

A virus plague has killed millions of people except young men. Years later, it evolved and took over a physical form to overcome humanity. Despite this, most humans are also fighting each other in order to survive due to shortage of resources. How would Carlth Genesis deal with this chaotic world earth has turned into.

Vhix · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Strolling to the market

We see man in suit driving his car casually, probably planning to go somewhere.

He looks at his side and sees vibrant trees as well as buildings in ruins with molds and grasses on it.

He looks on his front and it's the same except there are more buildings than trees.

"It's been a year" he says on his head.

"What has world become?" he asks himself as he drives.

As he continues, he sees 3 men on the left wielding pistols and he predicts that they will shoot him.

Before they do, he picked up his glock from the car and shoots 3 rounds on his left.

This killed the three men.

Suprisingly, a shot was sent on his right.

The bullet shattered the glass from his car and was felt in slow motion.

Luckily, his reaction was fast and he manage to lower his head before the bullet hits and retaliate to the man.

He then picked up a baseball bat and completely shatter the windshield on his right.

"I wonder if there's more of them" he whispers as he continues.

Finally, he reached the supermarket.

Before he enters, more men are scouting behind him.

Some are bald and most looked like normal people and just as well, they are wielding guns.

Although they are less aggresive this time, Carlth decided to be cautious.

"Maybe they will attack me after I collected the goods inside" he whispers.

He then picks up an M16 from the back of the car, carried extra rounds and then decides to go.

It was day when this happened so the market can be clearly seen from the inside.

He picked up a shopping cart and took all the canned goods he could take.

He looked around and saw bread but he decided to not take them as they are full of mold.

Suddenly, a voice echoed from a distance.

"Boy, this place is occupied" says the shadowy man further his left.

He was on the verge of picking up more canned goods when the voice echoed.

He then looks.

We see clear image of the man.

It was a muscular man wearing glasses and had a camouflauge tank tops paired with black pants-shorts.

"I just wanna take some food, champ" he says then smiles.

After that, he looks away and focuses on taking the goods.

"Are you deaf?" the man speaks.

Carlth then pauses.

"I said this place is occupied" says the man.

"I give you one last chance"

We see the camera zoomed on his mouth.

"Return the goods, or die" he threatens.

After hearing this, Carlth immediately rolls away and shoots the man on the chest with his M16 as he sit on his left knee.

Despite being shot, the man manage to retaliate with his pistol and attempts to shoot Carlth on his head.

Carlth manage to move his head and dodge the bullet.

He then ends it with a headshot, knocking the man down.

Suddenly, more bullets starts shooting him from the back but he managed to run in a safer place which is behind the shelf.

He reloads as he hears footsteps on the side.

He then initiates and shoots the incoming man on the head and goes back to his last position.

"Stupid amateurs" he whispers.

More and more footsteps starts getting heared by him.

He then looks behind him and sees 3 men.

He decided to sit by his knees again and perform headshots on each men.

Another one came but he was fast enough to land another headshot for that one.

Bullets keep on coming and he manage to enter the cashier area.

He then goes below the desk and waits for an opportunity.

Suddenly, a bullet pierced through from where he is hiding and from that moment... he know he isn't safe.

He then moves and a man pointing a pistol welcomed him.

He then slams the man's arm with his M16 and shoots its head.

As he shot the man, two men were behind him.

He managed to shot the other one and lowered his head as the other one manage to shoot a bullet.

He crawls on the side and shoots the last one by its temple.

He then reloads and looks around if there's more.

So far, there were none.

He then goes back to his shopping cart and looks at the people he killed.

"Filthy amateurs" he speaks on his head then looks back to the canned goods.

Suddenly, he heared a voice of a woman from a distance.

"Stop!" it says.

As he looks, there was a man beside him with a knife.

He then quickly slams it with his gun and shoots its head.

"Oh my God! Stop!" The woman shouts again.

He then looks at where it's from.

He sees young beautiful woman with blonde hair crying.

"Stop killing people!" she begs.

Carlth then approaches her.

As he goes close, he notices that he's taller so he started patting her head.

The girl then looks up at him.

At was a very cute moment and they stared at each other for 5 seconds.

Suddenly, she pulled up a gun and points it on Carlth's head.

Carlth managed to move causing the bullet to hit his shoulders instead.

He then punched the woman.

The woman was stunned and dropped her pistol.

"Don't kill me" she begs as she slowly attempts to pick up her pistol while lying.

Carlth then kicks it as he points his M16.

"Please don't kill me" the beautiful woman begs as she cries with her hands giving her a cover.

"I'll be useful to you, please" she tells then moves her hands on her skirt and lifts it up to show her pink panties.

She then slowly removes it but Carlth decided to shoot her head.

The woman then died.

"Fucking bitch" Carlth says as he walks back to his shopping cart.

He then looks around to find something that would help him deal with his gunshot wound.

He finds alcohol and immediately goes to it.

He starts removing his suit and shirt beneathe then pours entire bottle of alcohol to the wound.

