
Chapter 206

I laid my hand down to rest on top of the note, hard part's done. I sighed as I began to write in what was probably my worst handwriting to date.

'Sue: Mutant Spider project, pass: Felicia Parker A9+ Logan's blood. Hurry!' I wrote it down. Yes my password was Felicia, sue me.

I pray that Sue understands my message. She and Richard are my only hope! I knew I would get asked why I was even looking into this project in the first place, but this wasn't the time.

Then came the issue of my blood becoming too toxic to work, but I hoped the regenerative powers in Logan's blood to heal me and reduce the damage even if just by a little. Rightnow, the rewards far outweigh the risks.

I laid my head back down on my pillow, my neck hurting from moving as little as it did. I reached out, I felt the nurse help button and pressed it over and over as my eyes slowly closed.

I felt sleep take me just as the door came flying open and several people ran in.

"What happened?!"

"He pressed the help button! He's awake."

"Not now he isn't."

"Wait, what's that?"

"Call the director, he needs to know about this."

I was asleep again, but I was aware of myself. It's like something was slowly pulling me out again. My consciousness slowly pulled itself out of the abyss that was my coma, I could feel something stir up inside of me.

And suddenly I felt my lungs rage as if on fire. It felt like acid was poured into my lungs. I think my body might have gasped, I'm not sure. But I knew this feeling, I could only think one thing, 'thank you Sue'.

And when I opened my eyes again I felt something different. No restrictions. My body was whole once again. I put my arms down and pulled myself up, I looked around, my neck was healed, my legs were healed, my body was healed. It was like all that pain was for nothing.

I looked around, I was still getting IV drops, hm, don't need that anymore. I plucked all the wires off me and immediately the alarms went off. It shouldn't be long now until they all come running in. I got to my feet and stretch my hips, I feel stronger, good.

Suddenly the door was thrown open as Richard ran in first. He looked haggard and beaten with dark eyes. He looked at me like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. I smiled, "hey dad."

"Peter!" he cried out grabbing me into a hug, crying into my shoulder, "oh god I was so worried! I thought, I thought I had lost you too."

"You're going to have to work a lot harder to get rid of me dad," I hugged him back, that word, it came easier to me now. This man tried to knock out Doom with a fire extinguisher. I may not be his son, but he loved me like one. And I can't help but feel like I love him too.

Immediately a few people arrived and began to test me. Richard...dad, my dad was apparently my doctor, he nursed me back to health. He sat down right next to me as they looked me over, declaring me in perfect health, which they realised was incredible.

Dad sighed standing before me as I lied down on bed looking up at him. They had forced me back into bed, wanted me to stay off my feet for some time.

"You're blood accepted the mutant gene easily," he said taking down notes on his pad, "it went according to your notes, Sue infused Logan's blood into the radioactive gas, which she prepared exactly to the specifications listed in your notes. I still can't believe your blood has this kind of...side effect."

"Yeah, it does," I looked over his shoulders at the nurses taking my IV and heart monitor out, "maybe you shouldn't be open about things dad."

He noticed my line of sight and smiled, "SHIELD took care of it, you don't have nothing to worry about them."

"SHIELD's not as safe as we can believe," I studied the nurses faces, memorising them just in case, "better safe than sorry."

Richard smiled, "right. Don't worry, I didn't let anyone get a hold of your blood or any medical details, hence why I became your doctor instead of someone else outside."

I sighed, "thank god. If people knew...it wouldn't start a fucking arms race, it will start a war."

"Yes, it would," Richard put down the note and looked at me, "which leads me to my next question: why were you researching this in the first place?"

"I needed to know what happened to my body when Drew's blood was infused into me," which was the truth, "I didn't mean to do anything else," which wasn't. I totally wanted to rip off other people's powers.

Richard sighed, "right, well it's a good thing you did. Honestly when Sue saw the project you were working on, we feared you were going to go mad with power or something."

I smirked, "give it time dad. Where are we anyway?"

"Avenger's tower," Richard explained, "Tony was insistent we use it. He had the best equipment brought in for you. You're right now the only patient here."




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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