

go read: Welcome to Ikigai Beyond it’s the updated remake of this book ^

Vanilla_Chino · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Episode 4 (part 2): Fugazi

Eight years of never busting is unheard of. Believe me I know. Not even a single wet dream. But when you feel the enormous amount of power seeping into your body after each day that you withhold yourself, anyone would feel the same type of urge I get to remain disciplined. 

I have done well to avoid women within our little village, besides Dior. People of the reef are looked down upon, by both the coastals and the peaks. Their demon horns, red flesh and golden eyes are repulsive to everyone who lays eyes on them. Anyone that is, besides myself. Dior has always been beautiful. Her pink skin and silver hair looked good on her petite frame. I've had a few close calls, but none to that of Zara's levels of danger. That wretched witch had me fearing for my life's work.

If anyone within the academy was even half as close in Zara's looks, I would be in dire danger. I quickly dressed myself in the tunic Tia had picked out for me. It is woven from dark black silk and embroidered with silver threads. Must be a peakie thing, I think it looks hideous.

As soon as I exit the bathroom, Tia greets me with a basen of white dye. Oh hell no. They are going to strip me of my beautiful red hair. The garrison peakies only have monochromatic schemes within their fashion, all in white black or grey. They are even born with that color of hair and eyes. Their gene pools are genetically altered before birth to get the desired outcome.

Tia applies the dye mixture onto my scalp. It should burn, but it doesn't. I'm just too powerful to feel pain from mere chemical burns. Dior places contacts into my eyes. She's a bit too close for comfort.

Titus: Hey watch it!

Dior: What?

She stares blankly at me. I haven't told anyone my curse. It's an embarrassing one to admit, and telling someone your curse is like sealing your death sentence. That is something I should guard with my life.

Titus: My eyes, you grazed it while placing the contacts…

I lied about what made me uncomfortable, and it seems to work. She rolls her eyes and continues to adjust the settings of the contacts. They are more for data than for appearance. It has cameras within the retinas that give a direct feed to our command centers screens. 

Dior: With this and your ear piece, we'll be guiding you through your every move.

Titus: So… is this guy that's adopting me trustworthy or should I be prepared to slaughter the entire household in case things go wrong?

Tia: No, you can't just kill people in the peaks. They keep record of everyone and the inquisitors are all readily available within moments notice.

Dior: There is no need to do that with this person that I am bribing. They are in dire need of the healing elixir and it is extremely rare even among the peaks. The royal family that you will be joining are called the Saint's. They will be sending their first born son, Burberry, to retrieve you from the North wall. He apparently knows a way to sneak in so we'll have to trust they want the elixir enough to do that successfully.

Tia finishes washing out the dye from my hair as Dior fills me in on the information. She moves on to apply cosmetic creams and makeup on my face to conceal my rough and battered skin. This process is unbearably uncomfortable, I much rather prefer the comforts of my soot and mask.

Titus: Okay… Well now that we're up to speed, are you ready to honor your end of the bargain?

Dior: Huh?

Titus: My questions? About your past and blessing?

Dior: Oh, that's not that interesting. I grew up in the reef, it was miserable. Although my sweet mother did all she could, people did not take the fact that I was a half breed too well and my mom and I were exiled. She was a decent shepherd so she and her band of pets did pretty well in protecting me as a child, navigating our way through the abandoned parts of the abyss but eventually she died to a diver. I would've died too if it wasn't for the goddess of Lust making me her vessel. I am blessed with a tongue that can command those that lust after me. The more people I can cause to lust for me, the more essence I gain to make my words be more potent.

Titus: How did you get me to obey you? I uh… I don't lust for you.

Dior: Sure buddy. The blessing can't lie.

I blush in embarrassment. Damn that hurts my pride. 

Titus: Your curse?

She raises her brow. That's what I thought. I'm asking for too much.

Titus: Alright what about your age?

Dior: I should be twenty in a few months.

Yikes… four years older. She's old as fuck.


Tia packed my things in a bag. There's not much in there. Just spare clothes, a few gadgets, and a letter of recommendation for the academy. I say goodbye to all the villagers and embrace Tia and Dior before I head off. I can hear Tito cry as I walk away. That little guy can be tough when he needs to be, but looks like my absence might get to him. It shouldn't affect the village much. They don't really know what Tyde looked like without his mask. The idiot warriors will dwindle out and people will go back to seeking shelter in our secret base. Tia and Dior will take care of them. Maybe one day Tito will take my place.

I will miss them. This is my home. The peaks are not where I belong. At least I have Tia and Dior's voice to guide me once I get there. The journey to the wall will take me three days. Several ghouls lurk nearby as I walk but they know better than to challenge me. I don't rush there using my inhuman speed. This will most likely be my last moments being able to touch grass and feel the breeze of the shore. The inner city of the peaks garrison is pure metal, the sky shrouded in bleak outlines of steel buildings and magnetized roads. Neon lights ignite the sky as I get closer. On the last day of my trip, I get bored enough to open the letter as I stop where I was supposed to meet this Burberry guy.

The letter reads:

To whom it may concern. The dictionary defines superlative as of the highest kind, quality, or order, surpassing all else or others; supreme. I define it as Titus Saint. As a brave warrior, as a protector, as a man, and as a friend; he is of the highest kind, quality, and order: supreme. 

Dior and Tia Saint 

Damn. I know it's fake. I know they fluffed it up for me to make it in, but I can sense the touch of personal compliments sprinkled in there. That just warms my heart. My eyes water as a smile grows on my face.

Burberry: Whatcha reading there mister?

Startled, I turn around to see a tall handsome young man with pale skin and messy raven black hair. Whoa, bro is majestic. He's got the sharpest jawline, and a pair of charming gray eyes with a sinister sparkle in them. A dark long coat with a hood and a belt with a rapier strapped to it sits on his lean muscular frame. Gods if the academy is full of people that meet this guys beauty standard, I'm so fucked.