Waking up in a hero's body is one thing, being a hero is another. SI, where Peter Parker's body is taken over and the new owner realizes the world needs a hero, it needs a Spider-man. Fully using Peter's genius, the new Spider-man finds a balance between being a hero and a teenager. Will include MCEU and more.
When he was finally stable she stayed by his bedside, refusing to move from it for any given reason. She drank nothing but coffee, watching over him like a hawk, she eat a little, a protein bar here and there. She didn't remember doing anything else.
The room was comfortable enough, people came and left, leaving a card or something to wish him a speedy recovery. They even brought in flowers, why she didn't understand. Honestly, he would prefer something useful, like a comic book or something.
While she sat there, looking at his broken form, she couldn't help wondering just how much she meant to him. Just how in such a short time, the cold hearted persona she so wanted to adapt broke apart like it was nothing. He didn't just break through her walls, he demolished them.
He...he was her everything, she knew this now. There was always a question of just what they were to each other, lovers, partners, friends...no. She knew now, they were more than all of that. They were soul mates.
She snorted at the thought, honestly, such a thought seemed...so impossible. But now? Now she had an example to prove the concept was real. Herself.
She felt sadness at seeing him like this, what if he had died? What would she have done then? What could she have done then? Died? Would she ever recover? He gave her everything and still thought it wasn't enough. And yet...Gods, she wouldn't be able to live with herself.
The sadness lasted like a cloud over her head for a whole day, the thoughts of possible suicide surfaced. She pushed them back, but she didn't think she could ever get rid of them. Not until Peter's eyes woke up once more and looked at her with that playful glint like they always had.
Felicia had stayed as the Avengers came and left. Tony came when he could, stayed to make sure she didn't need anything and then left. Bruce, who was horrified at the idea of a child being Spiderman, made his visits an hourly thing. She remembered when he first found out...it wasn't pretty.
"He's just a child!" Bruce cried out, yelling at Tony with such ferocity Felicia wondered if they would have to deal with the other guy as well.
"He is...yes," Tony nodded.
"You let a child fight?! He could have gotten killed Tony!"
"Bruce listen-"
"-No you listen!" Bruce yelled back, "a child has no place in our world Tony! He's lucky he didn't die this time! There should not be a next time! We have to stop him, we have to make sure he never puts on that mask again!"
"You can't do shit," Felicia hissed. The man turned ot her, the teenage girl stared down two fo the smartest men on the planet, one stronger than a God, and she met their gaze defiant.
"You think you can stop him from doing what he does? Do you? Please, don't' make me laugh. He doesn't need your damn permission and he most certainly won't care if he doesn't have your blessing. He's a hero, not because he's a thrill seeker or a mad man, but because he's a hero. And I don't care who the fuck you think you are, but he's Spiderman And this?" she pointed at his injuries, "won't keep him down. He won't give up, he will never give up, he might stop for a while, just to recover, but you will never be able to stop him."
The two men said nothing, Felicia dismissed them with a wave, turning back to stay vigilant over Peter. They would see, any day now he would be up and running. And she would be there when it happened.
It was mid afternoon of the second day Peter was bedridden when she was forced to leave and shower. She was forced feed by some lady names Potts, she didn't remember, just a redhead, annoying redheads.
Speaking of which...Jean, she would have to tell Jean. She didn't know...Felicia didn't think she could do it. The words, 'Peter almost died' weren't ones she ever wished to use.
When she came back that evening she found she wasn't alone. Standing over his unconscious body was a bald man with a black trench coat and an eyepatch. Fury always looked active, never once looking his age. But now...now Felicia didn't see the director of SHIELD. No, she saw a tired man.
"The kid's strong," he replied looking up at her, "he'll wake up soon enough."
Felicia nodded, "I know. You don't have to tell me."
Fury smiled, "figured...Stark told me you have some choice words to Banner about Peter's condition."
The girl shrugged, "maybe I did. Why do you ask?"
Fury was silent, for the longest time he didn't say a thing, he looked like he was thinking something over, something important. Finally he sighed and took out an SA, an invention of Peter's.
He displayed a map and passed it to Felicia. It was a map of Rome, the outskirts of the city were highlighted. "What's this?"
"Doom's robot had been dismantled and kept for analysis in Peter's lab," Fury spoke, "when it activated it managed to break into Richard's lab and bring it's master back."
"How?" Felicia asked.
Fury slipped the screen and showed a video of a person dressed in black sneaking into Peter's lab through the window. A window that was hundred of feet above ground. He walked to the robot and assembled it together, taking out some kind of glowing blue battery and placing it into its system.
Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…
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