

A virus plague has killed millions of people except young men. Years later, it evolved and took over a physical form to overcome humanity. Despite this, most humans are also fighting each other in order to survive due to shortage of resources. How would Carlth Genesis deal with this chaotic world earth has turned into.

Vhix · Fantasy
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9 Chs

We're under attack!

Carlth is current doing a mission to clear a street full of Rank-B Corons with a Rank-A Coron acting as boss. Just as it should be, the street is full of abandoned houses that is in ruins as nature reclaimed itself after the place has been abandoned and the Corons that occupied isn't that destructive. Broken and shattered poles of light are also present and we're now focusing on what's happening.

"After I'm done with you, I'll be Rank-A" Carlth points his blade to a Coron.

We see a mouthlesss Coron that resembles human arms and legs except its head was mouthless and it skin was gradient of teal and flesh.

It had two arms wielding two hatchet and had a long tail.

It then swings its tail and slams the ground.

Despite wielding a sword, Carlth desummons it and summons a sawed off shotgun and shoots.

(Bang) (Tsch-ck)

The shot was felt slow but the monster moved too fast making the bullet to miss easily.

It then moves to Carlth's right and performs an upward right, to downward left swing connected with a right to left slash.

Carlth moved to side to dodge the first slash then lowered his body to dodge the next.

He then lowered his body further summons his sword and gave it a tough grip.

"Paralyzation" he whispers then performs a downward left to upward right slash followed by sparks of lightning.

The monster was paralyzed and he decided to summon unsummon his sword and summon his sawed off shotgun.

He then performs a double kick, turns around as he holds the shotgun, points then shoots.











He decided to stand up and watch the current state of the monster.

"Guawaa..." the monster reacts as it lies.

(Wow, he managed to survive that) Carlth reacts as he holds his shotgun.

Not so long, the monster slowly stands up and breathes out.

He then summons his double uzi and shoots the monster.

(Ting) (Ting) (Ting) (Ting) (Pew) (Phsw) (TATATATA)

Metal sounds were heard as the monster was blocking.

It then dashes and performs a slice on Carlth's shoulder.

"Urgkh" Carlth felt it as portion of his blood splatters.

The monster stares at him as he bleeds.

Carlth clenches his teeth as he gives an angry look.

The monster then raises its left arm attemping to land a slash while charging slower than he last did.

Carlth decides to summon and carry both his pistol and sword.

Finally it reaches and lands a downward slash using its left arm.

Carlth responds with a sidestep causing it to miss and connects it with a gunshot on the monster's left arm.

It loses grip and before he lands another slash on the right arm, Carlth performs a spinning kick making the monster lose its grip again.

Carlth desummons his pistol and holds his sword with two hands and lands an upward slash as he jumps connected with quick left and right slashes.

He kicks the monster's head and lands on the monster's shoulder.

He then jumps up high and charges his blade from above.

"Inferno!" he shouts and starts blazing like a sun up the sky.

He then performs a blazing downward slash followed by a swing and stab then leaves and performs a spin attack that sent out a fireball.

The monster was burnt to crisp and slowly drops.

Right after that sign, Carlth looks at the dead monster and sees its steaming body.

He then reports that his mission is completed via mail.

The system congratulates him and he smiles.

We see a text on the screen showing "Rank-A"

He then decides to back on HQ and take a break.

While alone at the canteen, a woman was looking at him from a distance.

It was Sargine.

"Ayo! Carlth!" she calls from a distance as she carries a tray and waves with a smile.

Carlth waves back.

Sargine then sits on front of Carlth.

"Yo! I reached Class-A today" she tells after placing the tray.

She then chomps on the sandwich she bought.


"Me too!" Carlth replied.

"Oh yas!" Sargine was happy to hear it.

She then sets a high five and waits for Carlth.

Carlth catches it.


"1 more rank until we're superiors" Sargine tells.

"Yep, I'm excited about it" Carlth replied.

Suddenly, an emergency ping was received by both of them.

They then checked.

There was another tab on their mission list apart from "Normal", "Outlaw" and "Awakening".

It was named "Emergency" and they checked it out.

"Calling all A~SS+ ranked mercenaries" says the headline.

"The base is under attack by horde of Corons, deploy yourselves immediately" says the rest of the text.

As they finished reading, it was followed by a quake.

Carlth and Sargine held their heads.

They then calmed down and look around as they hear footsteps.

Lots of S+(Master) mercenaries passed by Carlth and Sargine before they even decide to stand up.

A man with a mix of white and black hair wielding a sword goes out.

A man with sharp eyes, undercut and yellow hair goes out as well, he was wielding silver gloves.

A woman with light purple hair, motivated eyes, light blue hoodie with white edges goes out as well and is wielding a scythe.

Much more came out including Chronos and Leila.

Chronos levitates her way towards the exit as crystal moves behind her.

Leila calmly walks as she summons some sort of black steel gloves and fixes her jacket.

"Should we go?" Sargine asks.

"Of course, we're Rank-A" Carlth answers.

They then immediately stands up and follows the masters.

