pleasure to meet you Head Captain of The 13th court guardian squad we came here To declare War on Soul Society"


Meanwhile back in the Human world, Ichigo was In his room waiting for Ryunosuke to woke up not long after he woke up while screaming.

"Shut up you don't have to scream when you wake up," Ichigo said

Ichigo then tells him what happened and he also said that Ryunosuke had been sleeping for three days straight.

Not long after Inoue Entered with a tray full of bread.

And Chad and Uryū also follow

"I bring delicious bread," Inoue said with a cheerful attitude

"You mean leftover Bread and you guys should Ring the Doorbell and don't Casually Enter my Room," Ichigo said

"Shut up Rimuru-san and Yuzuru are outside and they Let us in," Uryū said

The group started to have theirs and some Entered the Door.

"Hey I Bought Cola" the voice belongs to Shino and she Froze once she saw Ryunosuke awake and the two had their own Conversation not long after another person entered the room

"Oii Ichigo I brought Food for Everyone" The voice belongs to Ichigo's Twin Brother Rimuru

"Ahh Thanks Brother," Ichigo said as he Takes the food and place them on the Table where they are seating.

"Thanks for the food Rimuru-san," Inoue said

"Be sure to share it with everyone...then I'll head out" Rimuru said as he Walks out

"Hey Your brother is really the opposite of you," Uryū said

"Shut up I know that he is more mature than I am and Inoue why are you using "San" when you talk to him?" Ichigo Ask

"Well I don't know, Maybe it's s because of his Aura that Shows Like he was a Nobel or a King or something," Inoue said

"Can't argue on that even I sometimes think that he was a King ohh by the way I haven't asked for your name?" Ichigo said

"My name is Ebern...If you want to know my full name it's Asguiaro Ebern" a voice said and when Ichigo turn around he saw a man in white Standing on his bed.

"I don't know who you are but First get off of my bed," Ichigo said

"Sorry I didn't catch that could you please Repeat it!" Ebern said

"I said I don't know who you are but First get off of my bed" Ichigo Repeated his Words

"Sorry but no..." Ebern didn't get to finish because he was kicked by Ichigo sending him flying outside.

"Who was that maybe an Arrancar," Uryū said

"I don't know but I'll drove him off," Ichigo said as he takes out his substitute soul badge and separated from his Human body and head out of the window

"Who was that?" Ryunosuke said

"Beat me," Inoue said as she continues to eat the food that she and Rimuru brings


Back in the soul Society The head Captain and the man in white are talking

"This is a disappointment I thought the office of the headmaster would be guarded but it's surprisingly easy to infiltrate"

"I am here, There's no Greater Security than I am" Yamamoto replied

"I see"

With a flash of light, the walls of the office and their 1st lieutenant Sasakibe were on the wall while is boy was peers by a Blue Energy arrow.

{A/N: I forgot what's the name of the weapon and Type of energy they use so Bear with it hahaah}

"Sasakibe" Yamamoto Destroyed the Energy arrow and look at the seven perpetrators.

"That look is asking who we are, in five days from now You and the entire soul society Will be destroyed, farewell" And they Disappeared Into the darkness Yamamoto tried to stop them but failed.

Sasakibe with his dying breath inform the head captain that those Persons wanted to Steal their Bankai.


Back with Ichigo who was Fighting Ebern

Ichigo already Use his Bankai and Ebern Tried To steal it but Failed.

Ichigo Use Getsuga Tenshō to Injured Ebern.

Ebern Fleed Using The same Darkness That the attackers of the soul society Use but on his way back to their base someone stops him.

"So you are all The race is called Quincy" A being wearing Black Outfit with Gold lining and a sword can be seen on the back of his hips.

"Who are you?" Ebern asks

"Who am I doesn't matter I only came here to see what kind of threat you all can be" The person Disappeared and Reappeared in front of Ebern now he can see the person's golden eyes that looked like a Hollow it had Silver-Blue hair.

Yes, this person is Rimuru Tempest The spirit of the End.

"And I must Say I am disappointed in your power, Do report this fateful encounter to your leader," Rimuru said as he Disappeared.

Ebern Imidiatly Headed back to the White Castle and Report It to their Leader.


"Did you let him go?" Shizue ask

"I did since we need him to report our Existence, and you also felt it too right"

"I did a power that originated from the central world" Shizue Replied

"Whoever they are that give those Quincy A power that came from the Central world we need to lure them out," Rimuru said.



Hey Guys here is a new Chapter Provide by your Lazy Author Void-King Hope you guys Enjoy it and if you guys have any Suggestions Be sure to let me know.

Anyway Have a Good day!!