
"Bloom Above Sky"

A journey across the land of a young boy to the top of the world

Cyrillic_ · Fantasy
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23 Chs

"Encounter With Possess Monster"

The elder declare the hunt begin but will end before the sunset, as danger loom in the place during dark ( so they have to come to the shrine before dark)

everyone left hurriedly and as Ting was about to go, Reika stop him and told him to be careful and be safe,

I'm off, Ting response and went,

Reika too obviously wanted to join to guard the safety of Ting but she couldn't as she had already past 17,already 19 years old.

after it began not long before it, Ting has already killed five monster and another two afterward but as it was moving on unknowingly Ting had already crossed the safety line supervise by the elder and the elder too wasn't able to realise that Ting cross the line, as they were busy saving the other participants with the monster which was not expected of that horde of monster is going to be there in the forest during day time.

As Ting was moving forward, he too realise later but was stuck with the monster with three heads, four legs, huge in size, facing in front of him.

Ting was flustered and shocked thinking , what is happening to make this kind of monster appear so near the border but whatsoever he was not scared nor afraid of it, he directly took a stance and with his sword attack the monster with three strike but was useless,

What kind of monster is it? not even a damage

Then he realise that the monster was demonize and that the monster has lost it consciousness,

but then took a stance again,

'The Dance Of Rain' and killed the monster

with fast consecutive 5 repeated stroke and with the core of monster he was about to leave but felt dizzy and lost only seeing a shadow of someone.

Ting wake up but it was going to be dark and he rushed quickly as possible.

Everyone had returned, the sun has set.

villager saw Ting has yet to arrive and asking among themselves what had happened to him had something wrong happened to him seeing the other injured and some elders too.

Reika was getting worried and asked the elder if they had seen him but nobody saw him from the moment the trial began and as the chief was about to order to look for him,

Ting returned with bruish and messy clothes,

Reika ran towards him asking whether he is alright, or something happen?

nothing I'm fine, Ting replied.

But it was already dark.