We see a rampaging monster outside.

It was big, spiky and looked like a hairless oldman with no eyes but eyeholes.

It was muscular and some of its muscle fibers were clearly seen as some portion of its skin looks like as if they were shedding.

"Groaaaaaaar!" it emits a groundshaking roar.

Finally, everyone who had A+ and was at the canteen went out.

We started seeing Chronos with her bunny hoodie and her flowery dress as her hoodie was unbuttoned.

She was levitating and rotating her crystals as usual.

The woman with scythe, the man with black and white hair, man with undercut and Leila follows.

Suddenly, some sort of creature raises its hands.

We see an odd looking "human".

He had white hair, sharp eyes with piercing, light purple skin, red scarf, brown shirt, black ripped pants, barefoot and had a tail.

He then speaks.

"Hello there" he greets.

"I'd like to announce your failures that tried to reclaim Coj by themselves" he tells.

He then whistles.

"Bring em' up boys" he commands.

8 S-Class random Corons starts to appear and they're carrying corpses.

They then tossed the corpses one by one for everyone to see.

The only recognizeable was Nico, the man with scar which is a Master Mercenary.

Another nameless master mercenary was dropped as well along with 6 superiors.

"Great, Ozaron" the woman with scythe sarcastically praises.

He then looks at where the voice is from.

"Ohh, its little cute Madelina" Ozaron taunts.

"It's Madeline you dipshit" she angrily replied.

Chronos immediately interrupts and asks.

"What's your purpose here?" she asks.

"I just packed this stupid people right here for a quick show" Ozaron answers.

"If y'all wanna fight me-" Ozaron was suddenly interrupted by the giant monster punching a building.

He then looks.

"Hey stop that or I'll kill you" Ozaron threatens.

The monster stopped and walks back.

Ozaron then goes back looking at the mercenaries and clears his throat.


"Don't ever try conquering my Coj again or I'll visit and probably take you all down before you grow" Ozaron threatens.

Everyone stood their guard after that.

"No, no. I'm not planning to attack" says Ozaron.

"Just a warning" he adds as he speaks in a serious tone.

Suddenly, a shot was sent from a distance and it was direct hit on Ozaron's head.

He immediately died.

It was from a boy with curly light blue hair and sharp yellow eyes that had similar trait with Carlth.

"You can even wreck havoc right now if you want" says the boy.

"Except you're dead" he adds.

Suddenly Ozaron stands up and scratches his head.

"Oof" he says.

"You reduced my 69 lives to 68" he adds then stands up.

"What the hell!?" the boy was surprised.

Chronos doesn't know who that boy was so she decided to ask someone.

"Who is that?" Chronos asks the muscular man beside her that wields a gauntlet.

"Arthur, a fresh Master Mercenary" he answers.

"I see" says Chronos then looks back to Ozaron.

Ozaron then fixes his neck.

"I'll forgive that one" says Ozaron as he looks at Arthur.

He then continues.


"Don't underestimate us at Coj"

"If I get a group of insults again, I'll call the Corons immediately and we quickly decide who will win this war" he tells.

"I'm having fun fighting you all so I've decided to not make humans not extinct"

"Adios" he ends then leaves slowly.

"Giant, test them all" he commands the giant.

"Rest of you, go back to your positions" he commands the other corons.

They nod and leaves all at once.

"Why didn't we just kill him 68 times while he's vulnerable?" Arthur asks everyone.

Chronos, Madeline, Leila and the man with white and black hair looks.

However, only Chronos talked.

"He gets stronger on every death" she tells.

"Considering he only had 68 lives right now, Nico and his team managed to take him down 209 times" she adds.

"That's insane" Madeline reacts.

"Yes and I think he intentionally catched that bullet" says Chronos.

The muscular man with gauntlet joined and speaks.

"He sure way stronger than before now, that's why he was arrogant enough to visit here" he says.

"Regardless, we should think of our actions" she advices everyone.

"For now, take down this big monster" the man with white and black hair suggests.

"Canin is right" says Chronos.

They then started to position as the giant monster starts facing them.

"Everyone with ranks superior or lower, stand back!" Chronos shouts then rotates her crystals.

Madeline initiates by sending out an icy crescent slash.

As it reaches the monster crossed its arms to block it, creating a mist.

Chronos followed up by levitating and summoning a crystal spear she learned from Spacia.

She then positions herself while others attack from below.

She summons circular runes then throws the crystal spear with heavy force.

The monster attempts to block it but it ended up piercing its hands.

"Groaaar!!" he roars in pain.

Canin starts blessing his blade as he puts it on his face.

"Dance of death" he speaks.

Shadows starts covering him and he disappears.

He then reappears at the monster's back and performs multiple dark slashes as his dark wings were summoned.

It was a total of 8.

It gave the monster a few huge cuts but it managed to retaliate.

Canin blocks the incoming fist with his sword then crashes on the ground as well as losing his blade.

He stops the slide by summoning a dark rune on his front and flapping his wings.

He then hides them and reclaims his sword like a magnet.

Chronos was blasting the monster with crystals at this very moment and gets closer.