Although it hurts, he decided to remove the bullet on his shoulder by himself and pour another bottle and tosses it on the side.

Thinking he's fine, he returned to the shopping cart once again and gets the goods he could get.

After that, he decided to leave and walk past by the dead people including the woman.

As he is on the exit, he looks above and enjoys the clear sky as he covers the top of his head.

"I wish I could go back to the past" he speaks.

He then continues walking with the cart and goes to the back of his car.

He decides to open it and puts the goods he got inside 1 by 1.

As he do, the voice of the woman echoed on his head.

"I can be useful to you, please" says the woman as he recalls.

He then stops recalling it and speaks on his head.

"I kinda regret that" he said.

He then picks up cigarettes on his pocket and lights one.

"If she didn't shot me, we could be good" he says as he looks at nothingness.

Fast forward, he managed to go home and opened the door while carrying the goods he got.

A photo welcomed him, a man and woman smiling.

"I'm home mom... dad" he says to the photo as he smiles.

He then moves around and sees more photos.

His graduation, photo at the park with his parents, a photo with his elder brother on a doctor clothing and a photo with his dad wearing military uniform.

"I kinda miss you guys" he whispers.

He then takes the photo with his brother and stares at it as he drops the goods he was carrying.

(Especially you bro) he tells on his head then puts the photo back.

We can't clearly see the photo as it was covered by reflection but after Carlth returned it...

We see a brown haired man wearing glasses.

After that, he decided to look at the window from the side to enjoy the view.

He then noticed that something is moving.

He decided to pick up his gun but was stopped by a hand.

He looked and sees a man wearing a motorcycle helm and wielding a pistol.

It then slammed his head into unconciousness.

Finally, he wakes up.

He was shackled in sort of a dark room with a style of cyberpunk.

There was two shadowy people in front of him.

"Welcome" it speaks.

After it greets, lights starts to turn on.

We see an old man with white hair and glasses holding his chin and a busty pink haired woman on the side with a ponytail and glasses.

"Hello, Mr. Genesis" the woman greets.

(How did she know my last name) Carlth speaks on his head.

The woman then goes to his ears and speaks "Don't be afraid" then moves her head away and smiles.

"I am Lilybeth Gegner" the woman introduces herself.

"Call me Lily" she suggests.

"I am Professor Victor Smarts" the old man introduces.

"Call me Vic" he suggests.

Carlth's head is heavy and he doesn't know if he should trust the two or not.

As he has nowhere to go, he decided to just trust them.

He then looks at the woman's chest then to the face and asks.

"Do you have a cigarette?" Carlth asks.

The woman blinks.

Suprisingly, she actually had a pack behind her uniform and hands over a stick to Carlth and lights it.

Carlth puffs and the woman removes it immediately.

"Finally calm?" Victor asks.

"Pretty much" says Carlth.

"Good" says Victor and smiles.

Lily then smiles too and moves away to reveal something.

It was a cart with a single flask and an injection.

"What the hell is that?" Carlth asks.

"My juice. You'd love it" says Lily then winks.

"Fuck off" Carlth angrily responds.

"Ohh come on, I know you find me cute" says Lily as she squeezes Carlth's face.

"Tsch" Carlth clenches his teeth.

"Lily, focus on the job" says Victor from a distance.

"I'm sorry" says Lily then nods for forgiveness.

Victor stares at her then speaks again.

"I hope everything is done right after I leave" he says then leaves as the door automatically opens.

Carlth and Lily looked at him.

Finally the door closes.

"We're alone now" says Lily.

"Wanna do something else?" Lily asks as she licks her lips.

"Can you shut the fuck up?" Carlth shouts.

Lily then blinks and remembers she's holding a cigarette.

She then makes Carlth smoke for another round.

Carlth puffs.

"Unshackle me here" Carlth says after Lily took the cigarette out.

"Not yet" says Lily.

"We're about to do something to you first" she tells.

Lily then looks at him from head to toe and notices his buldges.

"You seem well bodied" she praises.

"I know" says Carlth.

He then pauses.

"What what" he says as he notices a weird look on Lily's face.

"Fuck" he struggles.

"Let me fucking go!" he shakes the shackle and the chair as an attempt to leave.

It just won't work.

Lily then starts unbuttoning his clothes.

He clenches his teeth and sweats as Lily looks at him weirdly.

She then starts massaging his body.

"You ready?" she softly whispers.

As the buldge between Carlth's legs starts to rise, Lily quickly picks up the syringe behind and drains the liquid at the flask then injects it to Carlth's stomach.

"Gyakh" Carlth felt the pain from the quick stab.

Suddenly, he feels dizzy and starts hallucinating.

Some sort of codes starts to appear on front of his eyes as well as diagrams and artworks supposedly meant to send information.

The effect gets stronger and Carlth starts to shake aggresively.

Lily decided to stand back and watch.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Carlth screams as runes starts to appear around his body and the room starts to shake as the lights change between on and off.

