

In a world where technological advancements have allowed people to upload and trade memories, our protagonist, Sarah, struggles to come to terms with her husband's untimely death. When she discovers that his memories have been stolen and sold to the highest bidder, she becomes determined to recover them. Sarah's quest leads her into the heart of a shadowy memory trading black market, where she forms an unlikely alliance with a rogue memory trader named Leo. Together, they navigate a world of corporate espionage, dangerous heists, and ethical dilemmas, all while questioning the nature of identity, love, and what it means to be human. As Sarah and Leo dig deeper, they uncover a conspiracy that could forever change the way memories are perceived and shared, with far-reaching consequences for society as a whole. In the end, they must make a difficult choice that could reshape the future of memory technology.

Azhuna_Yuri · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: The Memory Bazaar

The memory bazaar sprawled beneath the city's underbelly, a clandestine marketplace hidden from the neon-lit streets above. It was a world of whispered secrets and veiled transactions, where the fragments of countless lives were traded like precious jewels.

Sarah descended a narrow staircase, her footsteps echoing in the dimly lit corridor. She had received a tip, an anonymous message on her holographic display that led her to this place. She couldn't trust anyone with her mission, not even the authorities. The theft of memories was a shadowy crime, one that often went unpunished.

As she entered the bazaar, a cacophony of voices and holographic displays assaulted her senses. Vendors in darkened booths peddled their wares, displaying memory chips of all shapes and sizes. Each chip contained a piece of someone's past—a first kiss, a childhood home, a moment of triumph.

Sarah felt a shiver run down her spine as she passed a display showing a memory of a child blowing out birthday candles. It was a reminder that in this world, even the most intimate moments could be bought and sold.

She approached the memory traders, their faces obscured by holo-masks, identities hidden behind layers of encryption. It was here that she hoped to find a lead, a hint of where Mark's memories might have ended up.

"Looking for something special, darling?" a raspy voice inquired from behind a shadowy booth.

Sarah hesitated for a moment before replying, "I'm looking for stolen memories, the ones that should have remained with their owner."

The trader leaned closer, their mask flickering with a hint of curiosity. "Stolen memories are a dangerous game, my dear. What's in it for you?"

"I want to find the memories of my husband," Sarah whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "His work was stolen when he died, and I need to get it back."

The trader considered her words, then nodded slowly. "There are whispers of a memory dealer known as 'Cipher.' If anyone can help you, it's him. But be warned, Cipher operates on the fringes, and he doesn't take kindly to strangers."

With a grateful nod, Sarah left the trader's booth, her heart pounding with a mix of hope and fear. She had a lead, a name to pursue, but it was just the beginning of her journey into the treacherous world of memory trading.

As she ventured deeper into the memory bazaar, the weight of her mission pressed down upon her. She knew that to recover Mark's memories and uncover the truth behind his death, she would have to navigate a web of deception, betrayal, and dark secrets that reached into the very heart of Neotropolis.