She then summons another spear but as she do, she was slammed.

"Kiya!" she felt it then crashes downwards.

We see Carlth stepping back as Chronos crashed right in front of him.

Chronos looked at him and gives "What are you looking at" look.

She then flies again almost immediately.

Meanwhile, the muscular man performs a giant leap.

As he reaches the monster's gut, he turned his gauntlet into a huge anchor and slams it to the monster.

The monster was stunned after that attack and the muscular man does a superhero landing then looks up.

Madeline starts creating icy steps to catch up with Chrono's flight.

She then starts blasting the monster with multiple ice crescent bursts while Chronos blasts from the other side.

A nameless master mercenary attempts to jump and lands a punch on its gut but before he do, the monster punches him and he crashed on the wall.

The low ranks gave way on his crashing site as they look.

After landing, a smoke appears and is slowly settled just to reveal that he's knocked out.

"We're definitely useless here" says Sargine.

"That's a master mercenary" she adds.

A nameless superior was angry about what he just heared.

He then pushes everyone away.

As he finds an open space, he summons his magical bow and blasts the giant coron.

As the magical arrow reaches, the monster eats it.

He was surprised and is now sweating after seeing that.

Realizing Sargine was right, he walks back.

A master mercenary archer sees it from a distance.

He had wine red hair, black glasses and red cape.

He makes his bow glow stronger as he charges so the superior ranked archer could see it.

After channeling, he started blasting.

(Pshew!) (Bargh!)

The monster's head was moved from that arrow shot.

He then gives a thumbs on the weaker archer.

The weaker archer nervously gives a thumbs up back.

The man with wine red hair then starts going closer to the scene and performs more arrow shots.

Canin was also attacking every skin he could reach.

The man with anchor does the same.

Chronos keeps on barraging.

Leila starts on moving as well.

She went on Madeline's stairs and goes up to find a position.

Finally, Madeline finds herself closer to the monster.

She then summons a spell.

"Devouring Frost!" she speaks.

Ice suddenly starts to form from a rune on front of her creating some sort of claw machine-shaped ice and pierced the monster's neck.

"Guwargh!" the monster reacts.

He then looks back to Madeline and slams her.

Madeline responds with a reaper slash that cuts the palm of the monster.

She creates more ice steps to get above the level of the giant.

She then jumps and performs a downward ice slash on the giant's head.

It was strong but her scythe ended up getting pinned.

She attempts to pull it back but the monster holds her then throws her on the ground.

She takes the drop with eyes closed.

Carlth chases the area he predicts where Madeline would land as he knows she'll get knocked like that other mercenary.

Just as he thought, he reached then catches Madeline with all his might to lessen the impact.

He then hugs Madeline by the chest and holds her tight.

Suddenly, the knockback stopped.

Madeline slowly opens her eyes and looks at Carlth.

"Thank you" she said then nods.

She then decided to go back to the fight.

Carlth smiled.

Suddenly, backup came and includes more masters.

A man with a book starts charging a dark orb and blasts the monster.

A man with dual blades and red scarf starts slashing the monster at quick fashion as he goes up.

While he's on the head, he stabs its eyes then dashes downward.

As he was too high, his landing created a crater.

The monster is now taking too much damage and decides to swing randomly.

Chronos was hit but she summoned a shield and blocks it causing her to get knocked back on the other side but with her control.

Canin returned again and slices the monster's arm with a dark slash.

It fell and crashed on the ground.

The man with anchor uses Madeline's stairs and finds a position.

Canin then starts moving to the other arm by flying.

As he reaches, the hands attempted to constrict him but he stabs it before it does then flies downwards for safety.

The master archer lands another strong blast on the giant's head again that caused its head to move back.

The man with anchor finally finds a position and decides to slam the giant's face.

The impact was strong that it feels like the monster's face just melted.

It then slowly drops.

Everyone was supposed to attack the monster at once as its on the ground but a girl's voice was heard from above.

"Move away!" it was Chronos unleashing a strong aura.

They then moved away and gave her space.

As she was above, she summoned multiple runes.

She then summons gigantic spears from the runes and stabs the monster from head to toe.

An earthquake was felt as the spears drop.

Some of the people dropped from the squake while others ignored it.

Finally, the monster is not showing any responds.

Chronos gives a thumbs up from the sky and everyone cheered.

The muscular man and the rest were happy as well.

Canin flaps his way down.

Carlth was fascinated on what he just seen.

(They're cool) he says on his head.

Suddenly, he felt a touch on his shoulders.

"Everything is fine now" it was Sargine and she was smiling.

"Let's go back eating" she invites.

Carlth wasn't responding and just looked at her so she decided to drag him.

"Come on, lets eat!" she says as she forcibly take Carlth.

(I wonder if I can be as strong as them someday) he says.

Madeline watches from a distance as Carlth was dragged.

Suddenly, she remembered that there were corpses on the ground placed by Ozaron's gang before.

As she looks, she sees that they're already being carried by the staff.

She then decided to think about how Carlth saved her way back and appreciates.

She ends it with a smile.