Lily starts to sweat and resides by the wall for her safety as the medicine is too good.

Finally, it stopped.

"Huff... huff... huff..." Carlth starts panting as he looks down while sweating so hard.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?" he aggresively screams.

Suddenly, Professor Victor starts going back to the room and talks.

"I see, you are really the perfect candidate" says Victor.

"The fuck you saying? What did you do to me you stupid old man?" he screams as he looks at Victor.

Victor then sighs and tells.

"We turned you into a superhuman" he says.

Carlth then pauses.

"Super...human?" he slowly speaks.

Lily watches.

Carlth then tests if its true.

He started struggling against the chains again.

Just as he thought, he easily removed his arm.

He then checks his body out and starts playing with his hands.

(What is this feeling) he speaks on his head.

(Why do I feel so strong) he adds.

Suddenly, he looked at Lily.

Lily gulps as Carlth looks at her.

Carlth starts approaching her and holds her by the neck.

She then started sweating.

As Carlth was close enough, he starts to slowly move up her uniform and puts his hands in then whispers in her ear.

"You wanna do me dirty huh?" he says then bites it.

"P-professor!" she calls for help.

Professor then immediately picks up a remote from his pocket and presses a button.

Carlth then felt a shock on his neck.

"Gwarkh" he reacts as he notices he was wearing a collar.

Victor then performed more shocks until Carlth is on fetal position.

Lily breathes heavily as she finds comfort.

Victor performed more shocks while asking Carlth.

"We cool?" he asks.

"Make this stop!" Carlth begs.

Victor performed more shocks.

"GAAAAAAAA" Carlth screams in pain.

Victor performed additional shocks again.

Lily then holds his hands and stops him.

"Enough, sir" Lily suggests.

Carlth pants.

Victor then looks down at him as he speaks.

"You better cool your head or you'd be a wasted potential" he says.

Carlth then looks at nowhere as his sweat drops.

Suddenly, more people starts to go in.

It was a blue haired man and an orange haired woman with a short hair.

They seemed to be nurses and is carrying food.

"Hello sir, we brought the food you asked for" says the man.

"I'm carrying the drinks" says the woman.

Victor then looks.

"Thanks Marie and Clyde" he appreciates then looks back to Carlth.

"Stand up and eat" he commands Carlth.

"Lily, help her" he instructs Lily.

Lily then nods and helps Carlth stand up.

"The seduction was part of procedure, I'm really sorry" says Lily.

"Seduction?" Clyde asks.

"Huh?" Marie reacts.

Victor sighs.

"Take him out so he could eat" he tells.

Lily nods.

Carlth slowly stands up and aims for the door.

Marie and Clyde brings him outside revealing a wide block with other women and men on uniform looking at them.

Despite this, they continued walking and ended up on a canteen.

There were so many people around and they are looking as well.

A woman with yellow hair and ponytail with sharp blue eyes wearing black jacket while holding a burger.

A green eyed man with scar on his left cheek and looks very intimidating while eating a soup.

A man with light brown hair and glasses with brown eyes.

Carlth then sits down a table as Clyde and Marie places the food.

Carlth then looks around and people who were looking starts looking away.

"Welcome!" Marie happily greets.

Lily sat beside him and eat as he looks around.

He notices that there's only two person wearing a collar across the room.

Him and a man with a fang and spiky dark blue hair from quite a distance.

Lily picks up fries and starts eating.

"What is this place?" Carlth asks as Lily chews.

She then stops to explain.

"This is a Laboratory turned into a base" she tells.

"We are let's say... private army for some thing" he explains then continues taking fries.

"What do you mean? Tell me more" Carlth says.

"We spy on people around the world looking for potential candidates to handle what we call "superhuman" flask" she says.

"So far, you are one of the rare people who released so much energy right after taking it" she she adds then takes more fries just to realize she already ate all.

"Damn, this is not plenty!" she angrily says as she checks out if the fries really run out by shacking the package down.

"I need more answers" Carlth tells.

"Basically, you are like a superhero now. Work for us to save the world"

"That simple" says Lily.

"Superhero?" Carlth asks.

Lily then rolls her eyes and picks up the burger then puts it on Carlth's mouth.

"Eat" she says.

Carlth realizes he's hungry and decided to finish the food.

(I think I have enough answers)

(I still feel weird though) he speaks on his head.

Lily then tells him something.

"Your training will start tomorrow so we could check out what traits you obtained and what are your capabilities" Lily explains.

Carlth looks as he eats the burger.

"Your collar will be removed once you go up the ranks and..." suddenly Lily stops.

We see her eyes covered in black as she speaks.

"We hope you don't turn into "Him" after your collar gets removed" she adds.

"Him?" Carlth asks.

Lily then looks with a smile.

"Never mind that" she says then continues eating.

"Your training will start tomorrow" she ends talking with Carlth.

Carlth then decides to look around as he eat.

He sees people acting normally, laughing and talking.

It seems to be a nice place.

He then hopes for the best tomorrow as he holds his collar.