
"Caught in the Web of the Spider."

Waking up in a hero's body is one thing, being a hero is another. SI, where Peter Parker's body is taken over and the new owner realizes the world needs a hero, it needs a Spider-man. Fully using Peter's genius, the new Spider-man finds a balance between being a hero and a teenager. Will include MCEU and more.

Carl_One · Anime & Comics
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188 Chs

Chapter 118 Continuation

"I want you to remember this Erik," I spoke. Words said to a different super powered man came to my head, the context perfect for what I needed to say, "in all your days to come, in your most private moments, I want you to remember the human who beat you. With nothing more than an EMP gun and two bronze knuckle busters I defeated the master of magnetism. The human race is not weak Erik, we won't fall. Fight us, and you will die.

"You think there's a war coming, and you're right. But it's not between mutants and humans, it's between those who abuse their power, thinking themselves Gods and those who understand the value of their gifts. Like it or not, you are the former, you are everything that is wrong with mutant kind, because you see, there is no human and mutant race, there is no difference. There is just us, we are all we have. Accept this, or the next time we meet, I will not spare you."

I turned around, I said what I wanted to say. I looked to the girls. They looked scared, MJ, Liz and Jean all looked so scared.

But Felicia didn't give a damn. She run up to me and threw her arms around me, "I was worried."

"I'm fine Kitten," I put away the bronze knuckle busters and slowly wrapped my arms around her. "I told you didn't I? I would never let anyone hurt you. Ever."

"P-Peter?" MJ asked as she stepped up, "is that really you?"

I sighed as I broke the hug. I sent a glare at Xavier before turning to the girls. I tapped my helmet, the front face slid up revealing my tired face. I gave a soft smile, "hey….I'm glad you're safe."

Chapter 119: Silver and Red

We sat in Jean's living room. The girls were on the couch, fidgeting nervously with tin foil hats on their heads. It wasn't the best solution against Xavier's powers but it was all I could do in the short time.

Logan and Storm were standing on either side of Xavier with Erik unconscious besides him, tied up with my strongest webbing, and me, sitting on a lounger looking at my phone.

"What are you doing?" Logan asked.

"I'm calling SHIELD," I replied motioning to Erik, "they'll prepare a cage for him."

"I don't think that would be wise," Charles spoke up.

I looked at him, "one, I don't give a damn what you like and two, this isn't up for debate," I connected the phone to my helmet which I still had on. I waited for it to ring before David picked up.


"Magneto, do you know about him?" I asked.

"What?! Why?! Peter, don't do something stupid! What's going on?"

"Earlier tonight Magneto attacked me and my friends. He's currently unconscious in Jean Grey's living room. Tell Fury to prepare a cell for him, no ferrous metals, you could use Titanium, but you need to treat it. Come quickly I don't know how long he'll be out."

"What?! What the hell are you-" I hanged up, annoying little shit.

"There's nothing to worry Peter, right now I have him in an artificial coma, he won't wake up any time soon," the bald man told me.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "don't call me that."

Charles looked surprised, "w-what?"

"I'm wearing this costume for a fucking reason you blad tool," I spat out, "why don't you just advertise my secret identity to the rest of the world why don't you?"

"I'm sorry Pet-Spider-man," he quickly corrected, "it will not happen again."

"I don't believe you," I shot back.

"I don't' make it a habit into reading the minds of others," Charles sighed looking at Felicia, "I am truley sorry Ms. Hardy, I had no choice." Felicia flinched in slight fear.

"Don't you dare look at her!" I growled, "a man who compromised his morals once can and will do so again. If you want to act like the Martin Luther King Jr of mutants you better start acting the role."

"Show some respect kid," Logan growled.

"You show up in my city and reveal my secrets, why the fuck are you people here?" I asked.

"Because of Ms. Grey," Charles smiled at Jean, "I discovered your powers quite recently, I wasn't aware though that Erik had done so as well."

"Discovered? How?" Jean asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"A machine that lets me discover mutants such as yourself," Charles explained, "it detected your presence the moment your powers awakened."

"Great, a giant mutant detection machine, I'm sure there's no way that'll ever be misused," I rolled my eyes.

"Huh, kid's got a mouth on him," Logan chuckled.

Charles sighed, "yes, he does."

"Why did you come in search of me?" Jean asked, "are you trying to recruit me like Magneto?"

"Oh heavens no," Charles shook his head, "I'm trying to teach you. I have a school upstate where I help teach gifted mutants to control their abilities. There I teach you to live in harmony with humans and learn to control your powers. And I would very much like it if you joined us Jean."

"M-me?" Jean asked shocked.

Charles nodded, "yes, you. You see, like you," he went silent, closing his eyes.

Jean suddenly gasped, "h-how are you doing that?" Charles remained silent and slowly Jean closed her eyes too.

Logan growled, "I hate it when they do that."

"W-what's going on?" MJ asked.

"They are communicating telepathically," I replied with a sigh, "which is really fucking rude."

"You'll get used to it," Storm finally spoke. She looked at me and the girls and smiled, "hello, I am Ororo Munroe, this man here is Logan, we are teachers at school."

"S-so you're mutants too?" Liz asked slowly, her courage coming back.

"Yes, we are," Ororo nodded, "I can control the weather. Make it rain, snow, whatever I wish."

Logan growled, he held up one hand and clenched it bringing out his claws, "I'm nothing special."

I looked at him properly for the first time. This Logan was shorter, his frame wider. And judging from the costume he wore this world's X-men were from the X-men evolution tv show. But judging from my actions I've probably already changed the events of said show. Damn it.

"So furry, what's the deal with you and growling?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow and growled. "See what I mean?!"

Ororo chuckled while Logan gave a short smile. And then Liz exploded, "Peter! You're fucking Spider-man!"

I sighed and leaned back, "so you finally got it huh?"

Liz gapped, "b-but how?! When?! Why?!"

"Peter, how long have you….been...you know," MJ looked at me, examining my costume head to toe.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Patreon and buy it now

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