
"avenger in naruto"(Sasuke's legend)

A young man after dying finds himself transmigrated in the Body of Sasuke . He was little sad after killing Kaguya . There will no longer be more twist and turns in his life as he is already strong in Naruto world. Madara who was dying at the end of ninja has strong remorse and unwillingness after being calculated by Black Zetsu . While dying Madara somehow summoned Indara's Soul and obtain a key to go to Ostussuki World . He chooses three people i.e Hashirama , Minato and Sasuke . With a perfect team , let's see what difference will I make this time ... Madara looked towards the vast sky

Legend_awakened_99 · Fantasy
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49 Chs

End but A new beginning

Mother.....!!! Black Zetsu panicked ...

Naruto kicked black Zetsu towards Kagyua.

Kagyua was being sealed . She face was very angry and sad.

I remembered a legendary sentence at this moment.

Kagyua should be like , " Why Am I Still Alive... Just to Suffer...??? Hee hee.....! Hahhh...!! I was laughing holding my stomach.

I just can't help but laugh.. Hahhh. ..! Hahhh.....!!!! .

Why are you laughing Sauske ?

I didn't replied but stop for a moment and again laughed crazily. Hahhh... !!!

I said laughingly ... Imagine a alien have made preparations for Thousand years To broke free from a seal.

And when she just succeed , she was again sealed unwillingly.

This is the biggest joke I have ever seen... Hahhh..!!

I finally controlled my laughter.

I took a long breath and thinking what to do now.....

Hogoromo appeared .

Now that my mother is sealed , what will you do , naruto and Sauske ?

you can summon souls right?

yes , Sasuke. Do you want to talk to someone ?

Can you bring Itachi soul here. I want to ask him something.


next moment ... How have you been , Sasuke..? Itachi appeared.

I am doing well.

I want to ask you something .Do you wish to live again in this world ? I can revive you with my own power now..!

Itachi smiled and said,

My answer is No . I already know that you are doing well. You have good friends as well . I wanted to die immediately after I killed our father and mother . But just to guide you , I remained alive.

I don't have desire to live again.

So you don't have to think about me much. Besides I am living with father and mother in spirit world happily.

I sighed ... Ok , I got my answer.

Madara was lying on the ground.

What a good relation between brothers.

I also had a brother like Sauske... He sighed...

Hey sage of six paths can you connect my brother's soul with me..?

As you wish ...

Madara met privately with Izuna soul .

How are you brother ? Izuna said. Did you fail in your plan ? He asked calmly.

You guessed right, Izuna.

I failed utterly . My life has become meaningless . I was calculated my some one I blindly trust.

Tell me Izuna , were we really evil from our childhood ? Madara remembered his adventures with Izuna.

Izuna with a long sigh ...

We were neither evil not righteous. We were revolutionary in nature. We just wanted to gain power together in our own way. Our bond was very strong. We used to think about unifying world. It's a pity that I died earlier than you. But I never regret dying in battle.

Just ask your own heart brother , We were not evil but the most heroic in our era. Though , This was only our assumption. Hahhh...

I have slightly lost this genuine feeling after living in spirit world. But you have to leave upto your will , brother ..!

Never let this feeling fade away from your heart..!

Hahhh.. Hahhh.. !!

Thank you Izuna. Madara hugged him tightly . If I have a strong faith in myself, then why should I care for a small failure. My heart is firm again and I will never loose this feeling for eternity. ..!

Though I have lost , I considered This my victory. This is the long Lost feeling of being truly satisfied with my own belief .

My revolutionary spirit is eternal.. Hahhh... Madara laughed loudly..

At this moment whole world freezes

The earth was covered by a bright purple light and Everyone was freezed as if the time has stopped.

I was frowning... what's going on here . Madara was covered with dense purple aura.

Hogoromo was startled..

This is.. This is Indara 's aura ...

Soon , The head of three immortal place came there out of nowhere.

Toad immortal said what's going on here Hogoromo ?

Hogoromo looked at the three immortals. It's my Elder son aura.

Before they could say anything , a large purple shadow appeared behind Madara.

I have finally got my answer . What I lacked was a strong genuine belief. Thank you , Madara.

He smiled and looked at me too. Your heart is also firm ,he said.

Long sigh...

I can finally die with peace of mind . Take this power. May be you two will be able to complete my dream!


His soul disappeared .

Looks like , Indara has finally got his desired answer. Hogoromo exclaimed.

I am happy for you , Indara my son.

Suddenly , a purple majestic sword appeared.

The immortals and Hogoromo were looking with serious but happy face upon seeing the majestic swords.

This is.. " This is.. Death Blood Sword"

The sword directly went inside Madara body.

Madara was quickly recovered under it's aura. There was a purple sword mark in his right arm glowing brightly.

Thank you for trusting me. Madara said slowly looking at the sky where Indara disappeared.

He seems to know all the function of the sword.

Death blood sword ...! Find my partners.

The sword glows purple and imitated aura in the surroundings.

There were four there people glowing purple at this moment.

They were me , Hasirama and minato.

Don't reject the Chakra . Make your heart firm and accept it . Madara said loudly.

The Chakra was increasing my strength, so I just accepted it.

Soon , I also have the same mark as Madara . Same was the case with Hasirama and Minato.

Congratulations to you all .

You four have been chosen by a powerful divine weapon.

Hey , sage of six paths! can you explain what is this mark we got? I could not help but ask.

Ok listen to me .

I had two sons : Indara and Asura

My eldest son Indara was very talented from birth where as Asura was not much talented.

I found out that Indara was slightly evil in nature but Asura was caring to all since childhood.

So I decided to make Asura as my successor.

Indara was angry because I didn't choose him .

He killed his close friends and opened Mangekyo shringan.

Your spirit mark is the Mangekyo ability of Indara right eye and it can be shared to the fated person through left eye.

He could not use it because his heart was not firm enough.

As his reincarnation , Madara has just now solved his problem. So , Indara gave his Power to Madara. Madara used the ability to share the power to fated person just now . Thus you get the mark.

What is the purpose of this mark, Minato asked.

This sword is a key to go to soul continent.

Soul Continent .!! where is that ? I asked.

Soul continent is the centre of this whole world. It is extremely vast . It is the most rich place to increase power for all chakara cultivators.

I was very excited to hear them. I thought that I will loose my adventurous spirit if I become over poweful . But , there is such a senerio here..

Yess..!! yess..!! I very much looking forward to go soul continent.